The Extra’s Academy Survival Guide

Chapter 244

Battle of Bellbroke (12)

All-out war.

A situation in which you must achieve victory by using all the means at your disposal.

My continued efforts over the years have been solely to overcome this ordeal.

In a scene where the monsters were sweeping Aken Island and the world seemed to be falling apart… I held Lucy tightly.

Lucy let out a groan of pain, perhaps because her entire body was covered in wounds, but my whole body ached as well. I am in a position where I am forcing myself to move my body, which has reached its limits.

Still, it was necessary to pull Lucy out and bring her to safety.

“I’m going to run.”

After saying this to Lucy in my arms, I ran into the alley between the buildings in the residential building.

Sylvania’s primary target is Lucy Mayril.

This is because they thought that only by getting rid of Lucy, who was blocking Velbroke alone, would Seong Chang-ryong, who was chained up, be able to run wild more freely.

So, the first priority was to get Lucy, who was unable to fight, out of the battlefield.

Princess Fenia and Yenica alone would not be able to fight Sylvania. However, running away is possible.

Lucy Mayril would also have been able to escape if she tried her best. It’s just that I didn’t do that. This is because he decided that he should tie the feet of the Holy Spear Dragon, Bellbroke, and the Great Sage, Sylvania.

“The plan is to gather at Ofilis Hall like this and deal with that crazy wizard by ourselves. “Taylor is going to go fix Belbroke.”

I picked up Lucy, tied her wound tightly, and ran as hard as I could. Blood from Lucy’s and my bodies lined the alley.

“It’s all right…”


As I walked forward with all my might, I questioned Lucy’s unexpected words.

“Because you’re alive.”

Lucy doesn’t talk long. To begin with, she is a girl who has little ability to express her emotions.

However, maybe it was because I came here after seeing the magic light. Perhaps because he was overflowing with emotion, he spoke while struggling to lift his bleeding body.

“I wondered what if you were dead.”

“You know that.”

After hearing Lucy say she was worried, I decided to reassure her.

“No matter what happens, surviving in the end is my specialty.”

Lucy took a deep breath when she heard those words. In fact, Lucy didn’t know either.

One way or another, I will be alive. Because he was so confident, he probably tried to hold Sylvania’s feet a little longer.

“Woo wow… wow wow…!”

At that moment, Lucy sneezed and spit out blood. I frowned and placed Lucy down, leaning against the outside wall of the building.

Lucy suffers from intense pain. I pushed down the hair that was stuck to my cheek along with the blood and checked my condition again.

The situation was so urgent that I realized it too late, but one of my hands was completely burned. In addition, there were stab wounds all over the body and many scars from magical bullets were visible.

The wounds that can be seen through the gaps in the tattered school uniform are just that, but if you take a closer look, it’s hard to even imagine how devastated they must be.

In addition, he has been suffering from high fever, body aches, and hemoptysis since before. Sometimes, he nods his head or gestures in the air as if hallucinating.

I know what this is like. I experienced it when I was overworked and fell ill.

I remember repeatedly drawing more magical energy from my body than necessary, causing the flow of magical energy flowing through my body to become distorted. This is a phenomenon that occurs when completely exhausted magical power is recovered from the body and cannot return to its original flow.

At that time, I lay in bed for several days, but in the end, Lucy used her magic to cut the tangled magic in my body and throw it away.

It was a fairly rough solution, but I remember it being quite effective.

“Huh huh… huh huh…”

I pulled out what little magical energy was left in my body while leaning Lucy against the wall, who was making a sound of pain as she stopped breathing.

As I placed my finger around Lucy’s solar plexus, closed my eyes, and concentrated, I felt Lucy’s magic.

As the completely depleted magical power was recovered again, it was scattered throughout the body and was unable to find its proper path, becoming tangled up here and there.

The key cause is that the body’s recovery system and the magic power recovery system are not well aligned. In any case, there was a need to untangle the tangled magic power.

I gritted my teeth and raised my magic power, just like Lucy had done to me, to release the magic tangled in Lucy’s body.

