The Gamer's System

Chapter 279: The God of Gaming

Chapter 279: The God of Gaming

Zeke looked a lot like his former self. An adult version of that which was leaner and taller than he was. He had six wings on his back and over it was a half halo arching right over his topmost wings. His forehead has two horns sticking out of it and in the middle is an ominous looking eye.

Zeke wore a traditional Japanese kimono which had a hakama over it. His waist had a large red rope tied around it, with the knot being on his left waist's side. His hair was long, reaching the end of his upper body in length and, on his hands was a transcendent version of his favorite weapon - [Death's Void].

With Transcendence being completed, Zeke has finally reached the state of Godhood. Yet, the question still remained:

Who emerged out of this transformation?

While the transcendence took place, the real Zeke Elwood was in a trial inside his own mind. He had no memory of all that happened to him nor did he have any idea that he was transcending at that moment. He was simply there and, one by one, his memories were brought back to him. Namely, those that brought some form of regret.

The first that came up was his performance in school. Although highly intelligent, Zeke could not actually cope up with his classmates and his teachers. All because they couldn't reach the level of discussion that he wanted from them.

"Zeke, you cheated again didn't you?"

"I never did anything of the sort sir!" He replied, feeling genuine anger from the audacity of his teacher to say something like this. Just because they couldn't see what he could and understand on the same level that he was capable of.

"Oh quit lying will you. All your teachers think the same."

"Then why don't we have a test then? If I have a single wrong answer then I'll just drop out of school." Zeke failed this challenge only because their teacher put a question based on a character inside a video game. The Zeke during that time was not yet immersed into games and so, was not able to give the proper answer to the question.

He then quit school just like he promised. And as if to bite back his teacher who dared mock him by the use of games, Zeke began nurturing his won capabilities in this world.

He regretted not being able to spend his time like any other young kid and he regretted losing time for his parents, but just alike all things, his emotions towards these simply died out until, he finally grew up.

"Ahh what the hell am I doing with my life?"

The next thing that showed up was a possibility. One that could have happened with the choice that he made.

He saw an adult version of himself. A man who accomplished nothing in his life. With a thin body that seemed to lack nutrition, a beard that grew too long which matched with his unkempt hair. Clothes that were torn and worn down and, a rented apartment where he lived.

Unwashed dishes were on his sink and, garbage bags piled up at the front of his door. A notice is taped in front saying [For Sale] even though he was still living inside it.

Zeke was playing a game. Immersed in it as he always has been. But this immersion turned to realization as the screen suddenly turned black. With the words [Game Over] displayed. He then saw how he looked like through the black screen, throwing away the controller as he began screaming.

"No! This is all wrong! Where did I go wrong!" Zeke beat himself up.

With the transcendence continuing, Zeke continued facing hardship after hardship. Getting immersed into situations and events as if they truly occurred and, testing the will of him who dared trespass the borders of mortality.

The thin Zeke looked around him. He looked at how his life turned so miserably and how everyone else was successful in life. All his classmates got decent jobs. The teacher that humiliated him became the principal while the other teachers were also promoted. There were others whom he deemed to be undeserving that have gotten only the good things in life.

Suddenly, there was a gun on his hand. A bullet on the other. It was all so simple. The way in which Zeke could escape the hell which he was stuck in. The way out of it was through that single bullet and the pull of the trigger.

[Game Over]

These words were still displayed in the screen. He just lost, like in every other game that he played, Zeke lost once again and tears began falling from his eyes.

"No! I'm not a loser! I am not!" The room began getting darker and darker until, it was only him and the gun that was present.

"Pull it."

"Pull the trigger."

"Kill yourself."

The voices murmured until they got louder and louder. Turning into screams that commanded Zeke on what he needed to do.


"AHHHHH!" The sound of a bullet being fired echoed around the darkness and, suddenly Zeke was back to the same room. The gun was thrown to the side and, since it was old and worn down, it was a small wonder how it shot on its own when he threw it.

