The Gamer's System

Chapter 134: The Gamer's Experiment

Chapter 134: The Gamer's Experiment

Why was it exactly that Zeke needed to leave? Well, that is because his [Minimap] has also upgraded. Through the upgrade, the area which the map could cover had also widened. He needed to get away from the group because, he saw the next wave of enemies closing in. 

It would take them about half a day to reach the location of the elites but, Zeke won't allow that. He decided to stop them in their tracks because, there was only a single direction from where they came, making Zeke understand that his group was much more organized than the first batch that attacked.

"Oh this is going to be lots of fun." Zeke told himself, seeing the notice of the [System] pop up before him.

[Alert: You need to make use of the [Secondary Job Class] within 24 hours before your body gets destroyed from the outpouring amount of mana.] It told him again. This same notification came right after he integrated his [Secondary Job Class]

Of course, Zeke already read about this beforehand. With all the plans he set into motion, he was also aware that the enemies won't take long to reach the base. In fact, on the moment before he made the decision to take [Atticus' Kin] Zeke already estimated the enemies coming within 24 hours. Hence, there was no worry on Zeke's head as he knew that he could go all out once the troops come for them.

"Well, lets pay our respects now." Zeke said, teleporting to the location of the marching enemies.

Usually, Zeke would teleport to a range where he couldn't be reached. But this time, he had other things in mind as he [Shadow Dived] right in front of the group. With both his guns loaded with fully charged bullets, [Death's Void] was already aimed at the enemies. Then, with a single pull of the trigger, Zeke released a massive black beam that wiped out a thousand enemies in the blink of an eye.

Without missing a heartbeat, Zeke began the next phase of his attack. The soldiers screamed of course; a normal reaction to what just occurred and Zeke paid it no mind. Rather, what the gamer focused on were the numerous tongues of fires that appeared before him.

With the amount of [Conjures] he could create now greatly increased and, with the number of deaths he instantly made, there were a lot of potential summons within his grasp. The gamer didn't need to think about anything and said the command to raise his new summons.


The soldiers were still at a state of shock from what just happened. In fact, it would take them more than a minute to process everything that just occurred and yet, another absurd thing was happening right before them. On top of the bodies of their dead comrades rose creatures looking alike. They were cloaked with dark blue mana but, nevertheless, the monsters were distinguishable as the soldiers who have just died.

Together with the [Conjures] which Zeke already had, all his troops attacked at once and, Zeke was in the mood to test things out. So he fired another bullet and, since this was not a game, it meant that his shots could deal friendly fire damage. 

Thus, he was able to deal critical damage even to his own [Conjures] but, knowing their capacity he figured this wouldn't be enough so he pulled the trigger again and, at this, Zeke was already able to kill 3,000 soldiers all in all.

"Conjure." He said again, raising even more of the soldiers that just died. 

The enemies were already in turmoil and in a state of panic. They began cowering away but the generals didn't allow this. They killed any of their troops that dared back away from the fight and Zeke loved watching this. Because right there and then, 10 Generals went into [Primal State].

"Now this will be interesting. Kirk." Zeke called out his strongest [Conjure] at the moment which he now decided to call by this name. This conjure also got an upgrade withs its weapon and its frame, looking even stronger than before and reaching about the same strength as [Samael] except for the fact that this creature cannot create a [Pocket Dimension].

Kirk and the other [Conjures] began their assault, meeting the [Primal State] generals head on. The enemies also began charging after realizing that whatever it was that fired won't be repeated anytime soon. And they were right because [Death's Void] cannot rapidly fire fully charged bullets.

"Anything more than this and it would probably break." Zeke observed his weapon, still figuring out how to remove the problem of it overheating from the said dilemma. The [System] notified him every time he was about to exceed the limit and Zeke would always heed its warning. The materials for his weapon aren't easy to find after all because, they were only gathered within Yaeger's realm.

"But this should be enough." Zeke continued, watching the scene unfold before him because, even with his mana almost entirely depleted, he had reached his goal.

[Alert: You have reached the maximum number of Conjured creatures.]

[Alert: Zeke has 2000/2000 Conjures]

[Alert: Most of the Conjures have met the 1hp requirement.]

[Notice: They will now enter Undying Fury].

Zeke saw his summons ooze with a deadly red color. He hasn't paid it any mind yet but, most of his skills have been slowly turned crimson and, one thing he wasn't aware of was that the color would symbolize something else entirely in the near future.

Zeke teleported into an area which he planted with [Cloud of Dreams] watching the whole fight from a safe distance where he couldn't be detected. He wasn't sacred of course. But for all Sylph knows, he is already dead and, he'd like to keep it that way. If there was any real threat to Zeke and to the lives of the elites, it was the female elf archer.