Now is not the time to worry about other people’s physical condition. I also need to get treatment right now. But if Lucy is left like this, she will definitely die.

By drawing on the strength of her body, she managed to return Lucy’s magical power to its original flow.

Although it is only a weak amount of magic power that has just begun to recover, since it is Lucy’s magic power, the amount alone is enormous. I had to use up almost all of my body’s energy just to twist and break that slight flow.

“Huh… Huh….”

I was completely exhausted and barely managed to come to my senses as I raised my eyes.

Lucy’s breathing was also quite stable. Unlike when I was coughing and spitting out blood, I felt quite stable, and whenever I repeated inhalation and exhalation, my lungs continued to relax and contract stably.

For now, the big crisis has barely been overcome.

The next thing is that one of Lucy’s arms is covered in burns. The red scar appears to have already formed the shape of a flame.

Since it is a fresh burn, the pain will be quite severe. Although the pain had not completely subsided yet, it was necessary to cool down the remaining heat. This scar will last a lifetime, but if you deal with it well, it won’t cause you to lose the use of your hands.

It would be best to summon ice using ice-bound magic, but that is a power beyond my scope. I first used wind magic to somehow cool down the surface of Lucy’s skin, and then placed my hand on her forehead to measure her temperature.

Slowly, Lucy’s breathing becomes more stable. The situation is slowly stabilizing.

―Kwaang! Kwaaaaaaaa!

The sound of Sylvania’s elemental magic was heard from the entrance plaza.

I told Jenica to hold on as long as she could and then run away, but even that didn’t seem to be easy.

Sylvania has already allowed Yenica to escape once. You won’t want to allow it two or three times.

Still, if Yenika decides to run away, it will be really difficult to catch her. Suppressing all those countless spirits is a separate area from the size of the power. It is bound to be very time consuming.

Once Lucy’s physical condition had stabilized, it was time to start again.


Lucy slowly opened her eyes and lifted her healthy hand to hold my hand that was taking her temperature.

Then he pulls his hand down and places it on his cheek. It was as if he wanted to feel the warmth of his palm.

And then, in a dazed voice… he spoke softly…

“It’s not a dream.”


“I was worried that the fact that you were alive was a dream and that what I was seeing was a flash of light….” “I said

you don’t have to worry. “I am alive and well.”

“huh. “Thank you for being alive.”

He said something so strange that I tried to ask him what it meant, but the answer came out before I could even ask the question.

“I was going to die.”

“Why do you do such a useless thing?”

“I don’t think I can stop it unless I risk my life. So I tried to die without any worries.”

Lucy Mayril initially aimed for Dongguijin.

Even if I did that, I didn’t know whether I would be able to subdue Sylvania or not, but I wanted to do my best as much as I could.

“You gave meaning to my meaningless and vain life. you.”


“So, wouldn’t it have been a meaningful life even if I died for you? Wouldn’t it be possible to say that I lived a good life? “I had that thought… so, surprisingly, I wasn’t that scared of dying.”

Lucy speaks while tracing my palm with her cheek. Although his face was stained with blood and wounds, his gently closed eyes looked comfortable.

“It was an amazing feeling.”

“If you say something absurd like that again, I will give you a serious look. Listen carefully.”

I took my hand off Lucy’s cheek and put my hand into her bosom. He then took out a phoenix ring and carefully placed it on Lucy’s finger.

Lucy, who went down to the ghost library to get the ring, would know very well what kind of ring this is.

“Don’t think about dying for me, think about living for me.”


“Live no matter what happens. I just said it too. Death should never be accepted. Life is meaningful if you live for yourself or for something else. So, I won’t talk too much. I really hope you survive. “I will feel great loss and sadness if you die.”

First of all, it would be most efficient for Lucy to have Professor Glast’s Phoenix Ring. However, right now, Lucy’s magic power is twisted and she is in a state of complete disrepair, so it will be difficult to utilize the power of this ring properly. You need some time to collect yourself.

In the meantime, I spoke clearly so as not to have unnecessary thoughts or lose my will.

