The Gamer's System

Chapter 278: Transcendence

Chapter 278: Transcendence

This was the idea going through Zeke's head as he forced a way into the domain of the gods.

There would always be a natural cause and effect relationship. Even in the realm of the heavens this should be no exception.

With all that happened thus far. With the antics of Pier, and the movements he made on Mythos, it wouldn't take long for the gods and goddesses to act. In fact, some of them already did and they failed miserably. Yet they weren't the only ones who failed because, even the mortal half of Pier already died.

"With this his powers should be greatly diminished. Not that it's a cause for any worry."

With Zeke forcefully awakening Vardus' true consciousness, the same would also be true for the monarch's other half which was sleeping within Pier's immortal body in the heavens. He could only imagine the amount of problems being caused there at that moment. In fact, he could already feel it with the darkening skies.

"They didn't even bother coming to pick up the elites themselves. That in itself is enough proof that there is chaos up there right about now."

The mission on Mythos was over. Zeke was the only human remaining there and he knew why. The body of Keith overlapped with the will of the world and his very own [System]. Creating a contradiction which registered him as a trueborn of that world while the [System] retained his identity as Zeke.

This issue already existed as soon as he transferred bodies. This was also the reason why Zeke needed the [Ancient Spell] because, it was the only way he could overwrite everything that limited him at that point.

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Zeke's hand was shaking just a bit. Probably from the terror which he knew he was about to face all for the sake of him accomplishing his goals. He then remembered Allesiah and, for some reason, it was all he needed to calm back down.

"Man I couldn't even stay with her. This is such a bummer." Zeke said, summoning another [Conjure] which was essential at that point. Samael.

"Well? Are the two of you ready?" Vardus and Samael knelt before their one true king. Even though they were nothing but mere [Conjures] they had one sole longing. That is, to make Zeke Elwood the one true ruler of all.

"Okay let's begin the evolution then."

Samael created [Grand Chariot] once again, Zeke and Vardus along with it. The place was dark and empty as usual yet, the space was wide enough for Zeke to use the [Ancient Spell] which was finally revealed at that moment.

[Ancient Spell Name: Transcendence]

[Above Ranking Levels]

[Information: A method developed by the first Mythos dwellers in order to become a god. The spell requires the collection of enough creatures whose egos and attributes will all be passed on to a sole receiver.]

[Information: Every creature added lowers the possibility of success by a certain percentage. The transcendence will also fail if the amount of attribute gathered does not meet the minimum requirement.]

[Information: If the gamer's is not strong enough, his will would corrode and vanish entirely. Another creature would then emerge, having an ego of its own.]

[Current chance of success: 1000%/100%]

With Samael's [Grand Chariot] Zeke could exponentially decrease the amount of time needed in order for him to finish the skill. Adding this up with Vardus' [Time Rewind] allows Zeke to return if there was any failed attempt. Meaning, no matter what happened, he was sure to transcend.

The only thing he needed to worry about was his own will. He needed to maintain it no matter what happened and, quite frankly, he wasn't as confident on this part. It was an unknown variable. One he couldn't compute.

But Zeke Elwood still leapt into the great abyss because there was no turning back. Because the only freedom which Zeke desired was one which he could open up for himself.


All the creatures Zeke accumulated all throughout his fights appeared at that instance. Individually, they were strong and capable of taking out almost everything which Mythos could throw at them. They have been tested by various fights and not once have they ever failed the gamer.

"All of you. Thank you for your service. I don't know if you have emotions but, it was my pleasure commanding this great army." His [Conjures] all bowed down. Those who could kneel did so. They couldn't speak but it couldn't be even more evident that, they too were honored to fight beside their king.

The gamer smiled, thinking that he wasn't truly alone because he still had these guys. But even they would soon disappear. The peak of evolution, the summit of all that exists, it could only be reached by one. And if Zeke wanted to reach it, he needed to discard, abandon, and leave all he ever was and all he ever cared for behind.