"Go on then, show me what you've got." He said to himself, bringing out flasks of [Large Mana] potions as his summons continually needed to get mana from him in order to maintain their [one health point] requirement from [Undying Loyalty].

But the enemies were not aware of this. They didn't know that, behind the intensely strong summons was a [Conjurer] who had a difficult requirement to meet just to keep them summoned. For all they know, there was no way to defeat the [Conjures].

They tried slashing the creatures down but their parts just repaired back. They tried using skill shots yet, no damage was ever sustained. Heck, they even tried instant deaths skills at the price of a soldier's life but, even this proved to be futile.

Over and over again, Zeke's forces toppled over the soldiers and even the generals who needed to attack at least a hundred of these all at the same time. No matter how strong they were, the generals were still mortals even with their [Primal State] activated. With soldiers who were both undying and having insanely high attributes, even the generals began cowering away.

Yet, they knew there was no way for them to retreat. It would not only be a disgrace and a dishonor that they would be bringing home but also, the death of all their kin and loved ones for. This was as Glade's empire decreed.

"I wonder how long they'd be able to put up this resistance." Zeke said again, drinking two large mana potions and, looking at the minimap once more. 

There were still a lot of enemies to go through and, there were even more troops now appearing on his [Minimap]. The ones who just entered range were from the opposite direction, making Zeke want to finish things faster in order to entertain his new guests.

"Okay, how about tis then." Zeke began, removing items from his inventory those that he crafted overnight for his own Conjure. Because of his job class and his blessing as a [Gamer] Zeke was able to transfer the equipment without having to go out himself. 








Bows and Arrows.




Every kind of weapon that complemented the formation of his [Conjures] were given to the them. With the sudden change of weaponry, the [Conjures] also changed their patterns of attack making the generals even more confused than they already were. 

For all they knew, it was some weird sorcery that caught them. One that cursed the land but, the reality was simply that Zeke toyed with them. Zeke released all the equipment he stacked up and, with the death of the enemies right there and then, Zeke was also able to acquire new items which automatically went within his [Inventory].

"AAAAAGGGGHHH!" One of the generals shouted, finally meeting his demise as three swords stabbed through his body. A spear pierced through his skull while arrow shots pierced through his chest and on his knees were spears that also stabbed through his flesh. 

The general immediately reverted back to his original state and, Zeke tried [Conjuring] this one, merging the other conjures into one in order to create more space.

This time, the gamer succeeded, creating a general class conjure within his ranks. The other generals had their eyes widen in horror, thinking of the fate that was to befall them as soon as they got defeated.

"We are being punished by the land!" One of the soldiers finally exclaimed in fear. 

The [Conjured] general bellowed a war cry, as if it was terrified with its own transformation. But then, it set its eyes on its fellow generals, fighting them with neither restraints nor reservations.

"I need to finish this soon." Zeke told himself, seeing that his guns were just about to cool down completely.

He looked at the [Minimap] once more, finding the optimum area in order to release his skill and, as soon as he found this, he [Shadow Dived] right away shattering a bunch of crystals on his hands.

What these contained was simple. These were the once transparent and pure crystals which now housed all the miasma gathered by the elites. What they didn't know was that the thing could be used as an offensive attack. Releasing an explosion of wraith like creatures which would instantly cause decay to those within range.

Zeke made sure to utilize this teleporting out of range as soon as he released the skill. The screams and wails of his enemies followed shortly after and, as he viewed the [Minimap], he saw how most of them are now dead.

Only two generals and a couple hundred soldiers were left on the battlefield. Zeke finally came out after seeing this emerging out of the wraith infused smoke. What this looked like for the generals was that, death himself came for them. 

Zeke's eyes gleamed the same predator like crimson and, wherever he stepped, a black mist followed his tracks.

Now realizing what kind of fate has finally befallen them, the remaining troops chose the logical choice. It was both disgraceful and a threat to the lives of their families but, the troops kneeled down, begging for the gamer to spare them. 

Zeke stopped at a distance, watching the pitiful enemies cower before him. Even the generals who only had minutes left to live gave in to terror and forgot to reason things out clearly. They all begged for dear life, as if death himself came to collect their souls and, Zeke didn't bother speaking to them anymore.

"This has gotten boring al of a sudden." He said, turning his back to leave and, the troops smiled at this as all the creatures and the [Conjurer] vanished without a trace.

But there was something left on the ground which they didn't notice. A miasma filled crystal rolled on the floor next to one of the generals, having a crack on its side already. And, without having fully registered the terror that was about to come, miasma consumed Zeke's unfortunate victims.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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