The Extra’s Academy Survival Guide

Chapter 243

Battle of Belbroke (11)

All the swept away monsters were scattered in six pieces, and the high sky came into view once again.

Lucy looked at the sky with blurry eyes. Although he was on the verge of losing consciousness, he knew that Velbrok had landed a significant hit.

Throughout history, there are not many people who know how to use the highest level elemental magic.

And even those highest level magics were often siege magics that were barely cast after several days and nights of preparation.

Casting such large-scale magic on one’s own is truly an act of eccentricity that seems to deny the very science of magic.

Nevertheless, Bellbroke does not fall.

Velbroke’s scales, which have a certain level of resistance to all types of magic… almost neutralize even the highest level magic that goes beyond common sense.

Belbroke also roared in pain as it was a large-scale elemental spell that Lucy unleashed with all her might. But all I felt was pain.

The group of monsters that covered the sky disappeared for a moment… but soon, new monsters were covered by the summoning circle summoned by Bellbroke again.

Even though it was a blow that took all her might, Lucy’s efforts quickly become meaningless.

And the great sage Sylvania stands upright on the broken spire in the living quarters plaza.

She appeared with a single swing of her huge staff and lifted the high-level magic ‘Space Curtain’.

The aspect magic that twists and bends space and hides in the gap actually transcends all laws of physics and allows you to temporarily block any attacks.

The downside is that the casting time is very long and the range is narrow, and since you are also trapped between the curtains of space, it is difficult to judge the external situation easily. In short, since you are crouching quietly in one place with your eyes closed, it is easy to be surprised when you have just released the spell.

Nevertheless, the absolute defensive ability to be safe from any attack is an advantage that can offset all disadvantages.

It is natural for anyone to be swept away by Lucy’s magic, and they survived without even a scratch. That alone made discussing its power more meaningless.

And he looks down at Lucy from the top of the broken spire.

Lucy’s pure white blouse has already lost its original color and is turning red. Only the ends of the sleeves and the inner hem of the skirt still have traces of the original color.

The hem of the skirt is torn, and the white knee socks are so worn and worn that they do not maintain their original shape.

And as always, hostility is finally beginning to appear in those blank eyes.

There is something similar to will in the way he looks up at Sylvania with his eyes strained.

Lucy looked up at Sylvania and spoke as if wondering what had happened to her curled up and sleeping in the corner of the bachelor pad.

“Horsepower conversion speed.”

Lucy, who is gifted with a natural sense, finally catches Sylvania’s loophole.

Sylvania Robester is a pioneer of aspect magic and a rare genius who has achieved magical achievements that no one can match.

The same goes for the field of combat magic. Innate magical power, fast calculation speed, and appropriate determination.

In the field of dueling magic, it is already difficult for Lucy, who is already exhausted, to handle it as she has abilities comparable to those of great men.

However, general magic power and aspect magic power are completely different in nature.

If you want to draw down magic power to deal with general elemental magic, you have to scatter away all that magic power and draw out new aspect magic power. This is truly the height of inefficiency.

Therefore, it is difficult to use aspect magic and general magic in parallel.

Although it may not seem like there is much difference in speed to the average wizard, in battles between the best wizards in the world, the slight gap in the transition is visible.

It was a small gap that could only be seen after exchanging hundreds of sums… but Lucy Mayril noticed it in just three or four sums.

Sylvania Robester’s Aspect Magic is a means close to a cheat that ignores all compatibility and irrationally suppresses enemies… but it is not without its flaws.

If you tie them down with elemental magic that is difficult to respond to, force them to defend, and then take advantage of the opportunity to cast aspect magic to land a surprise attack, you might have a chance at victory. The reason Ed was able to plunge a dagger into that shoulder was because he used death as collateral to create a gap in the magic conversion.

If we fight strength against strength, we really have no chance of winning.

What remains is technique and sense.

