The Gamer's System

Chapter 73: Clearing Things Out

Chapter 73: Clearing Things Out

When the fight finally ended, Zeke's ethereal form also vanished. A swirling dark mist covered him and, as soon as this disappeared, everyone saw the human lying on the ground completely alive but unconscious. On his wrist is the mark of using [The One Who Cheats Death] which also served as a way to prevent him from accessing this skill again. 

Allesiah immediately went down and the other Windsprites soon followed. They felt secured especially as, the [Dragon Hydra] held no signs of life any longer. After all, all its heads are now severed and, even its heart has been pierced through by the burst of dark mana.

Two conjures are still on the scene namely the defender and the spear woman Sebastian and Harun. Both of which appeared in their conjured forms. But the black mana that covered them earlier has now settled down to the same blue mana which covered most of Zeke's conjures. With using [The One Who Cheats Death] duration finally ending, all of Zeke's skills came back to their current rank.

The sisters recognized the elves and hugged them. Both conjures showed no emotion whatsoever. Being a conjured meant that, life has already passed for whatever creature was formed. And as such, emotions could neither be felt nor expressed.

Allesiah went to the side of Zeke who slept calmly as if he didn't just wreak havoc a few moments ago. Zeke cannot force his body to wake up as, this is another result in using the skill. Zeke needs a good number of hours of sleep before he could regain consciousness again. The elves didn't know about this; causing them to worry that the skill might have left Zeke in a state of eternal slumber. 

This thought didn't last long. After all, they are within the realm of an almighty being. And, if Zeke is really in that state, the Windsprites thought that Yaeger could break the effects.

Looking at the carnage left by Zeke, they saw the vast number of [Dragon Hydra] heads that lay scattered on the battlefield. They didn't let these materials go to waste. Especially both Sylph and Allesiah who could hear Zeke nagging about the need to constantly gather materials.

The only problem is that, they couldn't see the item and material drops that came from [The Gamer's System]. This is the reason why Zeke allowed both Harun and Sebastian to stay conjured. They are the ones who'd collect the said materials as, Zeke's conjures can also see rewards that came from his [System].

Although the Windsprites couldn't see the item drops of Zeke's [System] - the scales, head, teeth, eyes, and other parts of the [Dragon Hydra] was out for the taking. Hence, the three finally decided to begin their task, with Allesiah doing something beforehand.

"I'll bring him back to the cabin." She said, carrying Zeke on her back. The human is actually light weight. So much so that Allesiah feared she may be heavier than Zeke.

"I'll help collecting as soon as I safely bring him there." She continued.

"No, that is not necessary. You can take care of the human. Sylph and I are capable of finishing this ourselves." Was the response of Sylvia. 

Of course, there was resistance on the part of Sylph. She accepted the task nevertheless. She felt this as an obligation for not being of any help to the real battle. In fact, she even caused a bunch of problems for the group. 

There are two instances when she made things complicated. The first is when the [Dragon Hydra] deflected her arrows. This almost caused them to all get in danger. The other problem she caused was, when she almost fought the monster all by herself. This would've led to a pointless death and, no matter what noble cause she has, nobody would remember an archer who was defeated because of her own untamed emotions.

At this, both Sylvia and Sylph stayed behind. Harun and Sebastian already began doing their part as they picked up the item drops once by one. With the barrier being gone, Allesiah was able to use the [Transportation Portal] leading both her and Zeke back to the cabin. 

As the owner of the realm, Yaeger can feel everything that transpires within her domain. And so, she was already standing at the front of the shelter when both Allesiah and Zeke arrived. Yet, there was no trace of the same vibrant and jolly goddess as Allesiah looked at Yaeger. In fact, the goddess almost seemed as if, she is ready to kill Zeke at any moment.

"Hand the human to me." She demanded.

Allesiah wanted to fight back. In fact, she was preparing to use a spell. But then, the goddess sighed and, released a portion of her mana. This made Allesiah drop to her knees as they weakened from the sheer force of the goddess.

"I'll only repeat this once. Hand me the human." She demanded, with her immense predator-like bloodlust directed at Allesiah. Yaeger moved closer and closer toward the two. 

The female sorceress still felt paralyzed but, with all the strength left in her body, she hugged Zeke closer. This made Yaeger stop for a while, surprised that the elf could till move.

"Ohh?" She said, watching the elf tremble in fear and yet this same elf glared at her as if saying that the goddess is not allowed to harm Zeke.

At this, Yaeger released her bloodlust. She returned too her usual jolly self and continued talking to Allesiah.

"Don't worry deary. I'm not planning on killing Zeke." As soon as Yaeger said this, she vanished from Allesiah's sight and, reappeared close to her ear. She then hand chopped the nape of Allesiah, forcing the female elf unconscious. 

