The Grand Duelist

Chapter 48: Strange Slapping Sounds

Chapter 48: Strange Slapping Sounds

The other Jail Janitors couldn't see what was going on within the sealed cell. With the doors closed, it was impossible for anyone to enter the room without it being opened by someone inside or someone with the necessary key.

Javier had that key, but he obviously didn't have the intention of opening it up until Joseph and Ezreal voluntarily came out along with the results of their interrogation.

"Everything is so... quiet?" The Jail Janitors started whispering with each other, some had expressions of disdain, some had clear frowns on their faces for having their precious time wasted. Javier was starting to feel anxious that a mob may form just so they could open the door and found out about what was happening.

Back when Jagger was inside the sealed cell along with Old Bastard John. They could feel some movements inside the sealed cell, but right now. Everything was absolutely quiet. Not even the resounding footsteps of those of the horsemen species could be heard.

"I hope that everything is going fine for th-"


Before Javier could complete his sentence, a scream filled with madness suddenly erupted from within the sealed cell.

That particular scream that clearly came out from the mouth of Old Bastard John was so loud and strong that it penetrated through the thick walls of the sealed cell that was supposedly almost sound-proof.

The scream sounded like the scream of someone that wished for nothing but the relief of death. It was something that they had never heard from the mouth of Old Bastard John.

"What the fuck is going on?!" Each and every Jail Janitor within the vicinity now had their focus on the doors of the sealed cell. Right now, they wished for nothing but to burst inside that sealed cell and find out about what was going on behind it.

The scream that came out from Old Bastard John's mouth was a scream that they had never heard. Although they had heard him scream on numerous occasions, this was the first time that he unleashed such a scream of despair, hopelessness, humiliation and the desire to die.

All of them couldn't help but feel a shiver down their spines when they realized the emotions contained within the scream...

"That young man who looks like a soy-boy in the red-light district is capable of torturing someone as fierce as that old bastard to the extent that he would unleash such a maniacal scream?!" Their eyes bulged out of their sockets as they took huge mouthfuls of breath before they managed to calm themselves down.

But in contrast to the shock that they felt. Javier looked anxious. His face filled with sweat that his face practically looked like a river right now. But why? Well, it was because when he connected the dots from the pills that Joseph borrowed from him. He found a sinister conclusion that also answered his questions.

The reason why the Old Bastard John was screaming like that. Was because he's currently in the process of tasting his own medicine...

"Holy..." Javier mumbled under his breath when he realized that the species of demi-humans that Joseph had with him were ones that were well-endowed. Since Old Bastard John was a man, there could only be one entrance where he could taste his own medicine.

His buttcheeks subconsciously clenched and his expression paled.

"Are you okay, Senior?" One of the younger Jail Janitors couldn't help but ask when he saw Javier's pale expression.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Don't bother about me. What's more important are the results..." Yes, that was more important. Javier thought, for as long as Ezreal and Joseph acquired results that were greater than what Jagger achieved. Everything could be excused.

With the resources that the Kingdom has at its disposal. It wouldn't be a problem for them to revive someone on the brink of death. For as long as Old Bastard John doesn't die until all of his secrets were out. There wouldn't be a problem.

But the problem was, could a person really endure something like that? Taking on three well-endowed demi-human species at the same time and what's worse was as a man. Could someone even live to tell the tale after suffering something like that? Javier didn't know the answer to this question.

But he sincerely hoped that Old Bastard John wouldn't die.

But just as Javier was praying sincerely in his heart. Old Bastard John's screams intensified until they became a seemingly endless howl.

"Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! Please! No more! Please no more! Let me out of heeeeereee!!!"

The terrifying mixture of emotions contained within the howl sent shivers down the spines of everyone as they all broke out in cold sweat.

"Just what the fuck are the two of them doing?!" Javier loudly cursed. Every Jail Janitor that mocked Joseph and Ezreal earlier couldn't keep their expressions still. As for the other prisoners, all of them squeezed their heads between the gaps of the metal railings that kept them inside their cells as they watched on in complete shock.

As all of them listened closely, apart from the howling and screaming. One could hear sounds similar to when you slap the surface of water. Those fierce, crisp sounds rang clearly within the sealed cell and Javier who knew from the start about what was going on couldn't help but feel weak in his knees.

"Senior!" The Jail Janitors rushed at Javier in order to help him stand up since he looked like he was about to collapse.

"What's going on, Senior? Are you okay? What happened to you?"

"This... This is serious..." Javier looked as pale as paper, his voice trembling as he desperately clung on the shoulders of the Jail Janitor who helped him before he said: "Call the Jail Warden! Call him! Tell him that there's an emergency! Hurry up!"