And Lucy Mayril, who was blessed by the stars, has skills and senses that are far beyond those of ordinary people. Quickly devise a strategy to subdue Sylvania and then increase your body’s magical power.

However, there is almost no magical power left in the body.

After exchanging a few words with Sylvania, he is exhausted from the magical power he poured into temporarily neutralizing Bellbroke.

My head starts pounding when I try to cast even a mid-level spell, let alone a high-level spell.

In a perfect state, Lucy was able to embody dozens or hundreds of high-ranking magic circles like a meal. I frown at myself as I realize how cornered I am.

The shadow of death creeps up the back of Lucy’s neck.

End point of life.

If you want to survive and run away, now is the last time.

If you want to go further and face the enemy, you must risk your life.

Life crisis.

A word that is very far from a strong person like Lucy Mayril.

However, the blond fallen nobleman was carrying weights as if he were eating a meal. The shadow of a man who gritted his teeth and lived through a crisis that could have cost him his life at any time is placed on Lucy’s back.

There is nothing you cannot escape from. I’m not the type of person who cares about things like pride or honor.

However, it occurred to me that running away from here would be disrespectful to that man… Lucy Mayril didn’t even worry about it.

He clenches his teeth and gathers up his depleted magic power again and again to continue the fight relying on his skills and senses.

Six or seven basic wind magic ‘wind blades’ fly towards Sylvania.

Sylvania snorts and swings her staff to neutralize them all.

Only when the firepower is comparable to that of high-level magic can it be meaningful to use evasive maneuvers. Basic magic will never reach Sylvania’s body.

However, Lucy didn’t care and just waved her arms and performed the basic fire magic ‘Ignition’.

The fireworks blooming around Lucy block the view. Then, he manifested the basic earth magic ‘Earth Wall’ and hid himself between the rising walls.

At this point Sylvania noticed.

Lucy really has no magical power left anymore. Even mid-level magic that can be used casually must be used sparingly.

The proof is the basic magic that has been rampant since a while ago. That Lucy Mayril uses basic magic. It’s like a small crossbow arrow coming out of a huge ballista.

Lucy thought as she ran across the earthen wall.

──You can’t win.

──He will probably die here.

In that case, you should at least take Sylvania with you.

Ed Rothtaylor said there was a way to prevent Belbroke, that massive disaster.

However, I have never heard anything about Sylvania Robester. The resurrection of Great Sage Sylvania was something that was completely beyond Ed Rosstaylor’s calculations.

A magic duel is basically a battle of firepower, but if you go into details, there is a lot more area of calculation.

And the basic premise of calculation in a duel is to put one’s own safety first.

It means that if you rush in with the determination to throw your life away, you will go beyond the realm of rational calculation.

In other words, you can catch your opponent off guard.

Just once.

If you can risk your own life to create an opening where you can strike Sylvania with a single blow… if

you can do so and kill her with a single strike at a vital point… you can at least eliminate the beginning of disaster. The stake is Lucy’s own life.

In the end, Bellbroke will have to be defeated by someone else… but

Lucy has no doubt about Ed’s words. Bellbroke will be resolved somehow. If so, your role is clear.

“Uh, black … big … big … Black ….”

Silenia lands toward the square with an unknown face with an unknown face.

Since Lucy Mayril realized that she didn’t have much strength left to resist any longer… there was no reason to hold back any longer.

The earthen walls are tangled like a maze.

These are earthen walls implemented to make the opponent wander even a little, but such tactics do not work on the strong.

– Boom!!

An earthen wall created with basic magic can be completely shattered just by pouring in magical power.

Lucy’s maze, made up of several layers of fire and earthen walls, is instantly neutralized, and Lucy, bleeding and limping away, is seen at a glance.

Sylvania raised her arm and unleashed the elemental magic of ice to deliver the final blow. Lucy already has little strength to resist.

That was the moment when the ice spear was struck into Lucy’s body.

Lucy’s body shattered and disappeared.


