The Gamer's System

Chapter 77: The Goddess of the Hunt's Realm

Chapter 77: The Goddess of the Hunt's Realm

[Shadow Dive]

This is the skill which Zeke used on the goddess in order to create the barrage of shots. This skill works in a way that, wherever there is a nearby shadow, Zeke can appear there. This uses nearby shadows as a portal and, although the skill used up a lot of [Skill Points] to buy, Zeke knew that the effect is worth it. Adding to his consolation is the mana cost of the skill which only requires [10 Mana Points] per use.

With Zeke's [Intelligence] attribute, Zeke can regain [50 Mana Points] per second. And so, Zeke can continuously use the skill. He did so, placing his conjures on strategic positions and, continuously pulling the trigger as he appeared out of them one by one. And, the defeat of the goddess which came shortly after leads as to the current scene.

Right after the fight, Zeke gained another mark from the goddess. This time it is shaped like a dragon's head with various scales forming the figure. The mark has warm colors that made it seem to be on fire. Yet it wasn't; and that's what made Zeke even more impressed.

"This is actually better than your own mark." Zeke said, referring to the goddess' blessing which was bestowed upon him.

"In my defense, have no control over how the mark will turn out. That is shaped using the mana's understanding of the mark's function. That's actually what makes it more dynamic and alive. Plus, the mark I'm using as the goddess the hunt was also the one used by the previous goddess. Apparently, I can't change it as it also symbolizes the power held by my title." Yaeger explained, giving another information to Zeke which mortals do not get hold of so easily.

The mark ascertains Zeke's position as Heron's master. Yaeger then proceeded to explaining how the mark works. Basically, it binds Heron to Zeke's mana which meant that, as long as Zeke lives, Heron will also live. Furthermore, in case Zeke dies, there is already a countermeasure prepared which would allow the [Dragon Morpher] to continue living on. She does not need to feed on Zeke's mana however. He just needs it to exist and, other than this, Heron can live her life normally.

"So she's like a virus that needs a host." Zeke said, making the goddess furrow her brows.

"I know that you've beaten me a while ago but, that doesn't mean that I'll let every word of yours slide. It'll only take one shot from my [Divine Bow] to take you down." She warned but, Zeke didn't listen to this. After all, he is the only ticket for her daughter to get out of the realm.

"I just said what was on the top of my head at the moment. No need to get all angry about it." Zeke replied.

The goddess sighed as she looked at him. But this isn't one of sadness, irritation or hopelessness. Actually, she felt overjoyed about the fact that, her daughter can finally have a normal and decent life. Although, she's not sure how decent this will be as she needs to continually be on Zeke's side.

"Take this. The goddess handed Zeke a necklace which had a gem that looked a lot like a summoning crystal. Upon closer inspection however, Zeke noticed that within the crystal is a seeming red flame which continued swirling around.

"I'm guessing your daughter is already in here?" Zeke said without even any care on his words. Taking up the necklace and looking at it more intently using [Analysis].

"Yes, although you cannot bring her out right away. The crystal needs a month at most in order to completely register your mana to match with hers. It's only after this that she can be summoned out of it and, once she's out, the mark will activate. That'll shatter the summoning crystal and turn her back into a normal mortal." Yaeger explained in detail.

"I'll keep a closer eye on you from now on so you better not try anything funny with my daughter got that?" The goddess followed up, thinking how weird and mysterious Zeke the mortal could be at times. 

Zeke nodded in agreement and gave the goddess a reassuring smile. This is the only comfort he could provide her as; he cannot assure that Heron would live much of a normal life as long as she sticks with him. After all, there are still a lot on Zeke's plate which he needs to finish and, he's not even done with any of the [Main Quests].

However, Zeke knows that two quests would soon be dealt with. He'll be facing Gallio soon. This is an inevitable fact as, the contract with Glade prevents him from taking any longer. Other than this, he needs to fight as soon as he can as, the de-levelling process will surely be taxing on him. But Zeke thought that this is okay. With every item he has, it wouldn't be hard to bet that he could win against the monstrous blood elf monarch.

Aside from this, Zeke can also finish the task connected to the [Ruined City]. Although only curious about who the [Dragon Morpher] is at first, Zeke now wanted to have her. Especially because she will serve as his ticket in entering the [Ruined City] and, all the glory which the city holds. After all, its advancement was to the point that, it was able to give birth to a goddess. Namely, Yaeger.

"That takes care of that." Zeke said finally standing up and, as he did, Yaeger looked at him like a fragile mother who is about to burst into tears. It was the first time Zeke witnessed this and, the sudden softness of the goddess took him by surprise as this same creature wrapped her arms around him, making Zeke feel a warm sensation he has deprived himself back on earth.

"Thank you." Yaeger said, not allowing the human to see her face at the moment as she buried it on his shoulder.

Zeke couldn't say anything back. In fact, he wasn't even sure what to make of the situation. And so, he just patted the back of the goddess; feeling that it is the safest move to make at the moment.

They then headed back to the cabin to make the final arrangements before leaving the realm. 

One thing was agreed upon by the party and the goddess. This is that, the corpse of both Sebastian and Harun will be buried in Yaeger's realm. As the goddess of the hunt; the elves have always held Yaeger in high regards and as such, it would be of the highest honor to be buried in her divine realm.

Yaeger allowed this and even made it a point that she would see their burial site each and every day. A tree will always grow where an elf corpse is buried and as such, the goddess placed both bodies on the sides of her cabin. Making both servants stay as close to her.

"This is the least we could do for them." Were the words that Sylvia used to comfort Allesiah who also grieved the loss of their loyal servants. They looked at the graves which now began sprouting out leaves. Sebastian's leaves are an autumn color while, Harun had peach - colored leaves coming out. 

Zeke didn't keep the conjures of both Sebastian and Harun. In fact, he allowed these to be relased as, he believes that the soul of also gets captured with the conjure.

"You guys don't need to fight endlessly for things you don't want to." Zeke said, releasing the tongues of flame that contained both conjures and, letting them dissolve as they floated up in the air.

After this, his head shifted downwards. He then saw He then saw Sylph who was standing farther back, hiding her face from everyone. Zeke approached the female elf who began wiping her face with her sleeves.

"You know you can blame me if you want. It'll at least lessen the burden you're carrying." Zeke said, not minding the responsibility at all. In fact, he can pretty much handle it even if the whole world hates him. 

After all, he is also about to murder the husband of Sylvia. For a whole week he has been with this person, helping her grow and making normal interactions with her. Yet, as soon as they come back, he'll make sure that not even a shadow of Hark will be left on Elysium. And this in itself is enough to make him understand that, being able to act all indifferent and cold is needed in order to accomplish his quests.

"No. I hold as much responsibility in what happened to them as everyone else here. I won't be a proper master to them if I blamed someone else for my own weakness and incompetence." The elf said and, Zeke applauded the response.

With their farewells being done and over with, the group finally prepared to come back to Elysium. They stood on the same spot that they appeared on and, this time, Zeke is with three Windspirtes who have evolved in to higher forms of elves. Adding to this is the fact that they also have improved weaponry. All of this made them a hundred times more formidable than when they left Elysium.

Yaeger looked at them before she began chanting the spell. And then, a yellow light began crawling on the ground; forming a circle which had Zeke and his company inside. As soon as the figure formed, the mark glowed even brighter and, Yaeger said some incantations which went with this. She then gave Zeke one final look and, the human looked back with a cheeky smirk on his face.

"Arrogant bastard." Were the words that ran through the goddess' head as she finally snapped her finger transporting Zeke and his group out of her realm and, back to Elysium.

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