The Gamer's System

Chapter 135: Zeke Against the Chaos Dragon

Chapter 135: Zeke Against the Chaos Dragon

On the next area, Zeke wanted to try something else entirely. He wanted to see just how many of the enemies he could take down before he needed to summon all of his [Conjures]. 

Remembering the fight against king Gallio, Zeke knew that these creatures have little to offer once faced with an unsurmountable opponent. Yet, Zeke was also aware that his [Conjures] are now stronger than ever. If that fight occurred again, within his own terms and his own timing, Gallio wouldn't have stood a chance, not even a candle light's worth of hope would've been present for the king.

"Then again, I guess there's no use crying over spilled milk." Zeke thought to himself, placing the [Detonates] all around the area and preparing to activate them all soon. He placed [Chaos Poison Cloud] on each [Detonate] and made sure that they have been equally distributed.

He didn't want to test the waters anymore. Right then, Zeke had a complete understanding of the enemy's strengths and, there was no point in prolonging battles that could end even sooner. After all, there were still a lot of things that need to be done and quite frankly, there's not much time for all of this if Zeke slacks off even by just a little bit.

On his [Minimap] he saw the numbers increasing rapidly and noticed that on another side of the [Minimap], one other creature has emerged. Zeke knew right away what this was, feeling a slight headache from the creatures which he knew had to be dealt with first. 

"And here I thought they'd continue boring me." He thought to himself, preparing a [Chaos Wyvern Conjure] and riding on it. With all the attributes added to it due to Zeke's [Aura Skills], this was just as strong as the [Chaos Dragons]. The only let down was that it didn't have the [Flame] skill that could wipe out a whole [Continent] making this the only disadvantage when comparing the two.

Zeke was already finished with his preparations when these creatures came. Meaning, even if he left the soldiers to themselves, they'd be killed off by his [Chaos Poison Cloud]. 

"Let's end that thing quickly shall we." Zeke told his [Conjure] which understood his words right away. And so, they went straight for the [Chaos Dragon]; one of the few that stood guard over the continent.

Until then, Zeke was only worried about the said creatures because of one thing. It was that, with their flames, they could destroy everything in the blink of an eye. This was the reason why he wanted one for himself, thinking of trying to [Conjure] each [Chaos Dragon] that he encounters and, adding them to his ranks of summoned creatures.

At that moment, Zeke faced the ominous winged beast on the skies. He stayed underneath it, preparing something for his enemy. Meanwhile, the [Chaos Dragon] flapped its wings gallantly with its head raised high and proud. It did not care about those underneath it, as if it could not be bothered by such petty creatures. It only looked straight; awaiting to reach its target which was supposed to be the location of Zeke's tracker the same area where the elites were fighting. 

But even without knowing this, Zeke understood that this creature would go there. With his [Gamer's Mind], he could easily predict the moves of simpler beings such as these. Because no matter how strong the [Chaos Dragon] was, the fact cannot be removed that it had a simpler track of mind because Glade just made the creatures from his lab experiments.

"It's not like I have anything against your kind but, if you don't want to look my way, then I guess that means you'd die instantly." Zeke said with two completely charged bullets ready to fire.

As mentioned, the [Chaos Dragon] never looked down. And so, it didn't see the spiraling beam of darkness that came for its body. The [Chaos Dragon] got hit right away, screaming in irritation but nevertheless not accumulating too much damage.

"Figures." Zeke told himself, knowing that the scales of the [Chaos Dragon] are the hardest materials that could be found on the whole of Mythos. With both their extreme defensive and offensive ability, these creatures are the bane of other monsters. 

If there was anything that Zeke's attack was successful in doing, it was that it was successful in irritating the [Chaos Dragon] which now recognized his presence. 

The dragon roared, swooping down to catch Zeke. But instead of running away or going further down, Zeke decided to go even higher, activating [Lungs of Steel] and [Infinite Breath] in order to avoid dying from lack of oxygen He also increased his own body temperature, burning himself up by just enough.

Unlike Zeke however, the [Chaos Dragon] which could be called as nothing less than the king of the skies, found no difficulty going upwards. In fact, it was so fast that, it could catch up to Zeke's [Chaos Wyvern]. But Zeke knew better than to simply fly on a straight pattern. 

"Chaos Poison Cloud." Zeke said, releasing a thin amount of the deadly venom, around the skies. He followed this up by the [Cloud of Dreams] which hindered the field of vision of the summons.

But the dragon didn't let such a small attack hinder its goals. With its [Dragon Eyes] activated, it was able to see clearly through all of this and, not just this. The dragon also has a [Poison Resiliency] skill, making Zeke's attack deal little to no damage at all. 

Then, the dragon release one of its skills. A massive amount of [Chaos Black Flames] enveloped it, making the creature look like a flaming dragon altogether. Through this form, the dragon as able to suck up all the harmful air around it without having to breath any of it in.

"I knew it wouldn't be that easy." Zeke thought to himself, seeing the [Chaos Dragon] still going for him. 

This was also part of his plan of course. He needed to keep the [Chaos Dragon] tailing him. To ensure this, Zeke also fired two more bullets as his weapon just about cooled down. 

