The Eternal battle

Chapter 35: The Arrogance of the Gods

Chapter 35: The Arrogance of the Gods

Shi Tu and Alice's father had nothing to talk about and Alice's father was about to leave but Shi Tu stopped him

"Alice's disease has reappeared." Shi Tu spoke very seriously and surprised Alice's father before he paid attention to what Shi Tu said.

Alice's father stopped his steps and looked at Shi Tu suspiciously

"What disease you talking about? My daughter is in good health and it is impossible to catch any disease"

Unusually, the expression Shi Tu was completely serious and this topic seemed to bring back some sad and happy old memories

"The arrogance of the gods is the name of her disease, right?"

Alice's father grabbed the ax on his back and released his aura completely and was ready to silence Shi Tu forever and bury this secret with him.

"Calm down, don't be aggressive. I know this is a secret that should not be revealed, but since I revealed it, don't you think you should at least listen to me? Maybe I can't defeat you, but if I want to run you can't stop me. Don't you know this well after all our fights?"

Alice's father calmed down a bit but didn't take his cold looks off Shi Tu

"What do you know? What do you want from geting close to Alice?"

The threat was very clear but Shi Tu ignored it and did not ask who Shi Tu really was or how he knew because this did not matter

"The arrogance of the gods is a hereditary blood disease and leads to a loss of control and intense anger on the most trivial reasons especially during combat. It also affects the mind, making its owner extremely arrogant and unable to think properly and his psychological state is very volatile and has a strong thirst for blood and murder, and most importantly is the extreme love of the mother and extreme hatred of the father This is the reason why you hate wars and chaos in the world now because you will not be able to control your anger and you may kill your daughter, as far as I know, only three people in history have this disease."

While Shi Tu remembers the past, his face fluctuated between many emotions

Loneliness, sadness, longing, disappointment, anger

Alice's father remained silent waiting for Shi Tu to complete his speech

"Isn't your fate pathetic? You will always end up killing your daughter and wife during your anger, and you are the one who killed Alice mother this time right?"

Alice's father was not angry at the sarcasm of Shi Tu because he was completely right, but he felt sad, guilt and responsibility and wanted to give Alice a happy life, for this reason he suppressed all wars in the world since her birth and did not reject any of her request but he did not expect that women also could inherit the arrogance of the gods

"I can save Alice," Shi Tu said softly

Alice's father wasn't affected a lot and considered it just a joke, is there a way he hasn't tried it?

"I know you don't believe me, but I cured your son from this disease so I can treat Alice too," Shi Tu said with confidence

"What? He is still alive? Are you telling the truth?"

When he heard about his son, the emotions of Alice's father exploded, he could not prevent himself from crying and could not think of anything but the face of that little boy who was sticking to him in the woods

It didn't seem that Alice's father would soon calm down so he continued

"As I said, I can cure Alice's disease and I can get her out of here, but you will have to hand over the blades of chaos."

"Impossible," Alice's father replied involuntarily despite the situation in which he was

Blades of Chaos were his most valuable treasure and it was impossible for him to hand them over to anyone because they meant so much to him

"I need them to leave. Think about this well. You sacrificed your daughter previously for power and the world in order to bring back the sun to a your world, you left your daughter in hell but in the end that world was not worth your sacrifice. Would you sacrifice another daughter for strength? You cannot get out of here anyway what is its usefulness? "

Alice's father remembered what he had done in the past, for his loyalty, for the world and for himself, he gave up the opportunity to save his daughter

"You may know the past, but you will never understand how I feel. You have no clue ..."

"I know, I almost passed by the same thing. You started the first Ragnarok war, and I started the second. My fate was no different from your fate because I was defeated by the betrayal of the giants."

Shi Tu turned to leave and said

"Think carefully. If you make up your mind, come after a month. I will be waiting."

Then Shi Tu jumped from the ledge to go down and disappeared into the darkness

"Don't make a decision you regret, ghost of Sparta."

'Heh no wonder he always called me ghost, turned he knew who I am from the start it seems like a lot of things happened during my absence I wonder how much time has passed since that brat Atreus pushed me off the cliff? '


Africa, The Great Desert

Just like its name, The Great Desert is the largest desert in the world, consisting of the majority of the area for ten full countries

The Great Desert is the second hardest living environment in the world after the Antarctic Desert

Because of the harsh environment, the population is very small, as a few scattered tribes are limited, and it is not strange to cross hundreds of kilometers without finding a single form of life.

The Great Desert is a hell to live in and also a paradise to hide

Because of the technology, it is easy to build underground base and easy to monitor military bases as well

In the heart of the Great Desert and on the common borders of many countries, a small military base was built

It has only a hundred people and is legally a training base for bodyguards of an international company

But only a fool would believe it after seeing it

Throughout the day many trucks loaded with many objects enter most of them are banned from weapons and drugs

Below the base is a secret base that reaches hundreds of meters underground and kilometers wide

The owner of this place is called Rashid, and he is one of the five largest illegal merchants in the world, his specialty is weapons, but he does not mind helping with anything else as long as there is a profit.

Rashid's empire extends to all parts of the world and is the result of hundreds of years of accumulation until he reached this stage in his generation

Yesterday, Rashid received a message saying that his life was being targeted by the Assassins league and the Shadows Garden in the next ten days

The strange thing is that those who brought the message were two people, one from the league and the other from the Shadows Garden

Rashid has often relied on the league to get rid of his rivals and the Shadows Garden for his help in smuggling and the two people who brought the message are the ones he used to communicate with them.

Rashid did not understand that, they told him that he was targeted in advance because this is not their method, but he did not care and immediately hid in his most secure place.

An anti-nuclear room, five hundred meters underground, with all his power dedicated to guard him

He vacated the entire ten floors, which were located directly above the room

Rashid could not believe that there were people who could bypass all this

If they decide to assassinate him in a normal way, this will be easy by targeting him during a deal or at a party, but it is impossible now because there is no human being who can bypass all that guarding and monitoring devices.


A few hundred meters from Rashid's base on the roof, a shadow quietly crawled toward the base

Steve wore clothes suitable for a desert background so that it was difficult to see while crawling, as these clothes were resistant to heat detectors

Steve did not approach many of the base, but moved in the form of circles around it

For such a large base it is necessary to have some weapons outlets and open underground ventilation that must be opened periodically

After some research, Steve found a ventilation hole, but unfortunately this hole opened a few hours ago, given the sand it covers so it was not the desired one.

After a little more research, Steve found the hole that hadn't been opened for a while

Steve was right, and after two hours waiting, the ventilation hole opened, but three armed men emerged from the inside

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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