The Game Cafe in Marvel and DC

51 – Progress and the start of new projects

51 – Progress and the start of new projects

Yet another week had passed while my customers played their games and enjoyed themselves.

While some did not enjoy the endless combat some of the games offered, especially to the unskilled, some thrived from the experience. For example, on the Island, Hawkeye has learned far more than he ever could have from any sort of training, and with the help of the Implant and Engrams, if he got lost and was far from civilization, he'd eventually be able to make an ATV if he so wishes though he would need to make the tools and forges necessary for such a creation.

As for his partner on the Island, Harley Quinn has become a bit of a...problem with the others on the server, as she has taken up the moniker 'Beast Queen' with her packs of Raptors and her Carnosarus.

Of course, Hawkeye has been using Harley to find and search for the Survivor Notes hidden across the island, all of which he cataloged in his Implant before moving on to search for another.

All threats they came across were swiftly taken care of by Harley's beasts, as they could even take down a Rex, so long as Hawkeye helped, of course.

As for the others, Victor has been making it further and further into Rapture, making sure to take his sweet time in reading every source of information he found, in the hope that he could find clues toward how Plasmids were created and any research or document that could lead him to learn what these amoral scientists and businessman had created.

He was armed with a wide array of Plasmids, such as Incinerate, Electrobolt, Insect Swarm, Telekinesis, and Water Blast. He also found the hidden Pyrokinesis, Cryokinesis, Hydrokinesis, Electrokinesis, and Aerokinesis. Arguably, they are the strongest Plasmids available and the best to use against the Splicers that could use Plasmids.

Meanwhile, Ivy has been scouring the Pre-War ruins of California, including Necropolis, home to the Ghouls, Feral and not, Mariposa Military Base, the local Vaults, and more, even contacting the Brotherhood and assisting them with whatever they needed in exchange for the location of more ruins.

She had completed the main quest a long time ago and seemed to decide to continue playing instead of moving on to the next Fallout of the series.

She's been making genuine progress, especially now that she does not have to worry about failing the main quest and having to restart with the save point she gained upon completing the 'Game,' she had no worries and could freely explore as she wished, soon exploring farther than the bounds of the game originally allowed.

So, she traveled north, where she encountered the Shi in San Fransisco and more as she delved into all of the Pre-War ruins she came across, learning as much as she could from each and every one of them, even getting a good picture of what life was like before the 'Great War,' though even that picture was still missing some pieces as information and data corroded, corrupted, or decayed over the many years.

It was a miracle she encountered as many intact and working Terminals as she had, not to mention how many of the ruins she came across proved to be surprisingly intact, with most lacking signs of anyone entering since the Great War.

Waylon, on the other hand, continued to rise in fame and popularity due to his heroics, having saved his vault, Shady Sands, and all of the other settlements that called the Wasteland of California home.

He faced the Master and his army of Super Mutants, and while he did struggle, having died two times, he showed surprising resolve and determination, having found a calling being called a hero.

Catwoman, on the other hand, has progressed and beaten more games than every other customer, having beaten Infamous 1, 2, and Festival of Blood, and was now working on Infamous Second Son.

In Infamous 1, she uses her influence and powers to create a 'Gang' that quickly takes over each district of New York before taking on Kessler herself and beating the game.

When she moved on to Infamous 2, she did the same thing to New Marais, using her power and all of the men she had under her command to take down the Beast, where she used the RFI to sacrifice herself to permanently kill the seemingly immortal and indestructible 'Beast' as well as most of the Conduits in the world. Something she sorely wished she did not have to do, as now all of those deaths weighed on her conscious

Now, she was playing the role of Delsin Rowe, a small-town delinquent and a member of the Akomish. 

While everyone was making great progress in their respective games, there was one outlier: Swamp Thing.

Swamp Thing just wandered the wasteland without a care in the world, eventually failing the main quest multiple times and having to restart over and over, not that it cared, as it just went back to wondering.

It did not seem to care about the Humans it came across, simply desiring to wander the Wasteland, where it only became more and more convinced of the disgusting nature of Humanity. If it thought of Humanity as nothing worse than wriggling insects beneath a boot, it now knew them as nothing but a disease to life, a disease that had to be culled before it spread.


[POV Change]

Now that I was completely done with ARK Survival Evolved and Bioshock, I could freely begin work on the three new games I would be introducing to my Cafe.

The Elder Scrolls, Minecraft, and Resident Evil.

Each game was different than the other.

The Elder Scrolls was set in a fantasy setting where things like Gods called the Et'Ada, Dragons, Elves, Orcs, and a kind of dwarven Elf existed. Magic existed everywhere within that world, and that meant that the players would be able to use Magic within the game if they so wished.

There were many games in the Elder Scrolls series, with more than ten separate instances of a singular game actually existing in my previous world. I miss Skyrim.

Minecraft, on the other hand, was a truly infinite open-world adventure game with its own crafting system. In my world, Minecraft was one of the most replayable games to exist due to its high modability, with countless mods, mod packs, and player-made worlds and creations for other players to experience and play through, from custom-made Modern Cities, Kingdoms, and even a scaled-down recreation of the entire earth.

I fully intended to add a custom workshop feature that would allow players to create mods for their favorite games in the future, and I may very well create it once I am done with these three games, but for now, the players would have to try and be satisfied with the Vanilla mode of all the games.

Vanilla being the term for an unmodded playthrough of a game.

Then, there was the black sheep of the group.

A series of horror games.

Resident Evil.

A world where a virus can create zombies, mutated creatures, and humans and even give certain individuals powers. Yet, in almost all of the games, the character was a basic bitch mortal that had to fight against near-impossible odds.

How Ethan Winters killed God-like beings was beyond me, as such a thing should be impossible in reality.

Yet, there was one reason why I chose this series. Its memorability.

Nothing was more memorable than entire montages of Streamers and players screaming in fear after getting jump scared.

Ah...the memories.

Sadly for my players, they'll actually feel every bite, stab, burn, shock, and more.

However, if they didn't lower the Pain Threshold beforehand, they could only blame themselves.

After all, it's not my fault if they don't check the settings before starting the game.

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