He then stared back at the same screen. [Game Over] was still on it but, as he touched the console, a new option appeared

[Continue from the save point?]

Everything came back to the moment with his teacher. Within the faculty room where everyone was looking at him.

"Well how about it Zeke?" The teacher asked, with a foxlike smile on his face.

"Why don't you take the exa-" Zeke's fist met his teacher's face, sending him down the ground as the young Zeke shouted.


Zeke continued battling with his will. Even without knowing it and, despite getting presented in the most hopeless of situations, the gamer continued clawing up from his own grave. Wounding his hands and injuring his body. Step by step, through a mountain of torture and pain. Until the summit could be seen and transcendence was within reach.

Slowly, he began forgetting who he was. But even in that moment, even with his memories distorted and a flood of amnesia clouded him. Zeke was still able to surpass it all, screaming:


The god opened his eyes, slowly. Like he was a newborn babe getting used to the light of the world. And, as soon as he was conscious, the answer finally came on the question of who emerged.

"Holy shit it actually worked!"

There was no doubt about it, Zeke was the one who came out of the process. This was because, even with his will getting shattered, [Gamer's Mind] automatically restored it. This came at the price of the said function getting dissolved. This explains why Zeke was more expressive than he was before the [Transcendence] because, without [Gamer's Mind], his emotions were restored to their normal state.

[Congratulations on your transcendence Zeke Elwood! The System has finished updating and this is the full rundown of the patch notes:]

[1. All functions owned within the System has reached the level of the divine.]

[2. With the amount of devouring done, the Gamer has reached ultimatum in all attributes.]

[Ultimatum refers to attributes going beyond Level 999. This cannot be computed anymore and are hence simply given this title.]

"Wait, doesn't that mean that between two [Ultimatums], I won't be able to distinguish who is stronger?"

[That is correct.]

[3. Analysis has ascended into The All-Seeing Eye. This removes all restrictions on Analysis and the skill may be used even without the physical body of the caster being present.]

"What function will help me in using this skill?" Zeke asked, knowing that there would be something of the sort because of the former function's description.

[That will be trough patch note number four:]

[Minimap has ascended into Odin's Vision. This allows the gamer to see all of creation and to monitor them. This consumes some of the gamer's mental capacity and is not recommended when in the middle of fights.]

"Okay I don't even want to try that right now. It just sounds like a major headache to me." Zeke thought as the updates continued displaying in front of him.

[5. The shop will only contain divine items and divine cancelling items at this point. The money to be used in buying these will be available in the new quests.]

[6. Forging has ascended into "Hephaestus' Workshop". All things crafted by the gamer will automatically gain an Ascended attribute.]

[7. Voice Chat has ascended into "The Oracle". This allows the gamer to speak directly to any living being within all of the created worlds and realms.]

[8. The gamer has acquired "Divine Tongue" allowing him to understand and speak all languages.]

[9. The gamer has acquired the "Will of the Universe" all his actions will be justifiable under its authority.]

[10. You have acquired Death's Void Ultimatum.]

[11. You are immune to death and aging. You are also immune from all negative effects including those affecting the mind.]

[12. Conjurer has ascended into Seraphim All Conjured creatures that remain can also ascend above their limits.]

"Oh that reminds me." Zeke began calling out the two that remained, instantly teleporting them in front of him.

"You have served me well and, this is the compensation for all your efforts." Zeke placed his hand in front of the two, covering them with light as runes began circling around them.

"Ascend." The two creatures began evolving immediately. Wings grew on their back, six all in all just like their master. They had four eyes each and were entirely different in attire.

Samael retained its knight - like look; covered entirely by a black armor. Meanwhile, Vardus wore a robe that made it look like a high mage. Yet it still held to the same weapon which was a dual wielded sword.

"Well if the two of you don't mind. I believe it's time for us to go up there." Zeke said, snapping his fingers and forcing the doors of heaven to open up for him.

"Time to show those noobs how their work should be done."

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