“Live for me.”

When Lucy heard those words, her pupils dilated unexpectedly.

As he accepts the ring… his face turns red. Anyone who sees Lucy Mayril with a face like this would be shocked.

He looked at me as if he couldn’t believe his ears and couldn’t believe the ring on his hand… He glanced up at my face with his pupils dilated to their limit.

“It may be difficult to move your body right now, but once your magic power recovers a little, that ring will be of great help. you have it Maybe it’s because my physical condition isn’t normal… I don’t think I’ll be able to escape like this until the end. “I’ll try another way, so just rest here for now.”

“But… this ring is your secret weapon…”

“I told you. “Do you have to say it one more time?”

Lucy looked down at the ring, her face blushing to the limit, and nodded.

Eventually, life returned to his dazed eyes and he answered as if he was chanting.


Lucy pursed her lips, blocking the flowing blood with her barely recovered magic power.

“I will live for you.”


I patted Lucy’s head and somehow managed to get her body, full of intense pain, up.

When I finally managed to get up, I could see Lucy’s body lying in complete disrepair.

Although he is said to be a rare genius wizard that will never be seen again in the history of the continent, when he sits against the wall, he is so small and weak. Looking at its small body and thin limbs, it feels like it will break at any moment.

In the end, if you look at it all, everyone is a weak person.

If a creature is pushed to its limits and faced with death, it will ultimately have no choice but to struggle with all its might. That’s people.

I carefully got up and turned towards the entrance plaza where Sylvania and Yenica were standing face to face.

Crazy Sylvania.

In the end, it is an enemy that cannot be dealt with one on one. All available forces must join in to ‘subdue’ them.

The difficulty of a raid is ultimately determined by the number of players. I wanted to gather all my power if possible… but there are still limits.

―Kwaang! Kwaaaaaaaa! Quang!

It was that moment.

I was trying to escape to Ofilis Hall somehow.

The sky, which I thought would be covered by monsters again, was now colored with a dark red magic circle.

Its nature is completely different from Lucy’s magic circle. It was a magic circle of an unfamiliar shape, but surprisingly, it was shaped like something I had seen before.

I quietly looked up at the sky and eventually realized the identity of the magic circle.

At that moment, I had no choice but to quickly run towards the entrance plaza with my eyebrows narrowed.

* * *

― ‘Aaaaaaaah! ‘Aaaaaaaah!’

– ‘Help me! Assistant Manager Hoeju! That… arm… arm…!’

― ‘The entrance to the upper chamber is open! Half of the mercenaries were killed! If you stay like this…!’

Lortel Kecheln crossed the hallway of Elte Company, hearing a sound that he could not tell whether it was a scream or a report.

As the sound of footsteps continued, the window was broken by the aftereffects of the gremlin’s magical power, and a strange-looking monster climbed through the window.

Lortel activated ice magic and gravity magic to quickly kill the monsters that had invaded the building, then entered the office and closed the door. Secretary Rienna, who came in after him, looked at Lortel’s expression, sweating coldly, but Lortel was not shedding a single drop of sweat.

“Close the windows and draw the curtains, Secretary Rienna.”

“Ne neheep!”

The embarrassed secretary Lienna quickly did as she was told and closed the window and drew the curtains.

Eventually, no screams of confusion were heard inside Lortel’s office. However, every now and then, I felt an explosion sound or a big or small vibration. I could clearly see how chaotic it was outside.

Lortel, who had just returned from the battle, placed the letter he had received from the spirit of Yenica on his desk and slumped down in his chair. I finally had time to catch my breath, so I took a deep breath and exhaled deeply.

“Assistant President of the Association…”

Secretary Rienna called out to Lortel in a trembling voice, but Lortel did not respond.

I close my eyes and think over the contents of the letter I received.

Please come to Ofilis Hall for assistance.

Great Sage Sylvania has been resurrected and is slaughtering the powerful within the academy.

I need help defeating Bellbroke.

