The Goblin's Leveling System!

Chapter 78: The Hero Mentors

Chapter 78: The Hero Mentors

The summoned heroes including me, the pope and bishops, and also the previously summoned heroes such as Axel was now walking to the hallway of the church and descending from the stairs towards the first floor.

The Pope talked about some basic information about this world such as the demons were terrorizing the other races and since the Gods can't personally interfere, they decided to summon heroes from another world to defeat the demon lords.

At first, it sounds like some absurd kidnapping but since every summoned hero got a cheat skill, the summoned heroes including me decided to keep silent and listen to what the Pope said.

It turned out that the reason why we were summoned even though there were previously summoned heroes before us was because some of the summoned heroes from before had died because of an ambush caused by the demons.

The human race doesn't have any human heroes left so that's why they summoned us into this world and also help the previously summoned heroes fight the demon army.

"Have any of you have experienced killing humans?", The Pope asked the summoned heroes.

"I had already killed a lot of humans before so I had experience in killing living beings and not to mention that I'm going to kill living beings from another race. If what you worried about is because some of us are reluctant in killing living beings then I'm afraid that you're going to be disappointed.", I replied to the Pope.

The other summoned heroes were shocked because of my reply and they had told the Pope that they did not have any experience in killing any human before so I was the only one who had experienced that.

Of course, I explained that the only humans I killed were those who had committed a lot of crimes and I did not harm any innocent humans.

The Pope and other summoned heroes believed me since the Pope explained that the summoned heroes were chosen by Gods to save humanity so it was unlikely that the Gods would allow a serial killer to become a hero.

"The summoned heroes will undergo training so that your levels and strength will be improved. The previously summoned heroes will teach you everything you need to know about this world and will act as your mentor."

So Axle and the other heroes will act as our mentor? I hope Axel will be my mentor so that I can get to know him better.

I needed to ask Axel what he had gone through after being summoned into this world.

All of us exited the Holy Church and went to the forest behind the Holy Church.

"This will be your training ground. Your mentors will be responsible for you and will teach you everything you needed to know so better pick the right mentor that suits your affinities and skills."

After the Pope had said that, he and the bishops and priests left the summoned heroes including me with the previously summoned heroes.

"How are we even going to train in a place filled with tall trees? Practice ninjutsu?", The summoned hero with brown hair said.

"Leave it to me."

An elf with long blonde hair spoke while wielding her magic staff and directing it towards the trees.

The elf mumbled some words and her magic staff glowed.


The Elf chanted as she poured her mana into the trees using the magic staff as a medium.

The tall trees started to wither as it was being exposed by the Elf's mana. The forest had become a grass field since the trees were no longer present.

"Earth Deformation!"

A lion baseman chanted as he used his earth magic to remove the grasses and flattened the ground.

"Now that the training ground has been constructed, let's start the training session. You can choose any of the senior heroes including me to become your mentors. Of course, choose only the mentors that suit your fighting style. If any of you are interested in earth magic then I can be your mentor."

The lion beastman hero announced as he made 2-meter pillars of the earth which was the same number as the senior heroes.

The lion beastman then divided the training grounds by erecting a 50 centimeters wall around each training ground and at the center of that training ground was where the pillar of the earth was placed.

"The hero mentors will be standing on the pillars of earth that I had created so that your mentors can see what you are doing inside the training ground. That's all and remember that fighting against other heroes is strictly prohibited and your mentors will have the right to discipline you if that happens."

The lion beastman hero concluded his announcement and jumped towards the earth pillar and stood there.

The other senior heroes followed suit as they went to their respective earth pillars.

I went towards Axel's training ground and found the 12-year-old summoned hero from before and that summoned hero was currently conversing with Axel.

"Okay, I accept you as my mentee. Although I cannot teach you that much about cooking, I can still teach you my swordsmanship which will further improve your knife skills."

Axel said as he accepted the 12-year-old as his mentee.

As I was walking closer towards Axel's training ground, Axel started to notice me and so he directed his gaze towards me.

"What brings you here?", Axel asked me while still keeping his eyes on me.

"I choose you as my mentor."

"Explain why you chose me as your suitable mentor."

"I want to learn the way of the sword and also improve my magic skills."

"Very well. If you want to become my mentee, then defeat the level 500 golem that I'm going to create."

Axel said and he created a 3-meter earth golem. He imbued his mana into the earth's golem to control it.

"This golem has 100k stats in every attribute. If you can't even defeat that then forget about being my mentee."

I nodded and charged towards the level 500 earth golem. I clenched my fist and punched the earth golem with all of my strength.

The earth golem wasn't able to withstand my 10 million attack stat so it was obliterated.

"When can we start my training?", I asked Axel while I unintentionally let out a smug face.

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