When a person is stabbed by an ice spear, he or she is a creature that splatters blood and spills out internal organs. It does not disappear into pieces like machine parts. It was an illusion from the beginning.

A wise Sylvanian would not fall into such a one-dimensional trap.

A girl who has been consumed by madness and has almost lost her sense of reason. Since Sylvania was only focused on destroying the enemy in front of her, she failed to take into account the fact that Lucy was also good at quick wits and improvisation.

Blocking the view with earthen walls and ignitions was simply to buy time to set up new traps in the gap.

It embodies the basic freezing magic ‘Ice Knife’ and makes it rise from the ground. An illusionary imprint is engraved on the shiny surface using magic.

Lucy does not have the magical power to use proper high-level illusion magic. Using catching techniques and making bait is all that can be done right now. Rather, because high-level illusion magic leaves a strong magical aftereffect, there is a possibility that it could be easily seen by high-level magicians like Sylvania.

Therefore, he tries to deceive the enemy by somehow drawing out what little magical power he has left.

No matter what anyone says, this is the fighting style of the weak.

Fooling and running away, throwing sand in your eyes, picking up rocks and chopping them, tearing off your hair, digging in your nails, biting your thighs…

People like Lucy have experienced this type of fighting throughout their lives, trying to fill the gap in power with tricks and tricks. It cannot be seen.

Lucy Mayril lived her whole life as a strong person. Because pressing down with the amount of force is the fight she has been fighting all her life.

Therefore, this type of fighting method… is not something Lucy learned on her own.

– Quang!!

Lucy, bleeding profusely and hiding with camouflage magic, stands up behind Sylvania.

Sylvania was startled and scattered magic behind her, but that too was just an illusion of Lucy imprinted on the ice knife.

Lucy… was floating above Sylvania’s head, hiding herself in the rising smoke.

Covered in blood, it looked like a corpse, but it was definitely alive. Lucy’s hand, which came out through the smoke, had already gathered all the magical power that had been scraped up to the floor.

On the tree of the hut camp, on the roof of the hut, on the altar of change at the top of the mountain, in the Ross Taylor mansion, in the combat club’s sparring hall…

The fight of the man who was sitting blankly looking down.

Before you know it, it is engraved in Lucy Mayril’s eyes.

Those bright eyes that seem to be filled with starlight.

It was not an honorable fight as a wizard, something Lucy had learned from Glokt when she was young.

It’s not like a duel that the wizards of the Magic Tower engage in with courtesy.

Lucy Mayril lived her whole life as a strong woman.

Ed Rosstaylor lived his entire life as an underdog.

Since they are two people who have faced each other as if their backs to each other, their way of life and way of fighting are bound to be completely opposite. They shouldn’t have been able to understand each other’s positions

– that’s why Lucy had to be defeated so miserably by Sylvania.

Lucy, completely exhausted in front of the great sage Sylvania, is truly in the position of the weak. The picture of Lucy, who cannot understand the position of the weak, being crushed and defeated due to the difference in power, was quite predictable.

But you don’t know what’s going on in the world.

Perhaps the beauty of life is that we don’t know what the future will be because it is full of unknown variables.

The back of Glockt, sitting in an armchair and warming up by a bonfire.

My decision that day was to fall asleep in a wooden shelter I found by chance while walking through the northern forest to see if there was a good place to take a nap.

Then, a connection took place and turned around to create the Lucy Mayril she is today.

Lucy Mayril felt a sense of irony and was drawn to the series of strange and inexplicable coincidences.

– Whaaah!

Frowning, Sylvania turned her head back to Lucy. As she tried to swing the huge staff, Lucy noticed that the young magic power in her hands was dark red.

It is the magic power of the Aspect.

Here the numbers are twisted once more.

The fact that he was able to bring out Aspect Magic Power, which consumes much more mental power than normal Magic Power, means that this is the end of the story.

This is because using Aspect magic when already pushed to the limit is close to an act of suicide. I never thought that at this time, I would push myself further to my limits and use aspect magic.

