The Gamer's System

Chapter 267: The Gamer's Advance

Chapter 267: The Gamer's Advance

Pier's shock was valid. In fact, it was the only valid reaction which the god could have at that moment.

After all, there was no way he could've seen wrong. His real body, the core of chaos, was comfortably watching idly by as all the destruction unfolded on the other continents. That was the reason why there was a visible amount of disbelief on his face.

Yet there was a valid reason to this. Becoming [Chaos] itself, his greatest achievement, was also a fatal flaw in itself and, this is why.

Pier never placed into consideration the idea that, his enemy may have a way of summoning any creatures of [Order]. This was simply because, [Order] was even rarer than the traces of [Chaos]. In fact, there were only three worlds where this could be gathered in and, Mythos was not one of them.

But then, Zeke was able to obtain some through his mission. Not only that but he was able to turn these into [Plants of Order]. The plants that could spread its [Energy] while also destroying some of [Chaos] along the way.

Upon using it, Zeke knew that Pier would not act up. After all, Pier thought that compared to the built-up [Chaos], some white flowering plants was nothing to worry about. Or so he believed.

With all of the information that Zeke gathered throughout the fight. He was able to piece together information, all leading to the fact that Pier was undoubtedly the core of [Chaos].

Upon gaining this knowledge, Zeke dispersed the skill [Cloud of dreams] so thinly that, it could only be dismissed as a regular release of mana into the air. Furthermore, because Heron already released a large amount of this skill and in a visible level, Zeke's own casting remained unnoticed. Making him look like he was simply looking through monitors through the whole duration of the fight. No more, no less.

The release of this skill was for the same creatures that Pier did not even take seriously the [Plants of Order].

This version of the plant created by Zeke were not exact replicas. The gamer deigned them in such a way that, they had the attributes of [Avarice] and Morpheus's consume. Allowing these to suck in any skill which Zeke and only Zeke would fire.

With the release of [Cloud of Dreams] the plants immediately registered its source. The plants sucked this skill inside them and added the [Order] attribute so that, when it came out, it would look like nothing more than dispersed [Order Energy].

This was spread thinly on the whole sea of [Chaos] but this was enough for Zeke to penetrate.

[Chaos] and [Order] are like oil and water. They cannot mix together and so, the residues of the modified [Cloud of Dreams] stayed on it. Entering [Chaos] without getting modified. And this was all that was needed in order for Zeke to cast an illusion on the unsuspecting god even before he could see Quinn stabbing Pilliade.

From that point onwards, Zeke was simply feeding false information to Pier and not once did the god notice. Because of how all powerful his new from felt, Pier disregarded basic defensive measures such as this. Simply because it was the most unlikely thing to happen. Yet it was this same carelessness that led things to the present moment.

On one vision, Pier could see the elites who finished taking all the [Chaos Shards]. On another, he saw how the other Monarch summoned on Mithril got defeated. But most importantly, on the last window, he saw Vask fully reincarnated.

"This can't be happening" It was all ruined. Everything he built up until that point. All the eons of preparation. All his hard work. Everything was crushed by a single mortal.

"Zeke I found the core." Allesiah said, adding up to the bad things that were happening to Pier.

"Look, I don't know what you had in mind when you started all this but" One by one, Zeke's allies came back to the scene. All perfectly fine. With Vask himself adding to their ranks.

"this is game over."

There was an ominous silence that followed. Nobody dared move because, they felt that their life would get taken away if they even breathed too much. Only Zeke and Vask were unaffected by this, raising their guard as Pier bursted into laughter.


It was not the sound of triumph, nor was it the sound of overwhelming joy. It was the laughter of one who has gone mad. One who has lost hope.

All of [Chaos] immediately went up, entering Pier's body. Zeke told everyone to wait until it was finished as there may also be a trap set up for them. All they did was prepare the area of battle in a way that would benefit them.

Meanwhile Zeke proceeded to crafting the [Empty Chaos Crystals]. This didn't even take him effort as he simply clicked the number of pieces needed, set the materials into place and, the forging began on its own.

