The Goblin's Leveling System!

Chapter 126: To Defeat A Monster, Another Monster Is Needed (1)

Chapter 126: To Defeat A Monster, Another Monster Is Needed (1)

Axel's PoV:

As I was pouring my mana into the summoning circle, the summoning circle shined brighter as it was being supplied by my mana.

I kept on supplying my mana towards the summoning circle even if my mana recovery rate wasn't able to keep up with my mana consumption rate.

A few minutes later, the summoning circle which previously shone in white color was now shining in orange-colored light.

{Master, the summoning circle is now in the second phase. After reaching the second phase, the master will now be able to summon a monster at level 20,000.}

So there was a second phase? I thought that I only needed to keep on pouring my mana into the summoning circle until a monster came out of the summoning circle.

{Yes, master. There are three phases in total. The third phase which is the last phase will be equal to being able to summon any monster at level 45,000 of any element.}

How much mana left so I needed to supply towards the summoning circle until I reached the third phase?

{This lowly one is only able to make an estimated amount but not the exact amount so forgive this lowly one, master.}

That's alright, so if you were able to estimate the amount of mana I needed then tell me now so that I would be able to know the mana I needed to consume.

{If this lowly one is correct, then the master only needs to consume at least 1.5 trillion worth of mana points until the summoning circle would reach the third phase.}

That much?! I don't know if I'm able to even supply that much amount of mana since I did not have any mana crystal and mana potion to replenish my mana.

My mana recovery wasn't also able to keep up and even if I used my [Mana Stack] skill, it would only increase the capacity of my mana pool by several folds but not the recovery rate.

I had also activated [Prodigy] before so my mana pool was much larger and my mana rate had improved but even with that buff, it wasn't enough to counter the mana consume rate.

If only I had pillaged some nearby kingdoms of their mana crystal and mana potion supply.

If I had done that, I wouldn't be in this predicament. I guessed that was what I get for being a Mr. Nice guy.

I should have acted as a villain.

From now on, I'll do everything I could to get as much supply of mana crystal and potion even if I would become known as an infamous hero.

Who cares about reputation? Could that save my life? How much was reputation?

So that's how I decided that it was best to become a villain.

At this pace, I might become a hypocrite which was a personality that I hated the most.

I might as well declare myself as a hero whose only goal was to defeat the demon lords and a hero who doesn't give sh*t about humankind.

I'll think about that later. I needed to focus on absorbing the mana in the surroundings to improve my mana recovery rate while supplying mana into the summoning circle.

As I was rapidly absorbing the mana in the surroundings like a vacuum cleaner of mana, my mana was also being rapidly consumed by the summoning circle.

For now, I was able to suppress the effects of the consumption rate of the summoning circle but I'm not sure if it would last that long.

My concentration was divided into three. The first one was to maintain all of the arrays that I had deployed.

The second one was to supply mana into the surroundings while the third one was to absorb mana in the surroundings.

The level 45,000 fire lion emperor was getting a pain in the neck. It kept on attacking the protective array-like there was no tomorrow.

I was running out of ideas in how to cope up with all of the problems that kept on being an obstacle in this second life of mine.

{Have you forgotten about me, Axel 1?}

Axel 2? Yes! How could I had forgotten about my parallel thought!

{I know what you wanted me to do. I'll make sure to maintain the array so that the fire lion emperor wouldn't be able to enter this part of the forest.}

As expected of my parallel thought! It had already guessed what I wanted it to do.

Now that the array matter was solved, for the time being, the only problem left was to wait for the summoning circle to reach the third phase.

{Master, before I will forget to inform you with this piece of information about the summoning circle, I might as well inform you in time.}

Okay, the dragon king. Tell me what you had remembered about the summoning circle.

{As I had said before, the master needed at least 1.5 trillion worth of mana to reach the third phase which is now only 987 billion mana.}

So, what about it? My mana recovery rate was now above the mana consumption rate so it was only a matter of time before I finished summoning the level 45,000 monster.

{I forgot to inform the master that after reaching the third phase, the master still needed to supply more mana until the third phase is completed.}

So if I finished supplying 987 billion mana towards the summoning circle to reach the third phase, I still needed to consume another who knows what amount of mana?

{Yes, the master is correct. Master still needed an estimated amount of 3 trillion worth of mana until the master completes the summoning circle.}

It's not that hard to supply that much amount of mana anyways since my recovery rate had improved due to Axel 2 (Cautiousness) taking over the task of maintaining the arrays.

It's only a matter of time before I could summon a level 45,000 monster of water element to beat up the level 45,000 fire lion emperor.


At least 15 minutes have passed and the third phase was finished.

After completing the summoning circle, the summoning circle shone in bright red light which blinded the nearby surroundings.

A figure of a monster started to manifest from the bright red light which turned into orbs of light.

The orbs of bright red light gathered at one place which was the reason why a figure of a monster started to manifest.

As time passed by, the figure of the monster had become much more detailed until all of the orbs of bright red light had run out.

{Master, a level 45,000 monster is now on standby and is waiting for the master's order to be summoned.}

How am I going to determine what element the monster that I would summon?

{Master, currently, the level 45,000 monster that master had summoned is only a null element monster. If the master wants a water element monster, then the master needs to pour water attributed mana towards the summoning circle.}

So the level of the monster that would be summoned in the summoning circle depended on the amount of mana that I had supplied into the summoning circle.

On the other hand, the element of the monster depended on the attribute of the mana that I would supply into the summoning circle after the monster was partially summoned.

{Master is correct. The first part of the summoning circle was to determine what level the monster would be while the second part was to determine what element the monster would possess.}

If that's the case, then I shall not delay it any longer. I must beat that level 45,000 monster up and enslave it.

The level 45,000 fire lion emperor should be worthy enough to become my mount.

{Master is right! That mere level 45,000 monster should be honored that master had chosen it as master's mount.}

After the dragon king and I had finished our conversation, I focused on completing the summoning circle.

I released some of my mana into my left palm and changed the attribute of my mana into water.

After I had materialized the water attributed mana on my left palm, I channeled my mana into my right palm.

I changed the attribute of the mana on my right palm into the earth while maintaining the water attributed mana on my left palm and preventing it from dissipating.

After the earth attributed mana on my right palm was fully materialized, I still didn't release it but tried to maintain it.

A few minute's worths of solidifying the water and earth attributed mana on both of my palms kept it from dissipating.

{Master, the water and earth attributed mana that master has created is enough to be supplied into the summoning circle.}

After receiving the dragon king's opinion, I poured the water and earth attributed mana into the summoning circle.

The monster figure on the summoning circle started to absorb the water and earth attributed mana that I had sent into the summoning circle.

{Master, it would take another half an hour before the master would become a level 45,000 monster of both water and earth attribute since master had supplied two elements into the summoning circle.}

I might as well wait for the outcome of the summoning circle and find out whether it was successful or not.

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