To summarize, it was like this. Perhaps because it was a letter written in a hurry, it was condensed as concisely as possible. Regardless of the request to gather together and the need for help in subduing Belfrok, I wonder what they are talking about about Sylvania.

However, looking at the handwriting, it is clear that it was written by Ed Rosstaylor. So, in situations like this, it is right to first believe and follow it.

The Sylvania branch of the Elte Company is full of chaos.

Even in hell, where no one can help but tremble in fear, Lortel remains calm and collected.

The mental strength to maintain reason in any situation is like her trademark.

“If you want to apply to the Ofilis Hall, you will have to give up the Chamber’s branch building.”

Not only will the Chamber branch building be devastated, but there is a high possibility that all physical assets, such as inventory stored in the internal warehouse, will be lost.

You may wonder what the importance of such assets is when dozens of merchants’ lives have already been lost, but the warehouse of a branch of a company such as Elte Company is filled with valuables that cannot be purchased even if you pay a thousand dollars.

Even if we give up defending the branch, there is no guarantee that we will be able to reach Ofilis Hall without any damage. In many ways, it is a very risky choice.

Nevertheless, Lortel makes a plan to head to the Ofilis Pavilion as Ed requested.

There is no end to just defending the branch building without any solution.

It might be better to think about solving the fundamental threat, Bellbroke. Moreover, if the person who proposed the methodology is Ed Rothtaylor… it may be a gamble worth taking more than you think.

I close my eyes and think about the blonde man.

The sense of discomfort Lortel felt every time he thought of that man was the sense that he was standing on a different stage.

Ever since Ed Rothtaylor began making a living for himself at Sylvania Academy, Lortel has always stood by his side.

He tried to walk next to him and follow his path as much as possible, but the discrepancy he always felt at crucial points remained as a deep sense of discomfort in Lortel’s heart.

I thought they were walking side by side, but Ed always seemed to be looking in a different direction.

There are many days when I feel like there is something like a huge barrier standing between me and him.

Lortel Kecheln is a character from the main character generation in the main scenario.

Ed Rothtaylor is just an extra who doesn’t even get a chance to shine on the stage.

The gap may seem small or enormous.

Lortel doesn’t know the details. However, he is a person with a natural sense of intuition.

There are times when something like a fantasy suddenly flashes before his eyes, stimulating Lortel’s anxiety.

Is it a dream or a hallucination?

Tailley McLaure walks.

Clutching the sheath of the sword tightly, he walks forward with a strong expression and determination.

Next to him, Ayla, his companion and lover, walks side by side. After that, the princess Fenia, who learned a strong will, Ziggs, who became accustomed to the flow of civilization, Clevius, who overcame his cowardice, and Elvira, who realized the depth of humanity, walk out.

The ‘protagonist generation’, who have gone through and overcome their own hardships, grown and become stronger, walks out with dignity. Walking the path of a hero amidst pouring applause.

Lortel Kecheln stands at the very back and walks out as a member of that glorious and wonderful generation of protagonists.

And Ed Rothtaylor passes by them.

The direction we are moving in is the opposite. It is neither majestic nor grand. Instead, he shoves his hands in his pockets, opens his wide, worried eyes… and passes by in the opposite direction to Tailley. There is no such thing as receiving applause or praise, let alone being in the spotlight.

After that, Jenica Palover, Lucy Mayril, Clarisse, Dyke Elphelan, Selaha Einir Cloel, Traceyana Bloomriver…. The

‘extras’ who came down from the stage pass behind them.

Suddenly, I look back at the group that passed by. In Lortel’s eyes, they feel like they are slowly moving away.

The stage you are standing on is different.

Unfortunately, that is not Lortel’s stage.

I receive more light, receive more praise, and am on my way to achieving what I want and becoming happy.

There is no Ed Rosstaylor on that road.

“Mr. Hoeju!”

At that moment, I came to my senses while Secretary Rienna called.

Secretary Rienna does not break Lortel’s concentration as he organizes his thoughts. This means that a situation has arisen that needs to be made known.

Lortel, who had barely regained consciousness because he was concentrating too much, looked at Rienna with a puzzled expression.

