The Grand Duelist

Chapter 49: Never Again

Chapter 49: Never Again

After a few moments, the dizzy Joseph was finally spared from the experience of being thrown in the air until his face almost harvested the ripe stalactites hanging on the ceiling.

When the Jail Janitors saw the expressions on Ezreal and Joseph's faces, all of them laughed. Including Jagger who had animosity with Joseph.

Speaking of Jagger, Joseph felt awkward seeing his stare of admiration. After all, Jagger was someone who openly antagonized him earlier and he had defeated him in a competition.

Shouldn't he feel regret, bitter and angry at him? From the novels that Joseph read, it had always been a popular cliche where an enemy would feel bitter about their loss and try to challenge their enemy once again only to end up being slapped on the face again.

The Jail Janitors sensed the awkwardness that Joseph felt whenever Jagger stared at him and most of them couldn't help but chuckle.

"Don't worry too much about it, brother. Jagger is a simple-minded man, although he gets really scary once he's truly angry. In the end, he's still someone that is humble in victory, graceful in defeat. You need not worry about him getting back at you."

"Yeah, that's right, brother. Now that I think of it, we still haven't heard the name of you two young brothers."

"Ah, yeah. Today is the second day since the two of you became a member of the Underground Penitentiary, right? It does make sense that we still do not know your name..."

"But no worries, all of us in here have special circumstances for being a member of this place, and so. We brothers will not force you on revealing your identities."

"But brother, can you at least tell us about what you did to that Old Bastard John? You don't have to tell us about the details, just tell us the gist of it or else we may not be able to sleep properly tonight due to curiosity!"

"Yeah, yeah, that's right, brother. At least tell us that!"

Joseph felt grateful towards these Jail Janitors. When he remembered their shocked expressions earlier, he couldn't help but feel the duty of explaining everything towards them. He turned to look behind him and found that the three demi-humans had sneaked away when he was distracted.

A bitter smile emerged on his face and he didn't have any choice but to say.

"I just had him taste his own medicine, brothers."

"Taste his own medicine?"

The Jail Janitors were visibly confused when they heard what Joseph said.

"Yeah, do you still remember the reason why that old bastard is so notorious?"

Joseph gave another hint.


They finally realized what method Joseph used against the Old Bastard John.

"Holy shit! You did something like that to him?"

"So that's the reason why you brought those demi-humans with you? Furthermore, they are really well-endowed so that old bastard must've suffered..."

"What are you saying? Don't you still remember the inhuman screams that he unleashed earlier? I think that everything's not what brother is telling us. But still..."


"That is such a simple, yet ridiculous method on forcing that old bastard to confess..."

The Jail Janitors looked at each other with bitter smiles. Although they had thought of such a method before since the Jail Janitors that often relieved their stress with the bodies of the prisoners.

The first thing that they thought of when it came to that idea was that they were the ones that would inflict such a punishment on Old Bastard John. In other words, they were the ones that would make him taste his own medicine

That was something that they couldn't accept so they hurriedly scrapped that method away, but it turned out that it was the most effective method. The idea was simple and straightforward. Only the execution was somewhat different and unique. Most of them couldn't think of forcing other prisoners on sexually assaulting the fierce old bastard.

"Ermmm... Nevertheless, we will all benefit from your presence. But unfortunately, I don't think that brother can be with us much longer." Javier said in an amicable manner, a bitter smile could be seen on his lips as he said these words.

"What do you mean by that, brother?" Joseph asked with a frown. The Jail Janitors around him also sighed as Javier further explained.

"Since the Jail Warden summoned you to his office. Most likely, the two of you acquired information that warrants an honorable promotion. After today, I am pretty sure that both of you are going to become Inquisitors. That is a job that each and every one of us in here wanted but couldn't get."

When Javier completed his sentence, sadness and melancholy could be seen in his expression. Ezreal couldn't help but ask when he saw them acting like this.

"What's wrong? Is being an Inquisitor, really that good?"

Javier looked at Ezreal and said: "Inquisitors are the ultimate representation of wealth and status within the Underground Penitentiary. Not only they'll get to interrogate those wealthier and stronger prisoners. They often receive bribes from them. In other words, you'll be filthy rich as an Inquisitor!"

"Not only that, but Inquisitors also had their own command medallion and because of that. They could go to the surface whenever they wanted and at the surface, they are treated with respect like City Governors. Ah, if I could get such a position then I dare say for sure that I'll die without any regrets..."

Javier and the other Jail Janitors looked passionate when the former explained the greatness of Inquisitors. Some of them even blatantly displayed looks of envy towards Ezreal and Joseph.

"Brothers, I do hope that you won't forget us once you're at the top!"