The dragon was able to barely dodge the first bullet. However, the second bullet soon came, targeting the area to which it evaded towards making a direct hit on its head. Zeke hoped that this would be enough to at least deal a significant amount of damage.

But, out of the smoke came the [Chaos Dragon], without any sign of getting wounded. Instead, its eyes burned in fury and rage. The creature became even faster, so much so that, Zeke wasn't able to catch up to it anymore and, in a matter of seconds, it was already next to him.

But even this was preprepared for by Zeke. Before the dragon used its tail to whip the human back to the ground, Zeke teleported using [Shadow Dive] but to where exactly? There isn't much shadow to go around when one is in the skies so, this is the answer.

The [Chaos Poison Cloud] and [Cloud of Dreams] were only diversions for his enemy. Zeke actually placed two more [Chaos Wyvern Conjures] within makeshift clouds. Zeke made this just in case the dragon was able to catch up to him, which it did. And so, Zeke used his skill, transporting to the next [Chaos Wyvern Conjure] and, firing at the blind spot of his enemy immediately through the help of [Overdrive].

"Come on how much more before you use that thing on me?" Zeke thought to himself, wanting the [Chaos Dragon] to go all out and, its mouth was already burning with the flames he wanted to be released. But the dragon decided not to use such an attack, priding itself too much with its power.

"This will forever be the reason as to why monsters are stupid opponents." Zeke thought to himself, knowing that if he became a monster, there would be no second thought about using his ultimate over each and every enemy.

Zeke decided to throw the last batch of crystals to the sky. These were too small for the [Chaos Dragon] to notice and, they only seemed like glitters on the vast and open sky. But as these got close to the dragon, Zeke fired two regular bullets at them, shattering the objects altogether. The crystals immediately exploded, sending the same explosion of miasma toward the [Chaos Dragon].

The creature screamed in pain and, this time, Zeke knew that some damage was dealt. Yet, he also knew that this wouldn't be enough and so, he went and threw more crystals at the dragon. This time it was regular crystals that contained different elements, sending off explosions of different kinds to the dragon and trapping it in the middle of all this chaos.

Zeke followed by charging his bullets completely and, positioned himself to where he thought the wings of the creature would be. He condensed the amount of energy into a smaller area, making it have greater power stored generating more force.

Then, as soon as all the explosions cleared up, he saw the dragon again. This time, some damage was dealt to it yet, it wasn't enough as the dragon was still flying perfectly fine. It didn't feel Zeke's presence because he was still covered with [Cloud of Dreams]. And with his bullets, fully charged, he released an attack as fast as the speed of light.

There was no escaping it. The dragon got hit and, pierced through its hard scales. The bullet was able to pierce through one of the wings and even reached the dragon's heart making Zeke think that he already won. But the dragon's instincts were much sharper. It burnt flames on its own heart, closing the wound created; although it screamed in pain.

"I definitely want one of those." Zeke said, continuing his advance against the dragon which answered in kind. 

The two dueled in the sky. From a distance, one would mistake it for a firework display yet wonder why such a thing would occur in broad daylight. The exchange lasted for around 10 minutes, with Zeke escaping each and every attack while the [Chaos Dragon] slowly accumulated damage. The beast was finally cornered and so it was left with no other choice than to use its ultimate move.

"Now that's more like it!" Zeke said, seeing that the dragon was finally opening its mouth, with the continent destroying flames being charged up.

If there was one weakness to this attack it was that, the [Chaos Dragon] couldn't move much while charging. The beast needed to put its all in flapping its wings as soon as the flames were released because, the force of the attack would be so strong that it would send the dragon flying. 

Yet, nobody was able to counter this before because the dragons had the said scales which was difficult destroy. Aside from this, the [Chaos Dragon] floated too high to be reached. But Zeke had a plan and, although nervous, he was sure that is would work.

From the data he collected; he was also able to get the information of how long the charge needed to be made this being five seconds in total. After the said interval, the dragon would blow [Chaos Flames] so powerful that the sky would probably look noontime and, Zeke counted the seconds on his head, getting nearer and nearer towards the dragon.






Normally, one would not summon a massive amount of [Conjures] in mid-air. Especially because most of Zeke's units only thrived on land. But Zeke had other things in mind. All 2,000 conjures were sent inside the dragon's mouth as soon as it fired.

Zeke maintained his summons by drinking [Large Mana Potions] over and over again while the dragon kept flying wildly on the sky with its body bloating up bit by bit. Through Zeke's latest modification on his skill, the [Conjures] won't die as long as Zeke supplied mana and, with all of them being inside the dragon's mouth; this meant only one thing:

The that pile of [Conjures] could easily block the exit of the flames, containing it completely within the dragon's body.

Bit by bit, the dragon's body bloated up and, Zeke watched this with glee paying attention to his mana which rapidly went down. And, after a few more seconds, the dragon finally exploded. 

All of the loot immediately went into Zeke's inventory. The remains itself rained down from the sky as indistinguishable parts of some large creature. Zeke then decided to finally leave the scene but just as Zeke thought he was finished, two other [Chaos Dragons] showed on his [Minimap]. Leaving Zeke with no other choice but to try something out with the tongue of fire left by the [Chaos Dragon].


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