The Gamer's System

Chapter 35: Raise the Curtains

Chapter 35: Raise the Curtains

"Are you sure this is gonna work?" Allesiah asked Zeke.

"Isn't it already too late to be asking that question?" Zeke replied with a smile on his face.

A day has already passed. Zeke has perfectly paced every [Poison Cloud] all over the city. Meanwhile, Allesiah has also fulfilled her role of making a transportation circle. Right now, both of them are resting because Zeke has once again broken his healthy sleeping habit by staying up all night, doing his task.

Currently, they are hinging inside an old and abandoned manor. This place is also located by the map provided by Glade which makes it convenient. Seeing as how, they have not been attacked until this moment, the both of them have dismissed that Glade has really provided them with a safe hiding spot. With regard to that person, Zeke is almost entirely sure that he is Gallio Leonis.

"Nobody would come to that spot without being warned by some kind of device." Zeke thought to himself, remembering how Glade appeared as soon as they got out of the secret tunnel.

Backing up his claim is how a [Sub Quest] connected to Glade's true identity actually appeared the other day.

"Shall we get started?" Zeke told Allesiah as he put on his cloak, leaving the thinking about Glade for later.

"Why do I even brother trying to understand you?" Allesiah replied, replicating the same smile of confidence that Zeke always puts on.

At the King's castle, things are also proceeding smoothly. Aeolus wore his armor covered by the dark green robe that the previous kings of Elysium have all worn. On his head is his crown and, on his hand is the sword that his father used before getting killed by Hark.

"You look a lot like your father now." Erio joked, seeing his friend in this attire.

"Maybe that's a good thing." King Aeolus replied.

"I want him to see my father as I cut his head off." He continued, with rage reflected on his eyes. He referred to Hark of course. The man who will be executed tonight.

While the King only thought of the public execution that is an hour away, Erio was worried about something else. He thought how peaceful it all seemed to be. Elysium has always been this tranquil but, the calm makes him feel uneasy. Like a giant ripple will start and destroy the balance that has always been in place.

"How's my beloved?" King Aeolus asked, taking Erio out of his train of thought.

'She's locked up in the top floor of the castle, protected by some of our most capable men." Erio responded.

"Good. I don't want anything happening to her." King Aeolus said.

In the same way that Erio has placed guards around Sylvia, he has also made sure that, there are enough guards for the King. Glade appeared at his side who confirmed all of this.

"Are the soldiers ready?"

"Yes General. I've made them guard every area where possible assaults will come from." He responded. Erio saw how Glade wore an armor that had the mix of crimson on it.

"Why are you wearing something like that?"

"Oh you mean crimson general? Do you know that some insects have this color as a sort of deterrent to predators? The color itself is a source of fear for them."

"And?" Erio replied, not making sense of what he just said.

"And our enemies might be frightened if they saw my armor." Glade finished, with the usual carefree smile that he puts on his face. The general sighed, approving the clothes of his Vice-General.

At this, the three of them walked out of the castle. Glade and Erio positioned themselves beside the King, protecting him from any sudden attack.

"Tonight, I will have redemption!" King Aeolus said.

"You will. We'll stay by your side to make sure of that." Erio responded.

They continued to the town square and, while Erio was jittery the whole way through, they arrived without any confrontations or delay. On a stage is Hark, chained with both of his hands at his back. There are two elven soldiers pointing their swords at his neck while archers stand at the back for added security.

With all the nobles watching and all the people getting a decent view, the execution finally started.

"My elven brethren!" Aeolus started, wearing a necklace that has a communication stone which broadcasts his voice to the whole of Elysium.

"Tonight is a time for rejoicing!" He continued, walking around the stage. Erio stood near while a couple more guards were stationed to block if any attacks were made against the King.

"With the darkness of the night, we will offer this criminal into its abyss. There will be no more fear of rebellion. No more fear of an uprising. Tonight, we will show why the elves are the superior race!"

At this the crowd cheered. Making the King smile in excitement for the main event of the night.

"We are eternal!"

