The Gamer's System

Chapter 74: Fear

Chapter 74: Fear


"So uhm. I stopped time for a while because I realized that Yaeger is giving some really juicy information to that mister. Don't worry I won't tell anyone because, my job as the keeper of time is watch the normal flow of events without my divine interruption."

"Oh yeah. If you still haven't guessed who I am. This is Chrono and, what I'm about to show you is the collected time shard of Mythos' past. I figured you guys would need it because a bunch of things would actually happen later on that is connected to what I will show you. Furthermore, I added some extra information to clear out any questions which you may have floating on your minds."

"So without further adoLet's begin!"

[Time Shard has been selected]

[Beginning years of Mythos and connected events has been selected.]

[Beginning the replay of the time shard]

There is a paradox that exists within the grand scheme of the gods and goddesses. Each and every day, they proceeded to creating new worlds and universes. And why is this you ask?

It is simply because they desire to create a kind of perfect society a perfect world. In all the eons of creation, the gods and goddesses always had a hard time accomplishing this feat. After all, with all the variables that came into play, it was a common occurrence for imperfections to arise.

Yet they did not stop in this pursuit. They continued making more and more, hoping that the ideal world would come sooner ort later. And then, on another regular day of creation, with all the variables being put into play, they were able to create this by chance.

This is none other than Mythos. A land which had a perfect system which is led by the [Dwellers]. This is the collective term for all the races with rational thinking which were born in Mythos: Humans, Elves, Dwarves, Divine Beasts, Demons, Angels, and a lot more. 

With them coexisting, the [Dwellers] immediately found the safe boundaries and limits with each and every race. The Divine Beasts led this as they are the strongest and wisest among all the [Dwellers]. Through this, they prevented conflicts early on and, were able to reach a neutral ground wherein every race benefited from the existence of the rest. 

There was no division created. The [Dwellers] stood united and, with this, they began making use of the various resources in Mythos. Initially, all the gods and goddesses loved what transpired in Mythos. In their head, they felt proud that the ideal realm which they dreamt of was actually taking shape right in front of their eyes. And yet, there was another feeling that slowly began creeping in one which would later contradict the wishes of the deities.

The [Dwellers] advanced in such an unprecedented speed that, it felt as if hundreds of years have already passed. Yet in reality, all the major breakthroughs happened within the span of a year. Farming systems, livelihood, politics, rules and laws, medicine, and technology all of this progressed efficiently. This is because, work has been divided evenly among those who are most potent on any specific the field. And, with all the resources evenly shared, there is no shortage of any materials that are needed.

The gods and goddesses loved this of course. They loved how Mythos flourished. Yet, that strange feeling which creeped on them finally began sprouting to the surface. With all that happened, there was a fear that grew on them. But what is it exactly that cause this fear?

Basically, these supreme beings have gotten used to the idea that, whatever they create will always have imperfections. On some worlds, lust has consumed their creations. On others, there is war wherever one looks. On other worlds, there is corruption and deceit. And then, on the vilest among these, there would be a combination of the worst traits and qualities. Lack of resources, famine, monsters, and a lot more. These are things which troubled other worlds but, these same issues came to Mythos' [Dwellers] as nothing more than a passing wind.

They handled everything so well that, they really began exemplifying what an ideal world should look like. Just, moral, equal, fair, even, and untied. With all of this being said, there is actually nothing which the gods and goddesses could do. They couldn't go against the [Dwellers] as, no valid reason could be made in destroying such a wonderful world.

Thus, the fear of some gods and goddesses continued growing even more. And this is completely normal for all exiting things. Even to gods and goddesses who are not as omnipotent as they seem. Just like any mortal being, they could also experience fear but, the only kind which applies to them is this The Fear of the Unknown.

On some planets, the early dwellers feared the sound of thunder and the appearance of lightning on the skies. They'd hide within their shelters to places where they believe they cannot be seen simply because they think that an enemy is nearby. Namely, one which is too overwhelming for them to handle. 

No matter what creature this may be, once it encounters something which loomed larger than their own existence, that creature would always opt for self-preservation. Hence the gods did the unthinkable and, this is where the paradox comes in.

The same supreme beings who longed for the creation of a perfect world now wished nothing more than chaos and destruction to fall on a forming perfection. In short they wanted to destroy Mythos.

The [Dwellers] are not aware of this of course. For all they know, what they are doing is nothing more than simply bettering the lives which existed within their world. But then, they made one dangerous mistake. Something which they should never have thought of starting.

[The Immortality Project.]

