The Extra’s Academy Survival Guide

Chapter 245

Bellbroke Subjugation Battle (13)

A drop of blue paint fell onto the lukewarm water.

A drop of paint that falls into the water initially leaves only a small trace.

However little by little it spreads inside the cup increasing its power here and there and eventually dyes the entire water in the cup blue.

Just a tiny drop. At first it was only the beginning but by the end the world inside the cup had changed into a completely different scene.

No one knows how the water shaking in the cup will shake or how the paint shaking inside will spread.

But the results are all the same. The change that begins with this tiny drop of paint changes the world. The butterfly effect caused by that one small variable eventually turns around and completely changes the distant future.

‘I have been researching ways to create this paint-like entity in this imperial laboratory. Crown Prince Lienfell.’

These were the words of Great Sage Sylvania.

Prince Lienfell who had been seriously injured due to Sylvania’s research tried to use the damage as compensation to ask what Sylvania had been researching and what she had observed.

And the answer returned from Sylvania was that this world is a closed world that will one day end without warning.

Eternal darkness that cannot even be observed. ‘Cliff point’.

The promised darkness that has come to an end where all future possibilities extend in various directions and must be faced no matter how one struggles.

As he observed that primal fear together Prince Lienfell had no choice but to swallow dry saliva.

‘No matter how I observed it the future did not change. ‘How can this world escape from the deep darkness the cause of which cannot even be measured? I was locked in the laboratory of the Imperial Lily Palace to figure out how to do just that.’

Prince Lienfell speaks while trembling.

‘then… ‘Have you figured out a way?’


At those words Prince Lienfell swallowed his dry saliva.

‘I just came up with several possible hypotheses. The conclusion I came to is that the world we live in now is a closed world. It’s a world where no matter how you proceed you have no choice but to face the same ending.’

‘I can’t believe it even after hearing it with my own two ears…’ ‘

‘It has to be that way. But if this hypothesis is correct… I have the means to struggle somehow. If we can’t escape the cliff just based on the possibilities within this world we have no choice but to bring in beings from outside the world who can create new variables. ‘He is a person from a world that has nothing to do with the flow of this world.’

Sylvania closes her eyes.

The existence of another world beyond the distant world of stars which I observed through the constellation magic that I have studied throughout my life… I definitely feel it.

‘I don’t know how it will work or how it will work. And since no one has tried it we cannot make hasty conclusions about how it will be implemented. Because it is about attracting beings who are not subject to this world.’

‘… Then if there’s anything I can do to help I’ll help as much as I can.’

‘thank you. Prince. But there’s not much I can be sure about.’

Aspect magic is a discipline that still leaves many unknown areas.

Sylvania is the world’s greatest authority on Aspect magic but there are still too many things she has not tried.

‘It requires a huge amount of magic power and preparation time and there are still a lot of magic formulas left to research. And even if I tried I don’t know if I would be able to summon it to the time we are in now. Is it possible to summon oneself directly or is it possible to be possessed by someone in our world? Will it appear in this place now or will it come to another place in the distant future or past? There’s so much to research and I’m not sure if I’ll ever be able to pin it down. Because the magical power of the Aspect that controls space and time is inherently uncontrollable… ‘

Because it is a magic that challenges the providence of the world that no one has tried before.

Because it is an area of ​​exploration where everything remains unknown…

‘And even if I were to be summoned… I don’t even know if it can really bring about meaningful change in the world.’

‘then… There is nothing you can be sure of… ! How are you going to solve such a huge problem like that…!’

‘But you can’t just do nothing.’

Shouldn’t we try every possibility that comes to hand even if it means grasping at straws?

Even though life is noble life is also precious.

I don’t accept death at all.

I don’t want to accept the end of the world casually. I have no desire to submit to that fate.

Sylvania Robester has no doubt that humanity can escape the promised end.

They do not run away in fear or cry and lament.

The fear of darkness tries to encroach on my mind but I shake it off without hesitation.

Appear in front of the public with a smile on your face. I’m sure it won’t be a problem. It is said that the peaceful and peaceful era will continue.

Nevertheless he continues his research to resist the providence of the world.

Secretly from the public with the support of Crown Prince Lienfell he stays in the laboratory and develops calculation formulas all day long.

Go out to the Rameln Mountains and observe the stars from the top of the mountain to calculate the flow of magical power.

Occasionally the magical powers of the Aspects can be used to observe other worlds and once again confirm the promised end of this world.