Is the magic that appears a ‘time prison’? Lucy, who had to suppress Sylvania in one blow, would have had to implement suppression magic anyway.

No matter what, once you are attacked, you will definitely be overcome.

However, that is… when targeting an opponent who cannot use Aspect magic.

It is ridiculous to discuss aspect magic in front of Sylvania, the master of aspect magic.

Disperses the raised magic power and instantly raises the magic power of the star level.

Aspect magic can only be countered by Aspect magic. If you quickly dissipate Lucy’s aspect magic, all that will remain is death for Lucy, who no longer has the energy to fight.

It was a moment to deal with it by raising the magic power of the Aspect.

– Hwaaaaaaaaaaa!

Lucy Mayril’s young hands as she lands towards Sylvania… that red aura disappears.

Eventually, the red energy completely disappeared due to the elemental magic brought out by Lucy.


Sylvania couldn’t believe her eyes.

If you want to convert from Aspect magic power to general magic power, an inefficient process arises where you have to first disturb the accumulated magic power.

For a wizard who has reached the peak like Lucy or Sylvania, the time difference is less than 1 second. That brief gap of 0.5 seconds or not is not a significant flaw against most wizards.

However, in this urgent situation of battle of numbers, it is a completely different story.

Forcefully close the distance and draw him out in a battle of wits. No matter what anyone says, Lucy’s strategy of finding the opponent’s flaws and digging into them was very similar to Ed Ross Taylor’s fighting style.

But how does Lucy achieve such a rapid conversion of magical power?

Even Sylvania, a master of aspect magic, ends up with a very small gap, but Lucy’s ability to convert magical power without even allowing for that moment makes no sense theoretically.

However, when Sylvania saw Lucy’s arm that was soon revealed, she stuck her tongue out.

In the first place, he did not even manifest his magic power.

What Lucy manifested was general magical power. Since there was no process of converting magic power, it was much more than the amount of magic power produced by Sylvania.

What looked like dark red magic power was not magic power.

Affected by the burning flame of ignition magic, Lucy’s magic also only appeared dark red.

──Lucy set her arm on fire. Just for a simple trick.

It was only for a moment… but a smudged burn came into view. It is clear that it is a scar that will probably not disappear even if it lasts a lifetime. The pain that rushes in will not be normal.

A clear decision. The two fakes using illusions were a trap set in the first place to make the situation more urgent and lead Sylvania to take hasty action.

Three ice spears gathered around Lucy using only the magical power accumulated in this short period of time.

The strategy may have been taken from Ed Rosstaylor’s method, but it was possible because Lucy had basic magic sensitivity and was able to pull off even this middle-level magic in a short period of time, such as a few seconds.

There wasn’t much time allowed for Sylvania. Because of Lucy’s fake, the magic power of the Aspect was drawn, so there was less than a second to gather the magic power.

There is a limit to the magic power that Sylvania gathered in that split second.

Still, if you use Lucy’s ice spear to defend yourself… you can avoid fatal injuries.

Although it is not possible to manifest high-level magic, it is possible to exert a certain amount of physical power simply by discharging the accumulated star magic.

– Quaaaaaaaaaa!

This entire flow of thought came to an end in less than a second…

Lucy’s ice spear hit the square, causing a huge cloud of dust to rise.


Lucy, who was cornered, used all the means at her disposal to make her final move.

The final blow, which he attempted by burning one of his arms… unfortunately missed.

“Huh… Huh…”

Sylvania was frowning and panting.

The ice spear that landed in front of his nose had its trajectory forcibly distorted by the influence of the magic power of the Aspect, and fell into the bare ground.

However, even if the orbits had been slightly less divergent, the ice spear would have split his head open.

Lucy’s strategy didn’t work in the end.

One last variable that Lucy failed to take into account. It was ‘luck’.

In order to widen the attack range as much as possible, he used all his magical power to create three ice spears, but in the end, the space twisted by the star magic succeeded in bending the trajectory of the ice spears.

