The Goblin's Leveling System!

Chapter 79: When A System User Meets Another System User

Chapter 79: When A System User Meets Another System User

"You have proven that you are worthy to become my mentee. What do you want to learn from me? I can only teach you one lesson at a time so don't be greedy and if you want to become my full-fledged mentee, we will hold a ceremony right now."

I guess it's not that bad to become Axel's full-fledged mentee and not to mention that I might earn some benefits from Axel.

He might also be generous enough to give me some artifacts and skill scrolls.

"Okay. But I'll ask you one question and you must answer it truthfully."

"I agree. So let's start the ceremony."

Axel conjured a scroll out of thin air with a feather pen and he signed on it. He passed the scroll to me.

"Sign your name on this scroll and you will finally be my mentee."

Why do I have the feeling that this was some kind of shady deal? Never mind, maybe I'm just too cautious.

I took hold of the scroll and signed my name on the scroll using the feather pen.

The scroll emanated a bright white light and disappeared.

*Warning! The host had signed a slave contract! Please accept the emergency mission that the system will provide so that the host can nullify the effects of the slave contract!*

What the?! As I had thought, the scroll thingy was too shady! Axel's personality had become much more worst than I had thought!

I accept the emergency mission!


*The host had accepted the emergency mission which was provided by the system. The slave contract's effect will be nullified.*

*The host can now check the contents of the emergency mission by saying "mission".*

I'll check the contents of the mission later. Right now I must figure out how to bring back Axel's memories since it was sealed by the God Of Worldly Systems.

*The system suggests the host give up such thoughts. Only by reaching level 6 in the system skill can the seal of the God Of Worldly System be released. The host's memory was supposed to be erased but I allowed the host to keep the host's memory therefore the host remembered the host's meeting with the God Of Worldly System.*

Wouldn't that be equivalent to revolting against the God Of the Worldly System since you did not gain any permission from God to allow me to keep my memories?

*The host shan't worry too much about it. The God Of Worldly System can't do anything to me since it would be a waste for him to make another system that was comparable to me and my other counterpart.*

So even if you directly offend the God Of the Worldly System, then God wouldn't do a thing against you?

*Yes. The same goes for the system that Axel had possessed. Even though Axel's system did not let him keep some of his memories, Axel's system still let him get overpowered skills and equipment with minimal effort. That would be the same as going against the God Of Worldly Systems but as I had said before, God wouldn't do a thing against me and my other counterpart since the both of us were the complete and perfect system that the God Of Worldly System had created.*

Indeed. It would be considered a waste to discard such a powerful and useful system so that's why the God Of Worldly System allowed the two systems to do whatever they want.

I'll think about the emergency mission later. I'm going to ask Axel a question first before I fulfill the emergency mission.


[During Axel and Alex's mentor-mentee ceremony]

Axel's PoV:

"Okay. But I'll ask you one question and you must answer it truthfully."

The blonde hair mentee of mine asked me a condition.

Well, it's not that much anyway and I wouldn't lose too much considering the scroll that I'm going to let him sign was a slave contract.

"I agree. So let's start the ceremony."

I conjured a slave contract and passed it to Alex.

"Sign your name on this scroll and you will finally be my mentee."

If you do that, then Pedonar and Aileen will have another companion. I'm looking forward to that if that happens.

Alex was hesitating for a while and he must be thinking about whether he should or shouldn't sign it.

Well, even if he signed the slave contract, I wouldn't treat him like a slave.

I'm going to treat him the same way I treat Pedonar and Aileen which was the same treatment as a subordinate.

Alex decided to sign the contract and then the scroll disappeared after he signed it.


*The slave contract is now in effect-*

*WARNING! The slave contract is being rejected and nullified by some unknown force. The unknown force has the same structure and ability as the system but slightly different.*

*WARNING! The host will now experience the side effect of the slave contract being rejected! The host will now become the slave of the being known as Alex Eternalsoul.*


*The system's defense mechanism will now be activated to nullify the effect of the side effect of the slave contract! The host will need to accept an emergency task so that the system's defense mechanism will be activated.*

*Will the host accept the emergency task? Yes or No?*

What the... Well, it's better than being someone's slave and even if the emergency task was to kill an archdemon then I will accept it without any hesitation.

Was this how a system user meets another system user? Was this caused by fate? I'll think about it later.

I accept the emergency task.

*The host has now accepted the emergency task. The system's defense mechanism will now be put into effect due to the emergency task being accepted.*


*The slave contract's side effects have been nullified. Now the host will no longer have the fear of being a slave of the being known as Alex Eternalsoul.*

Now that I think about it, where have I heard the name known as Alex Eternalsoul?

I also felt that I had met that person before in my past life but the memories of my past life were blocked by something and all I could remember were fragments of it while the rest was covered in blue.

The system, can I look at the emergency task?

*Host, remember that I'm in a state of upgrading and I was only awakened because of the host being in grave danger. The system's upgrade timer will reset.*

Now I have to wait for 1 week again. Can the system display the emergency task's content?

*Nope and since the host was the so-called genius, the system will let the host guess what the emergency task is.*

What did the system think about a genius? A fortune-teller?



*System timer has now been reset. The system will upgrade into level 4 in 06 days, 23 hours, 59 minutes, and 58 seconds.*

Tch! Damn system!

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