"For the last time, be of service to your master." The [Conjures] made one last battle cry as Zeke snapped his fingers.

In that instant, the [Conjures] damaged themselves until they reached [1% HP]. Giving them all the added attribute points which, boosted what Zeke could gain even more. The [Infernal Conjures] shone with warmth and brilliance, boosting Zeke's confidence as he finally said:


[Transcendence is commencing.]

[All the creatures found within the vicinity have been accounted for and would be devoured accordingly.]

Zeke began feeling lightheaded at that point and, his sight was begging to turn darker and darker. This was also part of the requirements. The one who needed to transcend should be asleep throughout the process because, another battle needed to be fought within one's own will.

[The System has configured the process in order to store all the necessary data. The System will also update together with the Transcendence.]

[The Gamer's Mind will automatically operate the process.]

Zeke Elwood finally lost consciousness at that point. His body floated within the dark subspace while various layers of magic circles surrounded him. There were runic symbols added to the mix, all creating a small sphere, with his body as the core.

Although the operation talked about devouring, nothing as gruesome actually happened. The [Conjures] disappeared one by one like pixelated data, all moving towards the magic circles around Zeke's body. Vardus and Samael stood side by side, being the final ones who would be devoured as their services was still needed by their king.

[All Rank C creatures have been devoured.]

[Chance of success remaining: 150%]

The [Conjures] weren't supposed to have any emotions because they were simply animated versions of the fallen. But still, one could feel that they were honored to be part of that moment. To be there to witness and take part in the Metamorphosis of Zeke Elwood.

[All Rank B Creatures have been devoured.]

[Chance of Success remaining 50%]

With just his C and B ranked [Conjures], Zeke was already at a level a bit beyond the minor gods. But this was not the kind of power Zeke needed. It was lacking all too much because, what he needed was the power to change fate and destiny itself.

[All rank A Creatures have been devoured.]

[Chance of Success remaining]


[Transcendence resuming]

[Transcendence failed.]

This was when things began getting difficult. It was time for Vardus role to fully come in play at that point.

The [Conjure] repetitively made use of [Time Rewind], going back to the moment before the failure until success is reached.

[Transcendence failed.]

Nobody knew what was happening with Zeke's ego at that point. His body was already a mass of darkness but no scream nor shout came out of his mouth. No soul was aware of the kind of torture that Zeke was going through and, continued to go through over and over again.

[Transcendence failed.]

One by one, the [S] ranked [Conjures] were getting devoured. This began with Zeke's [Knights] whom he tried to imitate from the knights of the round table. There was also Kayle, the creature which became of great help in the absence of Samael. A [Conjure] which made a lot of Zeke's missions and operations less problematic.

Then there was [Horizon], a [Chaos Dragon] born from Zeke's multiple attempts at [Conjuring] the souls of these creatures. Out of all these, it was only [Horizon] that heeded his call. This honored the dragon which, although mutated, was still from a noble race.

[Chance of Success remaining]


The only ones remaining at that point were the [Conjured] elites. And, this was the most difficult part. Not because Zeke's body rejected them but because, the percentage was already too low. The failures happened over and over again, making Vardus repetitively cast his skill in order to save Zeke.

Thus, the actual duration being consumed by [Transcendence] reached higher than a year's worth of time. But in the real world, not even two hours have passed since Zeke entered [Grand Chariot]

[Devouring the conjured Kaguya]


[Devouring the conjured Jake]


One by one, Zeke was able to consume his [Conjures]. And, although the process was both painstakingly long and meticulous, he was finally down to the last piece that needed to be devoured.

[Devouring the conjured Quinn]


[All those registered for the transcendence has been successfully devoured by Zeke Elwood.]

The dark cocoon which covered Zeke's body began shattering a that point. Light emanated from the parts that were also revealed and, soon enough, [Grand Chariot] was entirely caught in its brilliance. Forcing the subspace's destruction as both Samael and Vardus witnessed the birth of a new god.

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