When I opened the window again, I saw a huge shadow-like figure outside the window. Eventually, the dark red magic circle covering the sky comes into view… I can’t help but realize the identity of that gigantic shadow shape in an instant.

That huge shadow figure… I remember seeing it once already.

However, when I saw it in the past, it was only a part of it. Even the calm Lortel couldn’t help but panic for a moment, as he had never seen it descend in its complete form.

* * *

Yenica Palover is a girl who was broken by failure.

I received everyone’s expectations, received a lot of love, and worked hard, but in the end, the ending I awaited was stained with failure.

Devoured by frustration and despair, she lived a helpless life until the day she graduated… A girl who was quietly no longer heard from.

That was an unchanging fact in all the futures Sylvania observed.

The failure that Jenica Palover experienced was something that she could never overcome with her temperament and values alone.

However, the shadow of a gigantic shape slowly rising before Sylvania’s eyes… was completely denying that fact.

The dark red law that covers the sky is a huge summoning circle that was created when Yenica was dominated by Velosper.

It was impossible to fully implement it with Yenika’s capabilities, and even if it were her current skill, she had to be prepared to burn out all the magic circuits in her body… It was an absurd level of dharma training.

Even Yenika, who has reached the pinnacle of elemental magic, is a level of magic that requires her to risk her life.

Even if you don’t lose your life, it’s a gambling move that may rob you of your reason and will.

However, the greatness of its power cannot be compared even with spirits of any other attribute.

The swirling shadow takes the shape of a devil and gradually becomes larger.

Yenica Palover kneels on a magic circle made up of dozens of layers, holding a staff. Sylvania’s eyes widen as she looks down at her.

I have never read a future like this before.

Nevertheless, it is a future that has arrived.

What Yenica Failover thought after reaching the extreme limit was that she must protect Aken Island with all the means at her disposal.

Therefore, from Jenica’s perspective, she commits the most offensive act.

The trauma left deep in my heart from the experience of failure seemed to be tearing away my heart… Yenica Palover looked up at Sylvania with her eyes filled with determination.

Half of the light pink hair turns pure white.

The dark spirit’s unique imprint creeps up my skin.

However, ‘will’ cannot be eaten.

You will not be helplessly led by the power of the dark spirit and eaten whole.

A burden builds up in my body, and the imprint of darkness constantly tries to penetrate my thoughts… but Yenika ultimately completely subdues and controls the power of the dark spirit. Without even borrowing the power of the Phoenix Ring, with his own power.

I feel as if the flow of magical energy in my entire body is fluctuating and burning. If you try to wield a spirit that exceeds your skills, you have no choice but to cut yourself off. It feels as if you have fallen into a hot fire pit and are burning.

Nevertheless, the firm will in Yenika’s eyes does not disappear.

Darkness falls in the sky. A devil’s figure, bigger than the tall spire standing in the square, stands erect as if he were going to eat the whole world.


The primal fear of humans that Sylvania was wary of and wary of.

Yenica Failover, who controlled it, stands up straight.

It is said to be the darkness of the mythical era.

The highest ranking dark spirit. Glaskan’s roar spreads throughout the living quarters.

* * *

The top of Mt.

Altar of change.

A huge magic tool that the great sage Sylvania created long ago to replace her own magical power.

A man is kneeling in front of the altar.

He lowered his head and broke out in a cold sweat while drawing out a huge flow of magical power.

Short-cut hair and crumpled wrinkles can be seen under the hem of the robe.

Swallowing dry saliva, he continues to pour magical power into the engraving on the Altar of Replacement.

The man’s arms were wrapped with magic chains.

The surrounding area is full of corpses of monsters. The man’s clothes were also completely stained with blood.

Without lowering his outstretched hand, the man continued to pour out magical power in his kneeling position.

However, it seems that the limit is coming soon.

With his vision gradually fading… the man grits his teeth one last time. Even in my fading mind, I regain my composure.

The last principal of Sylvania Academy.

Obel Forcius…was looking up at the sky that was falling into ruin.

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