Eventually after dedicating a long time he completes a summoning circle that summons the existence of another world. However the observed flow of the world does not change. We are still heading towards a cliff where the future is filled with endless darkness.

Still Sylvania pays no heed and implements the summoning circle again. I keep doing more research and trying it again and again but there is still no thought of changing the future trend.

Still he did not give up hope and tried several times but in the end Prince Lienfell was the first to fail.

‘A few times… No matter how many times you try it doesn’t work! After all it is a meaningless struggle! It was foolish to try to resist the providence of the world!’

‘Prince… ‘

‘It’s useless! It’s useless! This doesn’t mean anything… !’

Prince Lienfell eventually hits the desk in frustration and despair.

He pushes his arm and pushes away all the research books and documents on the desk and then tears out his head and shouts.

‘I had no doubt that you were the savior who would save the world! Only you… I thought there was no one but you who could stop this promised apocalypse! The same goes for you too… ! We were already done! We cannot escape this despair!’

Sylvania could not continue speaking as she watched the prince tearing out his hair.

It’s not that I don’t understand that distant despair and fear.

The reason Prince Lienfell was able to maintain his sanity was because the deep darkness was in the distant future when it had not yet arrived. Because she knows that her own life will end before that end.

Therefore I was able to move only with a sense of duty to save the world.

If the fear was right around the corner there would have been nothing I could have done other than lock myself in my room and shiver.

But even though there was still quite a bit of time to move Crown Prince Lienfell could do nothing.

Soon the emptiness begins to eat the crown prince. He felt that no matter how he lived his life and how much merit he made his future would eventually be consumed by darkness… We lose the will to live a meaningful life.

Even Sylvania is kicked out of the imperial family.

He gives up his desire for imperial power and disappears into history.

Eventually on the day she was kicked out of the imperial family rumors about Sylvania circulated among the public.

No matter how great the sage Sylvania was in the end she couldn’t be free from the serious crime of directly hurting the crown prince.

He whispered that as he watched Sylvania being exiled to Aken Island. This is enough to last a long time.

Sylvania did not bother to explain the truth.

However as he left for Aken Island he smiled brightly.

The distant future that we have observed over and over again eventually converges into endless darkness.

Various types of flows that I saw countless times in the process. Even though I observed all those cases I never felt frustrated… Because I wanted someone to remember me.


The eyes of Sylvania the great sage wielding a staff widen.

A huge dark giant appears as if to show off and curves around the plaza at the entrance to the living building waving its arms. Magical power covers the entire plaza of the living quarters and an ink-colored blade rises from the darkness and flies into Sylvania’s defense line blocking it.

– Ka-ga-ga-ga-ga-ga-ga-ga-ga-ga-ga-ga-ga!

As Glaskan straightens up his massive body the shadowy form of the devil comes into full view.

It’s not a trick. It actually exists before your eyes.

Yenica Palover who overcame her trauma on her own is the highest-ranking dark spirit that appeared in the world entirely with her own power.

Sylvania was momentarily taken aback by the dark energy that hit her body. Just like that Sylvania falls from the spire and gets stuck in a small shopping building next to the square.

– Bang!

Sylvania who had barely managed to collect herself from the rising dust still had surprised eyes.

Sylvania Robester was not simply surprised to see that gigantic demon-shaped monster.

The Delheim hourglass an invention of his student Philona Bloomriver never saw the light of day.

Lucy Mayril who did not understand the fighting style of the weak was ultimately crushed by the difference in power and had to be defeated.

Yenica Failover experienced a huge failure and ended up in a state of frustration that she could never overcome again.

In the thousands of future streams that I looked into over and over again through constellation magic while holed up in the Lily Palace laboratory…

Variables that have never been observed are revealing themselves one after another.

Sylvania looks up from the rubble of the collapsed building.

It’s strange.

There are so many strange things.

The fear of darkness encroaching on my head shakes my head to say otherwise but… Sylvania speaks while shaking her cloudy pupils.

Isn’t this a strange thing? I repeat this to myself.

And the strangest thing of all.

The blonde man who was sitting against the collapsed outer wall of the Trix building and glaring at Sylvania Robester.

The poison that flowed from those eyes was imprinted in her memory and constantly stimulated Sylvania’s consciousness.

Madness surges back grabbing hold of the mind that had been engulfed in darkness for a long time. Raising her magical power she raises herself up again.

As you float into the sky you can see Yenica Palover sitting inside the magic circle clutching her staff tightly.