The hearts of every Jail Janitor shook. This was the first time that Javier acted in such a manner and they couldn't help but panic. But since most of them were people that experienced far too many things in life. Their panic didn't last for too long as the more experienced ones moved and went to fetch the Jail Warden.

None of the Jail Janitors within Cellblock 5 heard such a scream before. Paired with the sound similar to slapping the surface of water, each and every one of them visibly trembled as they subconsciously clenched their buttcheeks.

"Wait, why are we clenching our butts?"

"I don't know... hearing that particular sound just makes me remember something..."

"Me too..."

The screams and the fierce, and loud slapping sounds became a symphony that shook everyone's heart to their core, it left everyone with the sensation that Old Bastard John was currently being subject to the most horrifying type of torment possible that the human mind could imagine.

"What in the actual fuck is he really doing?! But whatever method he is using to get that Old Bastard scream like that, he's on the right track! Such screams make it evident that what he's suffering is something that everyone may even avoid at the deepest layers of hell!"

Each and every Jail Janitor was having trouble breathing. Their minds couldn't comprehend what was going on, but before they could even speculate any further. The familiar voices of their fellow Jail Janitors rang out behind them in a loud shout.

"Behold! The Jail Warden is here!"

The message contained within the shout pierced through everyone's heart as they suddenly turned stiff. Slowly turning their bodies around, they all deeply bowed at the figure who arrived. The one and only god within the confines of this Underground Penitentiary, the one who stood at the peak of everyone in here. The Jail Warden himself.

"What's happening?" This was the first question that he asked. His dignified voice rang out and everyone clearly heard what he wanted to say, but none of them dared on answering. After all, none of them knew clearly about what was going on.

Seeing the reactions of the Jail Janitors, the Jail Warden turned to look at Javier and asked: "You, explain to me what's going on. You told me that there's an emergency going on in here but I can't see anything..." He suddenly stopped speaking when he heard a crisp slapping sound reverberating within the sealed cell before them.

"Si-sir... Our fellow Jail Janitors are in the process of interrogating the Old Bastard John. But as you can see, he's releasing such anguished screams right now, and I think that there's a good chance that he would die even before he could fully confess to the Kingdom." Javier bowed his head and the Jail Warden frowned.

The screams coming out of Old Bastard John's mouth were indeed wretched and horrifying. The Jail Warden shook his head and said: "That surely is within the realm of possibility. But everything depends on the results. If those two members of yours killed that Old Bastard John but didn't successfully extract any worthwhile confession, then..."

The Jail Warden swept his cold gaze at everyone and all of them shivered in fear.

All of them were clear about how cruel and ruthless the Jail Warden could become whenever he's angry. None of them dared on inviting his anger upon themselves since that was equal to courting death. And so, each and every Jail Janitor cried out in their hearts. Praying fervently that Joseph and Ezreal wouldn't do something drastic without any results.

Just recently, everyone mocked Joseph and Ezreal for their inexperience and ignorance. But right now, all of them were deifying the two as if they were gods. They all prayed intently for the success of the two since their lives now depended on Joseph and Ezreal.

The Jail Warden stood like an immovable mountain before the doors of the sealed cell. His imposing figure further intensified the fear and anxiety of every Jail Janitor around him. In fact, one of them even kneeled on the ground and kowtowed for the blessing of his beloved Divine Goddess Rhinna.

"Is this the reason why sir Fausto chose him?" The Jail Warden contemplated. His eyebrows furrowed whilst he was deep in his thoughts. Honestly, the confession of Old Bastard John wasn't really important for someone like him who was at the top of everything. What's more important was the result of this confession.

If Old Bastard John died, then he needed to do some disciplinary actions against the two and such an offense would definitely be punishable with expulsion. He didn't want to expel the two, particularly Joseph for it was clear that he was the Great Inquisitor, Fausto's borrowed knife.

But it would be suspicious if he didn't do anything against them if they did an offense. If Joseph acquired the suspicions of that noble then everything that Fausto worked hard for would be over. But if he did expel Joseph from the Underground Penitentiary, Fausto's efforts would all be for naught too.

The Jail Warden was having a headache right now. But since he couldn't do anything to change the pass. He could only stand and wait. His expression remained cold and stern, paired with his imposing figure and incomparable dignity. He looked terrifying to the Jail Janitors who now felt like they were ants on a hot pan.

"Please don't let that Old Bastard die!"

"Please let him survive..."

"Ah! Divine Goddess Rhinna, may you hear the prayers of your follower and not let that despicable Old Bastard die! If he dies then I, your follower will also perish along with him! Even though I don't mind dying and being with your side, I still haven't finished my life-long dream of establishing your temples all around the entire world!"

