The Gamer's System

Chapter 78: The God of Mischief

Chapter 78: The God of Mischief

As the transportation began, there is only one thing that ran in Zeke's head. Beside him is Sylph, probably saying something important. However, he is too preoccupied with the various tactics that could be employed with his fight against Gallio. Taking into consideration all his money from the shop, his skill set, his items and, his summons he thought carefully on the best way to optimize all these factors. That is, also taking into consideration any unfortunate circumstance such as, an earlier encounter with the Blood Elf Monarch.

On the other hand, Yaeger is also preoccupied with a single thought. That is, the adventures which her daughter would finally be able to take out of her realm. Now that she isn't bound to Yaeger's territory, her memories would completely be wiped out. Yaeger didn't tell this to Zeke on purpose. After all, the human may back out if he learns that he needs to babysit a dragon with a blank memory.

Even the three sisters had thoughts running through their heads. Allesiah thought of going to the relatives of both Harun and Sebastian. Although dead, their loved ones are still alive and, the Windsprite household has the duty to properly compensate them for all the services which they offered. Their loved ones will gain all these, with Allesiah thinking of ensuring that these elves would live secured lives from that moment on.

Sylph thought of facing Glade immediately. She wants to get things straight with the elf whom she's been closest with. She wants to know every single detail and, would not allow her former servant to escape without answering all her questions truthfully.

Lastly, Sylvia thought of a lot of things. On the top of all this is restoring the Windsprite household. She thought that, their mission comes as a success, she has no other choice but to ascend to the throne. Nobody has taken her spot as the next queen and so, this responsibility falls on her whether she likes it or not.

Hence, it is not only Zeke and Yaeger who are lost in thought as the transportation commenced. Even the elves had their minds full. Hence, they forgot to take one thing into consideration. Although the chance for it to happen is one in a million, the minor gods might interfere soon. Many of these beings still have their eyes on the land of Mythos. Fearing that their creation would once again evolve beyond safe levels, there are those that never left their eyes on the mortals that thrived there. 

After all, they did not change the creatures that lived there. They simply divided them and made them fight against each other. And, if a unifying element is born all of a sudden then, the Golden Age of Mythos might once again come. They all know how easily the creatures of Mythos could adapt and grow and, this in itself is enough to send shivers down their spines.

One more thing that both Zeke and Yaeger forgot during the transport is this: time flows differently in the realm of the gods and goddesses. This isn't' something which Chrono decided himself but rather, something that came together with his existence. Hence, this cannot be altered.




The duration of time is different all throughout the heavens. The deities then choose where to place their realm and, there is no argument on spots to take as there is an infinite number to choose from. And, on some of these spaces, time moves even slower than it already is. Strangely enough, this is the only kind of space which is limited.

This comes as a rarity probably because time moves so slowly, to the point that it would seem as if time has stopped entirely. Since these spaces may cause problems later on, Chrono decided to take over all of them. Nobody argued of course and willingly cooperated with Chrono or at least that is what they made the god of time believe.

"This isn't good. I sense a large amount of mana being transported to Mythos." One of the minor gods said, entering into a room lit so poorly that it seemed to be the inside of a cave.

"Aren't we banned from sending creatures there without the whole council's approval?" Asked another who followed inside shortly after. 

Soon enough, a lot of these gods came together in a space they hid with all their efforts. This space is one of those where time seems to stop altogether. The reason why Chrono wasn't able to claim this one is because it is hidden.

The minor gods and goddesses placed all their efforts into hiding the space and making it untraceable. The reason for making such a space should be quite obvious. It is because, they did not want the major deities to know of their schemes. After all, Chrono alone, the youngest of the three, is enough to wipe them all out at a snap of his finger.

Of course, they also knew the dangers of creating such a space. But all of these worries is wiped out because of the ace up their sleeves. Although not being a major god, his skill set is enough to place him on their radar. This is the god of mischief and deceit Pier. This same creature soon entered the space and, spoke in a voice that made every other minor god quiet down to listen.

"Idiots. Those are residents of Mythos. If you could just stop panicking and actually look at the mana they contain, you'd know that what I say is true." Pier said, holding his black staff with a floating obsidian stone. Nobody ever figured out what the stone is actually made of, giving it an ominous feel.

"But isn't that prohibited? We aren't supposed to take any dwellers into our realm." One minor goddess replied.

"Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. My good lady, you've been living all your immortal life and yet you forget to place some important rules into consideration." Pier replied, knowing that one of these buffoons would soon ask him.

The minor goddess lowered head head, ashamed of even raising the question. The other minor gods and goddesses laughed at Pier's remark as if they knew what he is actually talking about. 