The name in itself would be enough to describe what the program is about. With all the advancements that the [Dwellers] reached. There is still one thing which they could not escape. That is, death. No matter how much they flourished. No matter how advanced their society could be. Every life will soon end, with the essence of the dead passing to somewhere else. And to where exactly? They have absolutely no idea.

And so, the [Dwellers] began this project. The boldest and most grand research ever performed. Immortality meant a lot of things and, all of them blinded the [Dwellers] into thinking that they could finally escape death. These are the things which are part of the project.

One is immunity from virtually anything that could cause death, Number two; this also meant that they would no longer age. Number three is that, every [Dweller] will simply remain with their current looks. There is also the possibility of them appearing younger as, the project included a regeneration ability. This is the fourth element included and, the concept for this is a [Regenerative Ability] so potent that, it could heal anything on the same speed of blinking an eye.

It is at this point that the malicious members of the council of deities began plotting a world's demise. This desire was limited to Mythos alone. Like what was mentioned, it is only Mythos which reached the ideal perfection which the gods and goddesses always yearned for. And so, it is also the only world which will experience the collective wrath, malice, deprivation, and scheming which the other worlds did not got through.

[Memory Shard Ended]

"Well that's all that I'll give you. I know that I didn't give you everything but, that should be enough to guide you through the current state of things. PLUUUUS! I actually paused time just to give all of this to you. So you better appreciate me more whenever I appear!"

[Time Pause Ended.]

Zeke listened to everything that Yaeger said. The goddess continued her explanations but, Zeke's mind was focused on the thing that Yaeger just revealed. Heron is her daughter and, there is another revelation which went with this.

Yaeger was actually a former human. 

She was part of Mythos' first set of [Dwellers]. An elf who wasn't good at any practical stuff that already existed in Mythos. That is, until the gods sent hostile monsters which the [Dwellers] needed to face off. 

Instinctively, Yaeger knew what to do and, while everyone ran away from the first wave of monsters, Yaeger faced them head on. Winning without acquiring any sort of damage. And, this is how she knew her purpose. It is to hunt and to kill.

There were others who also showed promise on this field. However, almost nobody could match the amount of talent and skills which Yaeger possessed. That is, until she encountered a [Dragon Morpher] named Helios. And this is no ordinary dragon. It is the leader of all the tribes of dragons, holding the title of the strongest among his kin.

While Yaeger has both strategy and skills, Helios has unparalleled and overwhelming strength. The two of them sparred a couple of times before they finally decided to become lovers - creating a short earthquake on the first night they made love.

Soon after, they were able to have a child of their own. And this is Heron. This is possible as, a [Dragon Morpher] can alter their DNA and make it compatible with whatever species they mate with. However, it is also at this time that the gods have begun corrupting the minds of some [Dwellers].

Thus, on the day Heron was born, the influenced [Dwellers] decided to attack the defenseless veteran. Helios didn't let this pass of course. He defended his wife and their child with all his might. But, since some [Divine Beasts] also got corrupted, he was eventually pinned down.

On his final breath, Helios was able to cast a spell which transported both Yaeger and their newborn to a sanctuary. The chaos which followed this event snowballed continuously. This began with the division of the [Divine Beasts] among themselves. 

The [Dwellers] also began doubting each other at this point. With the monsters continually being sent by the supreme beings, there was no room for division among themselves. And yet, this only continued until, the continent divided into four.

Yaeger and Heron appeared some years later. Together with them are the remaining [Dwellers] who still held true to the code of unity. Together with a human secretly sent by a deity, they fought against the gods and the [Dwellers] they influenced.

The tides of war actually went on Yaeger's favor. However, the [Dwellers] which the gods and goddesses twisted were able to come up with a plan of their own. They surrounded Yaeger's camp, preventing any supplies from coming in. With hunger slowly draining them, Yaeger decided to take the untested first sample of the [Immortality Project].

Yaeger felt strength coursing through her body and, on that same day, she was able to defeat the forces that tried pinning them down. The gods and goddesses panicked at this point. But they also knew that they could intervene even more with what just occurred.

They watched everything after all. They saw how Yaeger got stabbed over and over again. Yet, the mortal only recovered each and every time. Not only this her strength also exceeded what is normal. AN example is when she threw a spear and it passed through 100 defenders who are both enchanted defensively and, holding the best defensive items. And so, the council decided to take her in as a goddess, giving her a rightful seat as the goddess of the hunt.

They didn't do this without a leverage of course. They trapped Heron on a crystal, telling Yaeger that, the only way for them to be reunited is for the mortal to accept her seat in the council. And so, Yaeger accepted, watching the last flames of the resistance die out in her absence as she replaced the former goddess of the hunt which summoned the human who assisted them. 

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