The Jail Janitors cried out in their hearts as the screams of Old Bastard John intensified and became even more filled with insanity, despair, and madness. The prisoners within the entire Cellblock 5 had raised their heads and looked at the direction of the screams in shock.

"I'll talk! I'll reveal everything that you want to know, so, please! Let me go!"

"You're gonna talk? Aren't you so tight-lipped? Why are your lips so loose right now? Night still hasn't come and we haven't even started yet!"

"Forgive me, sir, please... Let them stop... Let me go..." Every Jail Janitor within the area almost couldn't believe their ears. That Old Bastard John who always looked like he wanted a taste of us was begging? The prisoners who knew about the identity of the prisoner within the sealed cell all had their mouths opened in astonishment.

Just what kind of torment was the Old Bastard John experiencing to the extent that he would actually beg for mercy...

Unfortunately for the Old Bastard John. It seemed like Joseph and Ezreal didn't look like they were actually interrogating him for a confession. It felt like the two were merely tormenting him for fun as they repeatedly dismissed Old Bastard John's efforts on confessing so that his torment would end.

The Jail Warden stared hard at the sealed cell when he realized this fact: "Just how did sir Fausto get to know such a terrifying monster? He's still so young, yet he's that vicious already? It seems like sir Fausto really hates that bastard noble that much!"

The Jail Warden's gaze turned cold whilst he was staring at the doors of the sealed cell.

"What the hell are you doing?! How can you pay for those pills that you borrowed from me if you're dead!" Javier mumbled to himself as he forced himself to stand up steadily.

The screams and strange slapping sounds lasted for an hour until the Old Bastard John finally exhausted himself. A loud creaking sound rang out as Ezreal, along with Joseph and the three demi-humans came out of the sealed cell.

Joseph and Ezreal had a small smile on his face, while the three demi-humans looked strange. The expressions of the three looked refreshed, yet exhausted. Their eyes still glazed with a strange, pinkish light as a wide smile spread on their lips.

All five of them slowly walked out of the sealed cell as each and every spectator, including the prisoners who were in their jail cells, stared at them in astonishment.

Joseph, Ezreal, and the three demi-humans looked the same as what they looked like before they entered the sealed cell an hour ago. But when everyone looked into the sealed cell that now had its doors opened. Their eyes almost bulged out of their sockets.

Old Bastard John now looked shriveled as if something burned all of his muscles and fats from the inside. He seemed like a withered flower as he sat at the corner of the cell with a blank look on his face. His eyes radiated, not any light of life and his skin, covered in horrible scratch marks that were clearly not made with human hands...

All spectators were left gasping for air. The difference between the Old Bastard John just an hour ago, and the Old Bastard John after Joseph and Ezreal came out of the sealed cell, was staggering that most of the spectators even slapped their own cheeks to check if they were dreaming.

Jail Janitors and prisoners alike stared at Joseph and Ezreal with serious, yet dumbfounded expressions.

Even the Jail Warden couldn't speak anything as Joseph calmed down his shock from seeing the Jail Warden himself before approaching the latter and handing over a crystal ball.

"Honorable Jail Warden, this is his confession."

The Jail Warden mechanically accepted the crystal ball and Javier looked at Joseph and Ezreal as if he was looking at gods that descended from the heavens and graced them, mortals, with their abilities.

The Jail Warden received the crystal ball and scanned it with his abilities for a moment before he reeled in shock.

"The two of you, come to my office after this. We have something to discuss." The Jail Warden said in a gentle voice as if he was speaking to someone whom he doted on. The surrounding Jail Janitors couldn't believe what they were hearing.

The cruel and ruthless Jail Warden could actually act like that? What the hell?

But before each and every one of them could think about it even further, the Jail Warden left in a hurry. Leaving Joseph and Ezreal at the center of everyone's attention.

After a short moment of silence, everyone exploded in glee.

"Holy shit! You saved us, my man!"

"What the fuck man! Why didn't you tell us as soon as possible that you are that formidable?!"

"Quick, raise him up! We gotta throw him up!"

The Jail Janitors surrounded Ezreal and Joseph, as the two of them hurriedly shouted in panic.

"Unhand us! What the hell are you doing to master?! Ah! Master!"

"Calm down, brothers!"

The Jail Janitors even danced around the two in apparent joy. Such a scene was something that the prisoners haven't seen from these terrifying Jail Janitors.

But more importantly, they now had a new subject for their fear. As all of them turned to look at the twitching Old Bastard John and his blank, lifeless eyes. They all decided in unison that Joseph and Ezreal was someone that they could never afford to provoke!

All of them gulped several mouthfuls of their own saliva just so they could suppress the fear for the two in their hearts.

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