"My name is Jacinto! Please don't forget about my name brother and I hope that you can whisper some good things about me to the honorable Jail Warden, hahaha!"

"Me too, brother! My name's Elmer by the way."

Everyone was too passionate and excited being around Joseph and Ezreal to the extent that the two couldn't help but also feel passionate. As all of them walked on the hallways of Cellblock 5, the prisoners around them stared at Joseph as if they were looking at a creature within their worst nightmare...

Joseph felt wrong whenever he sensed such stares. I mean, why would they fear him that much when in fact, he didn't even do anything other than feed those bastards some aphrodisiacs? In fact, they should fear those three demi-humans and Ezreal!

Those three did the pounding, while Ezreal did the healing so that Old Bastard John wouldn't die no matter how many injuries he suffered.

In the end, apart from the scratch marks on his skin and his obviously damaged mental state. He still looked like what he looked like before Joseph entered the scene.

Of course, his eyes devoid of life was a different matter altogether.

But Joseph wasn't willing to talk about that. Because for now, there was a far pressing matter that he should resolve before thinking about anything else. The pressing matter gave so much excitement to Joseph that he looked like he couldn't stay any longer in here anymore.

After saying his farewells towards the other Jail Janitors. Joseph moved towards the Jail Warden's office that was behind an unassuming wall.

If not for Ezreal's skill in detection, Joseph wouldn't feel suspicious about that particular wall that had nothing special about it apart from the fact that it's in the Underground Penitentiary.

"That's the wall, master. I can sense the existence of Mana around that wall and I am pretty sure that there's something behind it that cannot be seen with the naked eye." Ezreal gestured and Joseph slowly approached the wall.

Although careful, he wasn't really on guard due to the fact that he's a member of the Underground Penitentiary. What could harm him here? In the first place, who would dare to harm him here?

Joseph reaffirmed his resolve, nodded his head and touched that unassuming wall. He turned to look at Ezreal with a frown: "Ezreal, I don't think that there's something in here, I mean look at th- Ah! My hand! My hand disappeared!" He screamed out loud when he saw that his hand went directly through the cold surface of the wall.

"Calm down, calm down master. Just walk straight into the wall and nothing bad will happen." Ezreal lightly chuckled and said in a somewhat sarcastic, yet pitying manner when he saw Joseph's reaction.

"Are you sure that nothing bad will happen?" Joseph asked once again.

"Of course! I am pretty confident with my detection skills master and according to the fluctuations of Mana around that wall, there's nothing that can possibly harm you in it. I can't even feel any ill intent." Ezreal explained and Joseph finally calmed down.

"Okay, in that case. I'll go first. You follow me as soon as possible, alright?" Joseph asked in a somewhat terrified manner before he gulped a mouthful of saliva and walked directly towards the wall. Like what Ezreal said, his body sunk like stone thrown into the ocean as he soon disappeared from Ezreal's sight.

"Hahaha, master's really hilarious. That kind of magic is so simple that I can deploy something like that with such a flick of my wrist. But oh well, this place is quite wretched so I can't really blame master from being spooked out." Ezreal chuckled to himself before he slowly walked towards the wall...


But instead of going through the wall. He crashed on it, head first.

"What the fuck?! The Mana surrounding it had changed?! Holy shit, master! Are you there, master? Masteeeer!" Ezreal cried out loud when he realized what happened.

He repeatedly slammed his palms on the unassuming stone wall, but for some reason. It never crumbled under his immense strength.

Left alone, within the darkness. Even Ezreal who was normally not afraid of the dark couldn't help but feel shivers down his spine. For him, everything sounded clearer than ever before. It was as if his hearing magically improved since he could clearly hear everything that was happening around him.

The silent whistling of the cold wind, and the pitter-patter of the droplets of water falling from stalactites. Everything sounded so clear for Joseph that he couldn't help but gulp a mouthful of saliva in fear.

A cold wind swept his back and he fiercely turned around. His back was now facing the unassuming wall as he fiercely lashed out.

"Who's there?!"

He took a stance with his fists ready to attack when someone suddenly touched him on his shoulders.


Ezreal screamed out loud and in his panic. He swung his fist towards the one that touched him from behind.


That figure flew backward and when the dust cleared up. Ezreal saw the figure of a sorry-looking Joseph sitting down with his back on the unassuming wall and with his lips lifted in a bitter smile.

[ You suffered 1,141,512 damage! ]

[ You suffered tremendous damage in an instant and your body is in a state of shock! Due to the amount of damage that your body has suffered, you will be unconditionally Stiffened for three seconds. ]

[ This is a natural phenomenon and cannot be resisted! ]

[ You are an absolute existence. A shield equal to 100% of the damage that you suffered within the last ten seconds has been made. ]

"Yeah, I guess. I will never try and prank Ezreal again..."

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