At the back of the crowd, Zeke listened to all of this. He looked at the level of the King and Erio which frightened him already. Aeolus' level shows the number [100+] meaning he has already exceeded the level 100. Erio is just as frightening, displaying the same level. However, Zeke didn't let this hinder his plan,

His map displayed where the guards are positioned. And, as Allesiah confirmed that she is outside the castle, Zeke began.

"Detonate and Conjure."

There was a second of surprise in everyone's eyes as they saw various monsters that glowed with shades of blue appearing before them. This moment is broken by a set of messages that is sent to the King.

"The garrison is being breached!"

"The Walls are being breached!"

"There is a green fog covering our area sir!"

Zeke equally divided his troops. Sending his Conjured creatures together with the [Poison Cloud. As they are undead, the poison does not work on them, giving them a huge advantage to enemies who would be caught in panic as the poison starts taking effect.

Glade smiled as everything unfolded before him; waiting for what will happen next.

"Men, what's happening there!" Erio shouted.

"W-we have no idea sir. There are enemies that came out together with a poisonous mist. We are aaahh!" The communication broke as Erio heard the sound of a wolf gnawing on flesh. It then howled, which is followed by its fellow wolves.

"Aeolus, we're leaving." He said, grabbing his friend by the shoulder.

"No! we need to execute him right now!" The King responded, not taking the general's advice.

At this, Erio did something he's never done before. He punched his friend in the face, waking him up to the current situation.

"Take down those petty desires you have. We need to leave!" Erio said. This convinced the King. As they started moving away, Glade wore a menacing look on his face.

The crowd is a mess and Zeke waited within the panicking crowd to strike. His monsters destroyed the soldiers one by one and as they did, he performed [Conjure] again, raising the dead elven soldiers and making them his own.

The newly conjured monsters went up on the stage, attacking the group, only to be met by the intervention of Glade. Zeke looked at his stats and he wondered why the level is still [30] although he feels Glade being much stronger than this.

"Vice, help our men secure the prisoner." Erio ordered.

"Yes sirAHH!" The Vice General responded.

Zeke saw how Glade smirked at him as he purposely let 10 conjured shadow wolves on the loose. These monsters made their way to attack the King and Erio, all of which have been met by the general, not allowing the King to take part in a fight such as this. However, even as he defeated his enemies, they kept on rising again and again.

"What's up with these creatures?" Erio said, killing them off as soon as they reappear. As he did this, his communication bracelet glowed and, the voice of a soldier came up again.

"General! There is an intruder inside the castle!"

"How many?" he asked as he sliced off one wolf's jaw.

"J-just one sir. It's a female sorceress" The soldier replied.

'Then kill her already!" He ordered, hacking off the legs of another wolf.

With all the commotion going on, the King was actually about to decapitate Hark's head. But then, arrows came flying at him, making him move back. The assault was made by [Conjured Wood Scouts].

The stage is now surrounded by conjured creatures with only Hark, Glade, Aeolus, and Erio standing as real creatures. The place has also cleared up leaving Zeke standing in the scene and surrounding the premises of the area with multiple [Poison Clouds]. Beside him are Samael and Cull whom he took back from the battlefield they previously joined. Both waiting to get their piece of the action again.

With the progress of events, Glade finally made his next move. He did the unexpected and, completely ran away from the enemies he is fighting, - leaving Erio to fight them all off.

"Soldier what are you doing!" Erio said as even King Aeolus has drawn his sword to assist the General.

In a swift motion that even Zeke's conjured archers cannot follow, Glade removed Hark's chains using his blade. Much to his surprise however is how Hark bolted towards his direction. It wasn't a speed that he could instantly react to but, he was able to use Samael and Cull to block a blow as Hark came kicking.

As soon as these collided, Samael's shield broke. And along with it, Hark was able to destroy both conjured monsters, reaching the now defenseless Zeke in the blink of an eye.

One must remember that the whole attack made by Hark only lasted two seconds and, as his foot is planted into Zeke's stomach, the other-worlder is sent flying destroying three houses that his body passed through. Before finally being buried within the third house he hit.

Even with his [Mana Conversion] being activated beforehand, it only took Hark a single kick to almost end him. And that is why, even if he could still recover, Zeke decided to sit silently within the rubble for now and think of how he'd deal with an insanely powerful foe.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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