"We finally meet in person mortal." Vask said, with his interest focused only on both Pier and Zeke at tat point.

"Yeah well, I'm not sure what to make of you yet. Let's just team up for now okay?"

"Agreed." Vask mentioned as he looked at all the preparations being made.

Thick solid barriers made by the defenders. A layer of illusion provided by [Cloud of Dreams] and Merlin's spells. Detonate layered bugs provided by Horus and Zilg. Long range projectiles waiting to be fired. Vask was nothing but impressed at how well coordinated they were but, was also a bit disappointed by their skill level.

His attention as well as everyone else's then shifted to the creature being born. Long wings as big as the capital of Elysium came out. As soon as it flapped, it created hurricanes of Chaos which Vask took cared of momentarily.

Out came its tails next which were three in number, all resembling that of a snake. Its claws came up next, shattering some layers of the barriers immediately and as the creature only grew larger, a few members of the elites could not help but feel a genuine human sensation. That of fear.

"Do not falter! This is the last mission to save Mythos!" Zeke began, feeling the tension building up on his allies. Aside from Zeke, it was only Vask and Allesiah who were unaffected at that point.

"No matter how big it is. No matter how strong it may be. No matter how many tricks our opponent uses. We are going to win this fight!"

It was an unconvincing speech. Nobody responded to him except for Vask who smiled and felt embarrassed on behalf of Zeke. It was unavoidable, especially because Zeke was not good in delivering such. He always worked alone after all and so, he decided to simply demonstrate his point.

The gamer vanished from sight. Layer after layer of magic circles then came on top of their enemy. Five. Ten. Twenty in total. The elites gazed at it, forgetting that Pier was even there at the moment as Zeke immediately casted together with the finished transformation of Pier:


It was a direct hit. With the dragon like form of Pier screaming in agony as its surface slowly burned. The spell, however, was not successful in ending the opponent who fired beams of [Chaos] from its tails that had snake heads on the tip.

"I have no room for half hearted warriors in this fight! If you are gonna hesitate and drag me down, then just chicken away and watch in the base. I can do this all on my own!" Zeke charged in together with all of his infernals.

"My, and here I thought he didn't; know how to rally his troops." Vask commented, following Zeke and, soon enough everyone was finally fighting without worry nor fear.

All the spells prepared by the elites were fired at that point. Allesiah also made sure to cancel out as many spells from Pier as possible because, in their opponent's form, she only needed to focus on cancelling out the [Chaos] related skills.

Pier roared and took notice of her right away. Releasing fifteen magi circle right in front of its mouth and, this was too many for the elf to cancel all out once. Hence Pier inevitably fired [Havoc Chaos Flames]; destroying all of the barriers and even burning [Cloud of Dreams] along the way. Even Kaguya needed to dodge as [Oblivion] would not be able to handle it.

This is when Vask came in, altering the trajectory of the attack which rose to the sky. Coating it in a dark violet color as the spells spread and vanished.

"Quinn, are all of your allies this weak?"

"Hey who are you calling weak!" Jake commented, still getting a bored expression from Vask.

"Well at least that one is lively."

"I agree." Quinn said.

More spell circles came out and this time it was from the wings and form the tails. Zeke tried cutting these but, the thing was coated in some sort of magic spell, preventing his halberd's new property from kicking in.

"You mortals dare oppose the one true God!" Pier's voice was deep and monstrous, commanding and authoritative even as it unnerved some elites yet again.




Three spells hit Pier who flinched. The spells bursted as they collided with the [Chaos Monster], making it scream in annoyance. Pier immediately looked at the three who interrupted his speech; Zeke, Vask, and Quinn.

"YOU DARE!" A cheap shot entered Pier's mouth, exploding right away and causing smoke to come out of it. Zeke looked with an idle expression yet again, unimpressed even at that point.

"I have no need for an obsolete God." He said, rousing Pier's anger even more as the creature fired all its spells at once.

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