The eyes that always seemed gentle and kind are now looking at Sylvania more aggressively than ever.

My head has turned completely white here and there and dark imprints are creeping up my skin… Both eyes are strong.

Sylvania manifests high-level elemental magic. All kinds of magic including fire wind water and land fluctuated and flew toward Glaskan.

Dark magic appears and most of it is neutralized but some magic hits effectively. The elemental magic that hits Glaskan’s body causes a huge explosion covering the entire area with light.

However the opponent is an elemental spirit of the highest rank.

They don’t care about that level of attack. The dark magic flying towards Sylvania soon covered the square.

– Quagwang! bang! bang! Hwaaaaaaa!

The rising dark red flame burns everything in the world equally. A black flame spell that only Glaskan can use. It is a pure dark flame that equally burns away not only material things but also magical power.

However it cannot respond to Sylvania’s aspect magic.

In an instant Sylvania broke through the ‘space curtain’ that surrounded her body and was once again at the top of the spire unharmed.

Dealing with that giant still requires quite a bit of effort. This is especially because it is a dark spirit that is not good at elemental compatibility.

But that doesn’t mean you can’t win. It just takes a bit of work.

That was the moment I thought about it.

Before you know it the entrance plaza is filled with water. I noticed it too late because of the deep darkness.

As if there was a flood… . Water was constantly flowing over the surface of the square gradually covering the area.

Yenica Failover who was sitting in the center was submerged in water almost up to her knees.

Spirit ceremony – Water source manifestation.

However its scale is different from that used by Ed Rothtaylor’s spirit Lacia.

──No matter where you end up that place is the sea.

There is a legendary spirit called that. It is a mythical giant spirit that eats giant monsters in the deep sea and chews up and swallows even reefs.

Friede the highest ranking water spirit.

This is the name of the gigantic whale that suffered from high fever for over a week and even lost its eyesight even though it was summoned with the power of the Phoenix Ring.

There is a legend that the legendary spiritist ‘Delcrom’ from the mythical era once summoned two highest-ranking spirits at once.

However the ridiculous feat was often perceived as exaggerated to elevate the spirit of the mythical hero.

This is because no matter how well a person is born with the temperament of a spiritist there are human limitations.

However with both hands together and holding the staff tightly… The sight of Yenika concentrating her mind is heartfelt.

If he an ordinary human being wanted to tie the feet of Sylvania Robester a historical figure… I thought I had to do something like this.

At the point when something like this was possible in the first place he was definitely not an ordinary human being. As if her thoughts couldn’t reach that point Yenica just poured out her blood and gathered her mental power.

Blood pours like a waterfall.

Even amidst the dripping blood his eyes are wide open.

Holding the staff tightly with trembling hands I clearly feel my entire body’s spirit response burning.

– Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.

It was closer to the beating sound of a huge sailing ship rather than a sound made by a spirit.

The size of the whale that breaks through the floor of the huge square and leaps into the sky… It easily overwhelms a few decent buildings.

It seemed as if rain was pouring from the sky as streams of water rose due to Friede’s descent.

Just by appearing Friede appears with hundreds of lower-level spirits in tow.

Looking at the army of spirits rising next to the huge whale soaring into the sky it is as if you are watching a fleet guarding and reigning over a huge mother ship.

Spirits of all kinds rise up together with the enormous whale spirit and fly around Glaskan trying to cover the sky.

Is this the present world or the spirit world where spirits gather?

An army so vast that it is impossible to distinguish between them covers the world.

As the monsters filling the sky are swept away all kinds of elemental spirits soar against the backdrop of the roaring Velbrok.

Sylvania was standing on the broken spire looking straight up at the scene.

Yenica Palover lowered her head.

As blood pours out a high fever rises. I am in pain as all five senses are burning but I do not relax my body.

Not only did I run out of magical energy but I was on the verge of using up all the strength I needed to maintain life.

The reason I’m shaking is because I don’t even have the strength left to breathe. I could barely see in front of my eyes and even my sense of touch had become weak.

Still Yenica Failover does not fall. There is only one reason why she persists in doing such ridiculous things as her work. Because she has something to protect.

Its appearance is very different from the Yenica Palover that Sylvania knows.

With Friede’s roar Glaskan’s highest-ranking dark magic attacks Sylvania.

Attacks that cannot be blocked with normal magical power. And even the firepower and volume are far beyond the scope of common sense.