"Let me explain." Pier began by using a spell, creating puppets that glowed a dark violet color on the floor. Everyone looked at the demonstration presented.

"The things we create are generated in such a way that we cannot take them back. Nor alter their form on a whim. These are restrictions that we did not enforce upon ourselves but instead, exists as an invisible rule." He said, making one of the puppets levitate and hit an invisible ceiling over and over again.

"If you remember, we didn't alter anything from those Mythos dwellers. Not because we don't want to but simply because, a natural law makes us unable to perform such acts: both taking these creatures and altering them after the design has been finished." Pier continued, lifting one more human like puppet and adding various animal parts to it. The parts immediately dropped to the ground; not actually getting attached to the sample.

"That doesn't explain anything." One of the minor gods replied.

"That's true my impatient sir. You see it's because I'm just about to say the reason now. So, if you guys could just continue shutting your mouths, that would be really helpful." He continued, creating enough menacing aura to make minor gods and goddesses like him to feel fear for a second.

"Let me continue." Pier said, thumping his staff on the ground and creating even more miniature puppets.

"We cannot get them directly but, if they are taken to our realm by another creature from another world, that's another story altogether." Pier placed a yellow glowed puppet in the middle of two dark purple ones.

"To make things even simpler, that specific creature becomes a kind of boatman; taking them through places where normal passage should be forbidden. The natural laws permit this because, it is not these creatures who are directly getting transported, but a creature outside that world's algorithm. Making him or her an exception to the rule and thus, applying the same exception to the creatures with him or her."

Nobody in that space actually remembered this rule. In fact, they've never heard of it actually being said. And this much is understandable because, this was never written down. The gods and goddesses simply presumed that, with all the worlds and universes being created so far, they would already have a clear idea of this concept.

"Then who is the otherworlder with them?" Another minor god asked and, as soon as he did, his eyes widened in shock.

"I'm guessing you already know the answer yourself." Pier replied, having a sly grin on his face.

"I cannot remember the last time when the major deities chose a human. But when they did, that human stroke as much fear to us as the dwellers of Mythos. A seemingly perfect human who was blessed by those three. So much so that, he almost came to our level." Pier stated, moving around the space and looking at every minor god and goddess present

"But he didn't." One of the minor gods jested, proud that he was there to witness the dying moments of that human.

Pier gave this god a menacing smile. In an instant, the god found it harder to breathe, as if his heart would burst out any minute. But the feeling died out as soon as it came, covering the god with beads of cold sweat that ran down his forehead.

"That's right. And this time, another human who seemingly has more talent has come. Choosing a blessing that has limitless potential for growth." Pier continued.

At this, the room's atmosphere got even more serious. They all know of the things that are about unfold in Mythos and this made them glad. That is, until the very moment when Pier disclosed every information to them.

Everything was actually going according to their plan already. With the Blood Elf Monarch Gallio and his troops, Mythos would be divided even more than it already is. With this unexpected wild card added to the mix, the chaos that died out will once again resume. This will lead to further destruction, confusion, pain, and agony. And, if this is the case, then they do not have much to worry about anymore.

But things are different now. With what Pier just disclosed to them, the minor gods and goddesses are now worried. If a human chosen by the three major deities comes to the mix together with his companions, then their plant of devastation may commence at all.

"Can't we do anything about this? At this rate, Gallio may just be defeated even before he wreaks havoc upon Mythos." A goddess said in a panicked voice.

"Calm down will you." Pier immediately remarked, holding his hands in front.

"You seem to be forgetting one crucial part. They aren't back to Mythis yet. They are in the middle of being transported from an area outside their allowed domain."

"Which means what exactly?" This remark made by anther god widened Pier's smile to its limits.

"Which means we can send them to spots where they would be most exposed to danger." He finished. This made hos accomplices smile with him, finally realizing the genius of this plan.

The transport would look to be the fault of the minor god or goddess who transported them. They would leave no trace as Pier could easily tamper with the data of their spell jamming and tampering. And so, this leads to a certain problem for Zeke and those with him.

The end result of the transportation magic used by the goddess Yaeger changed altogether. Zeke and his party members all got transported to difference places within Elysium. Of course, it would be easy to just use a transportation scroll in order to go back where the others are. But the problem is, they are still registering where they have dropped off to. Another part of the equation is the confusion as to why the others aren't with them. And the greatest factor to this is that, Gallio's forces began attacking as soon as they were seen.

Pier smiled immediately from the heavens as he watched the sight unfold.

"Amuse me Zeke Elwood. 

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