The Gamer's System

Chapter 266: The True Master of Deception

Chapter 266: The True Master of Deception

With every exchange of blows between Zeke and Pier, huge waves of water rose up from the ocean. The waves were so high that they crashed to the barriers set up by Zeke on the remaining Continents. These were as high as tsunamis, sending tremors to the shores and to the nearby villages.

Monsters continued rising from the sea of [Chaos]. Ranging from one to six horned creatures. Even the unique six horned ones which Zeke defeated came out of this. 

[Infernal Conjures] greeted these creatures with their relentless attacks. Although Zeke's summons were fewer in number, their quality was still higher than that of the horned beasts. In fact, the lowest ranked [Infernals] were capable of handling fifty single-horned summons all on their own. Simply because aside from turning into [Infernals] the creatures also had both [Undying Fury] and [Undying Loyalty] active.

Meanwhile the stronger ones were handled by Zeke's Knights, Kayle, Samael, and Horizon. This made the fight look like an all-out war. With the sound of blades clashing and the screams of the summons filing the air. Adding to this were the flames on the [Infernals] and the burn which they let their enemies experience. 

Yet the heart of the battlefield was still the bout between the gamer and the god of deceit. No summon of Zeke dared to come close, knowing that this fight was reserved for their king. However, the same could not be said for Pier who had no hesitations in making his summons interfere.

"It's pointless boy, you cannot win against me." 

"Says the god who needs backup." 

More five horned monsters came to interfere in the fight. They shot projectiles towards the gamer which were easily dodged. These were the moments when Pier made his strikes, when the gamer seemed to have disconnected from his chain of movements. 

"Overdrive." Zeke dodged the dagger that was aimed at his throat. Kicking Pier in the face along the way and sending him flying to a large group of summons.


Pier's fake body immediately blew up with the monsters. A new one emerged right away but, Zeke didn't let this stay for long. Three magic circles were already positioned on the possible areas where he could respawn and, as soon as he did, Zeke fired away.


Zeke did not worry about his mana pool anymore. With all the skills he accumulated and the items he forged for himself, his mana pool regenerated quicker than he could cast. This was the reason why he could repetitively use high level skills.

His body was also holding out because, it had Gallio's genes after all. It wasn't just any regular body. Topping all of this was the [Curse of the Blood King]. Exponentially increasing his body's regenerative abilities as well as attribute points.

Zeke created more magic circles. He didn't think twice before casting the same spell multiple times over. Deleting even the existence of Pier's summons as the gamer spoke with Allesiah.

"How's the core? Have you found it yet?"

"Don't rush me. With all of this [Energy] signatures moving around it'd take me some time before I can pinpoint it again."

The elf was hidden within a [Cloud of Dreams] which Zeke set up. She was floating higher than all of them, preventing herself from being caught up in the attacks. Even if a stray projectile comes close to her, Allesiah would simply snap her fingers and that same projectile would vanish.

"I'm not rushing you; just asking." 

"Zeke just focus on the fight will you? I'll update you as soon as I find it."

"Roger that." The gamer said in reply, focusing back on the fight as his spell finally ceased.

As expected, Pier was still alive. Also, he had no signs of getting damaged or affected which was normal. After all, it was simply a clone of the god which Zeke was fighting at that point. 

Nevertheless, Pier's moves and attacks were as real as they could get. His words and actions were also just like the original. He was known for continually taunting and provoking his enemy. He would even casually talk to them about seemingly random and trivial things. And this was something which he did at that exact moment.

"You fight well for a mortal." Pier commended. 

"And you fight lousily for a god." Zeke said in reply, showing not the slightest bit of interest with his foe.

"Well I can't have that now can I?" Pier began summoning more tentacles from [Chaos]. A hundred of them to be exact. They circled around Pier who was deciding how to use them.

"How about you play with my little darlings then?" The tentacles spun even faster and only continued increasing in speed.

