The Game Cafe in Marvel and DC

50 – Agent Coulson suffering in Bioschock

50 – Agent Coulson suffering in Bioschock

[A/N: Chapter 50 woo. Now the second longest fic I have done, let's hope I can make it pass 75 chapters :D]

[A/N: When you realize the last poll you made was 13 weeks ago, 0_0]

Running through the underwater city of Rapture, Coulson breathed hard as he dodged past the many splicers trying to kill him.

Briefly turning around, an electro bolt zapped from his left hand into the chest of one of the chasing Splicers, making them convulse and collapse, tripping a few others behind him.

Not wasting even a moment, he rose the revolver in his other hand and cocked it back, shooting one of the chasing Splicers in the chest, causing them to collapse, dead.

With extreme precision, each round from the revolver ended a life or left one of the Splicers on the ground, bleeding out.

The moment he had to reload, he holstered the gun and pulled out a wrench.

Backpedaling from the swing of one of the Splicers, Coulson mercilessly swung down, crushing the wrist of the Splicer, forcing them to drop the pipe.

Before he could capitalize on the mistake of the Splicer further, he had to duck as another splicer tried to grab him.

With all his strength, he swung up under the splicer's arms, delivering a ruthless uppercut to the Splicer, dislocating the Splicer's jaw and sending him into unconscious. That's when the Splicer he struck moments earlier regained his wits, and tackled Coulson, screaming, "BURNING! HELP! HELP ME!" 

Twisting out of the Splicer's hold, Coulson swung the wrench down as hard as he could, smashing the skull of the Splicer, ending their life. 

The head wound on the Splicer gushed blood and brain matter over Coulson's face and chest. 

Pushing the body off him, Coulson got up as quick as possible, dodging the swing of another Splicer before grabbing their arm and using electro bolt to flood their system with electricity, making them convulse and drop their weapon.

That when he felt a horrid pain on his back, where a splicer with a kitchen knife thrust their knife as deep as possible.

Swinging his arm back, Coulson's elbow flew into the Splicer's face, breaking their nose with a sickening crunch.

Before the Splicer in front of him could ever hope to react, let alone move, Coulson socked him in the face before hitting him as hard as possible with the wrench, sending the Splicer down to the ground, where Coulson began stomping on the head of the Splicer, until the Splicer's face became unrecognizable.

Breathing heavily, Coulson winced in pain, as he knew that the bones in his left hand had to be broken.

Making sure everyone was dead, Coulson winced as the burning pain of the knife stuck in his back flared to life, distracting him of the pain in his hand.

Ripping off some of the cloth he could from the Splicer's clothes, he bundled it up and applied as much pressure he could around the knife to stop the bleeding.

Pulling the knife out would have only made matters worse, especially since it's in a hard-to-reach area.

Taking in quick breaths as the pain flared even more when he touched the wound, he began looking around before stumbling across a machine.

One that read 'Prime Health Unit' that featured a large white cross hanging above it.

Motioning over to it, he fetched $1o from his pocket and inserted it into the machine.

Once he did that, he took in a deep breath, and after flexing his arm around to his back, he pulled out the knife very slowly as he could not get a good grip.

Moments passed as Coulson screamed and panted from the pain, before the knife clattered to the ground and blood began to flow down his back.

Ignoring that, he placed his right arm in the cast of the machine, and pulled a lever, revealed a syringe above that jabbed down into his arm and began pumping a green liquid into his system.

Letting go of the lever and pulling his arm away, the pain began to rapidly fly away as the bones in his hands were set back into place and repaired, and the various bruises and wounds across his body began to rapidly heal, leaving unblemished skin.

Grunting, Coulson leaned against a nearby wall, exhausted and tired from the previous fight.

The further he got into the city, the more Splicers, Turrets, Drones, Cameras, and Big Daddies he ran into, any of them could prove to be a threat that would end his life.

For minutes, Coulson sat and recovered his energy, questioning whether to continue or not. 

Rapture was far more dangerous than anything Coulson has had to go through, and it seemed to only get more dangerous.

Sighing, he got back up and continued, traveling through the Medical Pavilion Foyer to the Emergency Access, where he pushed up a lever, releasing a gang of Splicers that came running in across the room in the Foyer.

Taking a deep breath, he readied himself for the battle ahead.


Fighting tooth and nail against the Splicers, only coming on top due to his training as an Agent of Shield, Coulson climbed up the stairs of the foyer where he opened a door that lead to an empty hallway that led to another door, opening that door revealed a large open room where he was met with a turret that immediately gunned him down before he could react.

Suddenly gasping for air, Coulson fell from a Vita-chamber, now alive.

For only a few moments did Coulson feel the pain and death, but even then that was enough to make the man break out into a cold sweat and get chills as he was on the brink of a Panic attack.


[POV Change]

Watching from a bird's eye view, I couldn't help but worry slightly upon seeing Coulson's reaction to his first death.

The man was on the brink of a full-blown panic attack.

Frowning, I reached out, and forcibly calmed him down.

How I did it, I had no idea, it just felt like something I could do, so I did it.

Once he was completely forced to calm down, I let him be and went back to working on my other projects while this 'fragment' continued watching.

My work on the games continued to make leaps of progress as I focused almost all the fragments of my mind on working on them.

I finished the 'Scorched Earth,' 'Abberant,' and 'Extinction' maps for ARK Survival Evolved, adding 43 new creatures with variations to some of those new creatures, 128 new Engrams, and six new bosses.

That did not even include all the new consumables, survivor notes, dossiers, and everything else knew that could be explored with both new maps being completely different environments compared to the Island, with the Scorched Earth map being that of a giant desert where every day was scorching hot and at night, freezing cold with water not as abundant. As for the abberant map, it takes place underground.

As for Bioshock, I finished making the second game and Bioshock Infinite, the final game of the series.

Bioshock 2 took place in Rapture once again, with the main character taking the role of a Big Daddy instead of a fleshy human, while Bioshock Infinite took place somewhere completely different, the floating city of Columbia.

All that I had left, were a few finishing details for Bioshock Infinite and the last couple of maps of ARK.

While I did have a bit left to do, I foresee that I should be done with the Genesis 1 and 2 maps in a few days, while I should be completely done with Bioshock by tonight.

That's not all. I purchased the next set of games that would be featured in the café.

The Elder Scrolls, Minecraft, and Resident Evil.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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