Lucy was spread out on the floor, covered in blood.

Sylvania frowned and looked at Lucy.

In terms of absolute amount of magical power, operational ability, and size of power itself, Sylvania may surpass Lucy.

However, the quickness and improvisation that configures the environment to achieve victory even in the most extreme situations. A fighting style that attempts to win by force even if there is only a 0.1% chance.

That’s not something you can learn from a wizard.

Sylvania shook her head and pointed her magic wand at Lucy, who was lying down.

This is someone who should never be left alive. The moment that thought filled her head, Lucy’s eyes, stained red with blood, flashed.

Lucy suddenly opens her eyes and glares at Sylvania. He grits his teeth and tries to draw out his magic again. Now, only magical power flowed out that was so weak that it was embarrassing to even call it magical power, but Lucy used that magical power as support to raise herself up again.

Lucy, with her tattered school uniform hanging down, raised her head with difficulty and glared at Sylvania. The fighting spirit is still evident in the sound of breathing.

Lucy thinks.

Even if death approaches, I have no intention of running away.

Even as the fear of death crawled through his body, the man always stood upright.

The same goes for you.

Since he has received a life, he gives his life for that man. In some ways, this can be seen as a natural thing, isn’t it?

Even for 10 seconds. No, even for one second longer… If I could tie Sylvania’s feet, that would make the man’s chances of survival even 0.1% more certain.

Life is thrown away as a stake without any hesitation.

That decision has never changed.

Even as she watched Sylvania manifest her magic, Lucy stood up straight without wavering.

I’m wondering if there’s any way to resist further… but I guess that’s it.

The brightening light of magical power makes my vision become distant. Lucy closed her eyes gently.

I can feel the warm light of a bonfire.

I now understand the sight of Glokt peeking out from under the cotton blanket.

At the end of my life, when I thought it was just a meaningless life…

I was glad I was still alive. If you can monologue… how meaningful it is in itself.

I felt like I finally understood what those words meant.

I met a man and died for him.

If you could recall that it was a meaningful life, how valuable would it be?

That’s why a gentle smile could come out of Lucy’s mouth.

Just like that, my vision became distant.

*- Quaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

However, when you open your eyes, the sight you see is not the afterlife.

The reality is that there are people who still bleed and somehow grit their teeth to survive.

“Listen carefully, Lucy.”

By the time he realized that he was being held in the arms of a man who was covered in blood just like himself among the ruins of the broken spire… he was already losing consciousness.

However, Lucy knows well the scent of the man holding her.

Amidst the bloody smell, the scent of grass that had so reassured Lucy rose.

“No matter what happens, never accept death…”

The magic that Sylvania used was temporarily neutralized by Yenica Palover’s spirit magic. It was a magic that was used urgently, but just receiving it made Yenika have to grit her teeth.

When Lucy opened her eyes, the first thing she saw was Ed running towards her, rolling on the floor and grabbing Lucy, and then the group that was blocking Sylvania.

They were Ed’s companions who had escaped from the royal residence.

“You held up really well, Lucy… You held up really well… Thank you… But…”

Ed, who was hugging Lucy, who was covered in blood, was also already covered in blood.

It was difficult to see both of them alive… but somehow they gritted their teeth and survived.

“Resist death at all costs… death… never accept it…”

Lucy looked up at Ed with wide eyes.

Ed endured the excruciating pain throughout his body and lifted himself up while hugging Lucy.

“We flee to Ofilis Pavilion. “Reinforcements… will be gathered there…”

Ed gritted his teeth as he pulled Lucy, who was sagging limply from lack of strength, as he said that.

Lucy looked up at Ed and instantly burst into tears.

Was it because he was relieved to see that Ed was alive?

Or was he somehow relieved that he was alive?

Perhaps it was both… Lucy shed tears even as she held on to her fading spirit.

Although her face was covered in blood and tears, she looked terrible, but Ed still wiped away Lucy’s tears.

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