This created a hurricane which began sucking in all that were too close. It then began bending in a weird way, creating momentum as it turned into one gigantic tentacle one which sprang up immediately after.

The gamer simply sighed as he made a swift combination of motions. Going into a thrusting stance while summoning a magic circle in front of him. The circle divided into five; getting bigger as it divided itself. And, with the tentacle reaching the point of contact, Zeke disappeared. 

A streak of flames was left by his trail as the tentacle got destroyed. It didn't even end there as Zeke hit the fake Pier once again. Twisting his halberd a bit as flames bursted out; destroying Pier once again. However, this left Zeke within closer range to [Chaos] which spawned tentacles right away.

"Overdrive." Zeke had no trouble destroying these even before they could do some damage. The tentacles seemed to be nothing but sheets of paper compared to the sharpness of Zeke's halberd. 

Pier did not allow things to simply end here. He summoned monsters once again but, Zeke was already prepared for this. There were five large magical circle directly on top of him and, he didn't hesitate to cast:

"Blaze of the Fire God!" The gamer escaped from range by [Shadow Stepping] to one of his [Conjures]. Watching idly as the attack wiped out all of the said monsters.

"BRAVOOOO! MAGNIFICENT!" Pier said, reappearing once again.

"How do they even pick these gods up?" Zeke commented as he thought how a lot of worlds must've been poorly made because of gods and goddesses resembling Pier's traits. Specifically, having a screw lose.

Zeke and Pier continued fighting and, this lasted for a whole hour. As the god was weary that his core would be found, he became even more active in moving it around. Thus prolonging Allesiah's search time. It was half of Mythos' ocean which she was trying to find it on after all. 

While this battle dragged on, both Pier and Zeke only had one thing in mind. That is, how their victory was already assured at that point. In fact, the exchange they were performing was nothing but a show at that point as both tried to trick the other.

Yet things didn't last longer than this. In fact Pier ceased all of his summons as he began running his mouth again. A dialogue which Zeke would skip because of hos it was non-essential.

"You'll simply tire yourself out human. I am not someone you can defeat. I must admit, under normal circumstances you would've killed me already. But in this form, no matter how many times you try, everything will simply turn to my favor." He triumphantly jested.

Meanwhile, Zeke was only staring at his opponent blankly. He also took down his guard because there wasn't even any reason to be on edged against his opponent. He was not hopeless nor was he irritated. Zeke was simply bored with his enemy who had nothing but words. 

"You know. This is not a taunting battle. You won't beat me by just spouting nonsense."

"HAHAHAHAHA! Taunting Battle? What nonsense are you talking about? Don't you know what I've been doing while you casually waste your energy?" Pier couldn't wait to show everything to Zeke.

While they were fighting, the god already deployed his most powerful forces to both continents. He also knew that Pilliade was finished killing off Vask and Quinn. As for the remaining allies of the gamer, he made sure that they were properly dealt with and disposed. 

In fact, he even created another Monarch on Mithril. One who killed Sylph, Heron and Morpheus. All of this could be seen by the real Pier who was, in reality, the core of [Chaos]. He played around with Zeke simply because he needed to get the gamer's full and undivided attention all while he destroyed every hope he had of winning.

"I think it's finally time to show you the kind of tragedy you've welcomed by opposing me." He said in excitement.

Pier snapped his fingers. Revealing visions of all the continents and what occurred on them as he exclaimed:

"Come! Let me see the hopelessness in your eyes!" 

There was an excitement in Pier that he held back ever since the fight began. The excitement of seeing his enemy despair at utter defeat. There was nothing more satisfying for Pier than this. Yet things didn't go as he planned because, Zeke simply smiled at him.

"Man, to think that it'd work this well. Who knew right?"

"What do you mean?" Pier looked at the visions behind him and, it was at this point, that everything fell apart.

"What was it again?" Zeke said as Pier stared in confusion at the him.

"Ah yesLet's see the hopelessness in your eyes."

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