Sylvania first raised her star power. The magical power of an aspect that can ignore the providence of the world can suppress all elemental magic no matter how far beyond common sense.

Great Sage Sylvania is a wizard who does not understand the logic of power in the first place.

In the end it’s just a matter of how effectively you can suppress even the armies of spirits that are rising as if they’re going to cover the world.

Dark red magical energy swirls around the spire.

Even after using an unbelievable amount of aspect magic dozens of times the amount of magic power still shows no sign of drying up.

The sound of Bellbroke’s roar covers Aken Island and the breath it emits passes through hundreds of spirits in the sky. Freede who is swimming in the sky full of spirits as if it were outer space sweeps away hordes of monsters with a single wave of her tail.

Inside Sylvania opens her eyes. The dark madness creeping up her body whispers in her ear.

Death is like a comfortable rest for those who struggle meaninglessly.

A helping hand to help us escape from the vicious cycle of endless suffering in a useless life.

The deep frustration of being buried in darkness for a long time and not being able to endure until the end not knowing the limits brings out magical power.

Highest Aspect Magic – Void.

The aspect magic that covers the entire area spreads throughout Aken Island.

It’s hard to believe that such a small body contained such magical power.

Sylvania raises her wand and smiles bitterly thinking. I didn’t want to do this but I really can’t help it now.

Even the scope of the magic of nihilism that erases existence itself is vast.

It is the most powerful aspect magic that even Sylvania a master of aspect magic and a rare genius cannot control properly unless she makes up her mind.

After using it once the aftereffects are very severe. Therefore it was magic on such a massive scale that even Sylvania avoided using it as much as possible.

The power to turn even the enormous spirit army that is covering the entire world into ‘non-existence.’

It is a power that holds in its hands and shakes the providence of a world where its very existence is denied just by its manifestation.

Yenica Failover is prepared to face death. But even that would be useless in front of Sylvania.

The sole intention of providing comfortable rest.

With that alone Sylvania raises her eyes and stretches her hands toward the sky. All of this will end in an instant like a candle blowing out.

That was the moment I thought about it.

– Hwaaaaaaaaaaa!

– Kwakagagak!

Aspect magic can only be countered by Aspect magic.

That major premise has never been broken down. At most only the Creator of this world can deny the absolute nature of Aspect magic which cannot be countered by any other compatibility.

However Sylvania’s Aspect Magic is overwhelmed by the enormous amount of Aspect Magic.

It is so massive that it rises above Aken Island and threatens to overwhelm the spirits’ army. There was no way in this world that an aspect magic user could overcome that level of magical power.

Sylvania opens her eyes wide and looks at the source of magical power.

The top of the half-destroyed building on the outskirts of the residential building.

Lucy Mayril covered in blood is standing there barely able to keep herself together.

The phoenix ring is shining in the hand that is tightly held between the dripping blood. The principle is also taken from Aspect magic so Sylvania knows it well.

A magic tool that draws magical energy from the future into the present and forcibly inflates the magical power.

Why does Lucy Mayril have it?

This may also be a future that has never been observed.

Even if it is the same magic tool its effectiveness varies depending on who uses it.

Lucy Mayril a genius who ruled the world without magic tools brings the magical power promised in the future into the present.

Even that is not an amount of a few days or months. At least 1 year or 3 to 5 years.

Lucy Mayril who can recover the magic power of hundreds of people in just a few days must have accumulated years to gain how enormous the amount of magic power must be.

Lucy Mayril no longer looks back.

The difficult future of having to live without magical power for the next few years is not even considered.

Survive right now. If you have a reason to live you will use whatever means you have.

The girl with a lot of blood and blood united with that single thought raises her eerily calm eyes.

The amount of magical power flowing into the ring is already at an astronomical level. Nevertheless after continuously collecting and gathering magical power the ring eventually began to crack unable to withstand the enormous amount of magical power.

Still Lucy doesn’t care. No matter how much magical power he musters it will not be enough if he is going to deal with Sylvania.

– Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

The sound of Friede’s heartbeat echoes in the sky along with Belbroke’s roar.

The giant Glaskan who has raised his magic power wipes out the monsters and spreads evil laughter throughout the sky.

And when Sylvania closed her eyes for a moment…

Lucy Mayril who was far away on the other side had arrived right in front of us.

Lucy Mayril who has gathered magical power into her fingertips leans in and speaks.

“There’s something that old man used to say.”

Have we already thrown away things like honorifics?