"He's too fun to be allowed to die in my own realm. Plus, the main deities would probably screw me over if I harmed their prized mortal." She continued her explanation, knowing that this is classified. As such she couldn't tell it to Allesiah while she was still conscious. 

The goddess then proceeded to carrying both Zeke and Allesiah with the human on her left shoulder and the sorceress on her right. They then proceeded within the cabin, policing Allesiah on the common room while she took Zeke to her own bedroom.

"I know you can still hear me human. It's just that your body is unconscious." Yaeger said, already getting an idea that Zeke can perform certain functions even in his sleep.

"I'll begin giving you the information you want so you better listen closely." She added.

There are a bunch of things that surprised the Goddess. If Zeke's party wished for it, Yaeger would've simply gone to the forest and defeated the monster herself. All it would take her is a single arrow. However, there was no cry for help that came. Rather than this, she felt a power close to that of a god appearing on the battlefield.

She couldn't distinguish the mana at first but then, as she focused, she got her answer. It was Zeke and, this same human suddenly got an immense amount of mana that could never be attained through any conventional means.

With all of this, the group was able to manage and defeat the monster. Yaeger didn't like the idea of disclosing such information but, tis is also a result of her own lack of judgment. She didn't think that it would be possible for Zeke's party to win and yet, the results proved otherwise. Thus, the goddess began with this:

"A thousand years ago, there was a nation that opposed the rule of the Supreme Beings. This is because, out of all the realms created by the deities, it is only Mythos which was able to develop such powerful mortals." She began, looking at the marking on Zeke's wrists which gave Yaeger an ominous feeling.

"The four continents you now see now are actually offshoots of one large continent. Before, there was only one place on Mythos and, that is Mythos of course." The goddess continued with a heavy and burdened voice.

"You wouldn't be able to gather information like this as; all records have been burned down and removed from Mythos' history." She added, looking at the window of her room and deciding to close the curtains before she proceeded.

"A bunch of things happened on that continent. The community flourished and, was able to advance in ways that made the other worlds look like toddlers. Crawling on all fours while Mythos was already standing on its own two feet and, exploring the vast horizon before it." She added.

"The dwellers of Mythos could execute ultimate level spells continuously during the day. They created weapons that were unparalleled in strength. They developed technologies to better improve the lives of the citizens." Zeke heard all of this in his subconscious state. Thinking that there is nothing which Mythos did that could stir the anger of the gods. But then, the next words of Yaeger placed the pieces of the puzzle together.

"All of this would've; been fine. But then, the dwellers began to develop the serum which could lead to the ultimate taboo Immortality."

There was a long dreading silence that filled the room. Even Zeke in his subconscious state felt the shift in Yaeger's voice. He thought that, whatever the goddess would say next could probably risk her very existence.

"I know I shouldn't be saying these things to you. But a promise is a promise after all." The goddess continued, with a smile that showed deep sadness before she continued speaking.

"The gods were angered by this and, a lot of commotion occurred on the council of the deities. Afterall, reaching immortality meant that the dwellers of Mythos would not die anymore. And if they continue advancing the way they did, then time may soon come that these very creatures would reach the level of the gods. A lot of those on the council room disliked the idea. Hence, the protests began in order to destroy Mythos."

"This was the only moment within their immortal existence that they felt genuine fear. They felt fear from the idea that the creatures they created may just be able to destroy them. A lot of things were voted through and, even though the main deities are more powerful, they couldn't do anything if the majority of the deities wanted otherwise. And as such, they began sending in monsters to Mythos, causing the inhabitants to learn about war and battle."

"Of course, the gods succeeded at first. Causing a lot of death on the part of the dwellers within Mythos. But then, the dwellers were able to adapt. They began fighting back and, not only did they win but, in time, was also to reduce the number of causalities per battle. Until, no lives were lost anymore in the battles."

"This angered some of the gods and, while the three main deities wanted to maintain the neutrality, the number of gods and goddesses who hated what happened continued increasing. As such, they plotted something sinister. They schemed for the dwellers to fight among themselves."

"Cutting to the chase, they succeeded and an all-out war broke out between the dwellers. This caused the continent to eventually split into four parts. The place which is now called the [Ruined City] is a waypoint. An area that exists at the center of it all."

"That is where the Dragon Morpher - Heron came from. And, unlike whatever lie she has told you; I am not the enemy here. In fact, the reason why I needed to summon her over and over again is to prolong her lifespan until someone worthy is able to pick her up and, bring her somewhere safe where she can lead a normal life."

"But why would you do this?" Was the question playing on Zeke's mind and, it was as if Yaeger heard this as she answered.

"Because I am her mother."

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