The Goblin's Leveling System!

Chapter 125: Trouble Always Comes Knocking At A Troublemaker's Door (2)

Chapter 125: Trouble Always Comes Knocking At A Troublemaker's Door (2)

Axel's PoV:

I walked towards the end of the protective array and opened a hole in the protective array.

I went through the entrance I opened in the protective array and went outside the part of the forest where it was contained within the protective array.

I was now in front of the high-level monster so I had the opportunity to take a closer look at its appearance.

I saw that the high-level monster was a fire lion emperor, a stronger existence than a fire lion king.

Typically, a fire lion king was a level 1,500 up to level 5,000 while a fire lion emperor was a level 20,000 up to level 30,000 and if it has an ancient bloodline, then it would possibly reach level 40,000.

But now, the fire lion emperor was level 45,000 and I looked at the system map and saw that the system map indicated the fire lion emperor as a black colored dot which was out of my league.

I had also noticed that the fire lion emperor was much stronger than the usual since it had an ancient bloodline from its ancestors of several previous generations and its blood was very concentrated.

Even though I wouldn't be able to hold a candle against the level 45,000 fire lion emperor, with the help of my teammates I should be able to defeat it but my teammates and I would still suffer a loss against it.

I was lucky enough that the fire lion emperor didn't have the attack stat as its forte, unlike the fire lion king due to the fire lion emperor focusing on improving its speed and defense stats.

But since it improves its speed and defense stat, it would be much more troublesome and time-consuming to kill it so I might as well lower my pride and ask my teammates to gang up against it.

The level 45,000 fire lion emperor had not noticed my presence yet due to me concealing some of my mana to the point that my mana was comparable to a bug.

I tried to come up with a plan to defeat the level 45,000 fire lion emperor without wasting too much time, effort, and resources against it.

If only Mathew was here, then my teammates and I would be able to rely on his arsenal of numerous artifacts at his disposal.

Mathew was more of a pay-to-win player so he was fully loaded with numerous artifacts that would be able to deal a significant amount of damage against the level 45,000 fire lion emperor.

As I come up with a plan, I suddenly had a bright idea which was to find a monster of the fire lion emperor's opposite attribute and instigate the monster I would find to fight against the fire lion emperor.

The problem was where I could find a water element monster that could fare against the level 45,000 fire lion emperor.

It's not like I could wave a magic wand and a water element monster that would at least be level 40,000 would appear in front of me.

{I don't want to disturb master's thinking but I might as well be rude for once so pardon this lowly one's intervention.}

It's okay, the dragon king.

What was the thing that you want me to handle which was presumably important since you had interrupted me?

{Actually, the master would be able to summon at least a level 35,000 monster of any element using a certain magic spell and a level 45,000 monster as the highest.}

How am I able to do that? I don't even know what kind of skill I needed to activate so that I would be able to summon a high-level monster of any element.

{Since this lowly one dares to bring up such suggestion, then surely this lowly one has a method on how to summon a monster of any element and the level will depend on the amount of mana that master would be able to exert on the summoning circle.}

So I needed to create a certain magic circle with the help of Dragon King's knowledge?

{Yes, master. Also, the limit of the summoning magic this lowly one is going to teach you is only up to level 45,000.}

{This lowly one still hasn't found the completed summoning circle that would be able to summon up to a level 80,000 monster.}

I see... So how am I going to write the magic circle which I haven't any clue of what appearance it had?

{If master could trust this lowly one, then this lowly one will possess master's hand so that this lowly one would be able to control one of the master's hands to use it to write the summoning circle.}

Even though I trust you, dragon king, there would still be a chance that you would betray me after taking control of one of my body parts.

But since you could have just asked me to possess my entire body and trick me into doing it, then I'm at least sure that you had a sincere intention.

{This lowly one wouldn't dare to disobey and betray master and not to mention that monster is in control of this lowly one's life.}

I hope you won't disappoint me. I had high expectations for you, the dragon king.

I knew that you had a lot of potential in becoming a force that would be powerful enough to compare against a demon lord.

{This lowly one is honored to be praised by the master. If the master is ready, then the master should remove control of the master's left hand so that this lowly one can easily possess it.}

I listened to the Dragon King's suggestion so I loosened my control over my left hand.

The dragon king used some of my mana and converted it to draconic mana which the dragon king then channeled into my left hand.

After channeling the draconic mana into my left hand, the dragon king manipulated the draconic mana which allowed the dragon king to freely control my left hand.

It felt weird having one of my body parts being controlled by another being but at least it was someone I trusted and at least only one of my body parts was possessed.

{Master, I suggest we avoid the range of the level 45,000 fire lion emperor's mana so that it wouldn't be able to detect master and the unusual mana flow that will be emitted by the summoning circle that this lowly one is going to draw.}

I listened to the dragon king's suggestion and focused on concealing my mana.

After concealing my mana to the point it was hardly noticeable, I opened a small entrance in the protective array and entered it.

As I was now inside the protective array, I saw what my teammates and the junior heroes were doing and found out that most of them were preparing their weapons while a few of them were eating water wyvern meat barbecue.

It seemed that one of my teammates had suggested preparing for an upcoming battle against the high-level monster that was wreaking havoc against my protective array.

I decided that it was best to draw the summoning circle inside the protective array so that I wouldn't be interrupted by any external forces.

After all, the protective array was enough to withstand the attacks of the level 45,000 fire lion emperor.

Moreover, my teammates were near me so they would be able to assist in protecting me from the attacks of the level 45,000 fire lion emperor if ever it was able to bypass the protective array.

{Master, this lowly one will now start in drawing the summoning circle. The time it will take to draw this summoning circle will be half an hour so I ask for the master to be patient.}

I was right that it was best to draw the summoning circle inside the protective array since it would take a lot of time to draw the summoning circle.

If I was outside the protective array and I wasn't able to finish preparing the summoning circle in time, the fire lion emperor would be a fool if it didn't notice me so I would possibly be attacked by it which could potentially disrupt the dragon king in drawing the summoning circle.

Fortunately, I was able to foresee it and prepare in time due to my cautious personality and genius mind.

If not, then I would likely have to suffer at the hands of the level 45,000 fire lion emperor.

The dragon king manipulated my left hand and released some of the draconic mana into the fingertips of my left hand which created a mana laser.

The dragon king used the mana laser to draw a summoning circle with ancient language on the ground.

After half an hour of waiting for the dragon king to finish preparing the summoning circle, the dragon king halted in drawing on the summoning circle any further and dispelled the draconic mana in my left hand.

I took control over my left hand and checked the summoning circle and it seemed that it was finished.

{Master, the summoning circle is now completed. Master only needed to do to fully complete the summoning ritual is to pour master's mana into the summoning circle.}

I channeled my mana into my right hand and poured my mana into the summoning circle.

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