It was even before Sylvania could react to that truly Lucy Mayril-like attitude.

“He said he had the worst teacher.”

When I think back to Sylvania I remember the sight of the old man sitting in front of the campfire.

Glokt was always kind and caring towards Lucy but there were times when his tone became blunt when telling anecdotes about Sylvania.

Still his face was smiling.

His expression was probably reminiscing about the best teacher he had ever met in his life.

– Kwaaaaang!

As a huge amount of aspect magic struck Sylvania fell from the spire again.

Even though it gets stuck in the building next door its magic power still overflows. Nevertheless Sylvania was slowly moving slowly.

A fragment from Sylvania’s memory speaks to her.

I remember meeting a boy wizard who had lost the will to live in an empty life.

There is also a memory of a huge wolf spirit looking down at the beach as if bored on peaceful Aken Island.

I also remember setting up an academy and teaching magical magic in a simple classroom with only a blackboard and desks.

If I think about it I lived that kind of life too.

It wasn’t that I always went back and forth between the Lily Palace laboratory and Prince Lienfell’s office worrying about the grand future.

The memories rising from the dust are a record of Sylvania’s struggles.

– ‘The future will not change and will ultimately lead to catastrophe. We’re done now!’

– ‘Stop this pointless struggle! We just… There is nothing you can do but accept death!’

With a cry of despair Prince Lienfell kicks the desk and knocks it over. Surrounded by fear and futility he tears out his head saying that all of this is pointless.

Hundreds of Glaskan’s dark arrows hit. Even when Sylvania is pinned against the exterior wall of a building she quickly activates her defensive formation and blocks everything.

However Lucy jumps in and delivers a follow-up blow shattering the defensive line.

At the same time the memories of frustration digging into her mind threaten to eat away at Sylvania again.

The voice that had told me over and over again that there was no point in having any more hope tried to block my thoughts again.

Lucy who has regained her magical power is hit with high-level elemental magic to block her movements and the direction of the next level magic is directed to the main body of Yenica who is in charge of all the supplies.

The greatest weakness of a spiritist is that they only need to suppress the main body that is using elemental arts.

However Lucy Mayril draws out the magic power of her entire body and changes the direction of Sylvania’s magic.

Lucy’s struggles which appear to be half-conscious are all effective.

I am resisting Sylvania’s magic with my teeth clenched.

Lucy who has neutralized all of Sylvania’s elemental magic leaps again while putting on her large witch hat.

Numerous explosion formations around Sylvania exploded all at once. Sylvania quickly used her magical power to absorb all the shock but she was unable to cope with Friede’s high-level water magic that followed.

The sound of Friede’s heartbeat once again cuts through the skies of Aken Island.

The highest level of water magic is ‘undersea pressure’.

Wherever Friede is that is the sea.

As if to prove that fact… The spreading pressure of the deep sea covers the entire area. Everywhere the magic touches is covered with unbearable pressure.

Due to Sylvania’s small size if it is hit directly by the pressure of the distant deep sea it will die instantly. I tried to pull out her magic again and somehow hold on but I couldn’t stop her from falling to the floor under the pressure.

– Kwaaaaang!

Sylvania’s reason with only the fragments remaining whispers to her buried among the rubble of the building.

Were all those years of sitting at a desk peeking into the future and observing the apocalypse really meaningless?

Was resisting the futility that overshadows life just a meaningless struggle?

I thought I already had the answer to that question.

A future that had never been observed in the distant past.

Those present beings who are resisting with unexpected power.

It poses a new question to Sylvania which has experienced dozens and hundreds of setbacks.

Even though I observed all the future flows extending into thousands of branches over and over again.

What if there was a branch of the flow that I had never seen before?

It’s so weak and pointless that you wonder if it’s even possible to extend beyond that huge cliff… Still if you say it definitely exists.

The variable in this world that turned all future trends upside down.

What is a drop of water that falls into closed lukewarm water… Who do you mean?

─The answer was decided from the beginning.

– Quack!

Ed Rothtaylor covered in blood rises from the rubble of the building on the other side.

As he limped through the dust he held a dagger in one hand and what little magical energy was left in his other hand.

Amidst the falling dust he glared at Sylvania with his precious eyes.

His goal has not changed since then. It’s not that complicated it’s not that great it’s not that grand. Trying to explain it now will only make your mouth hurt.

Just take a deep breath and straighten your head.

Although it was stained with blood its will never broke.

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