The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 1: Prologue

Chapter 1: Prologue

Daniel King, a citizen of Wuxia.

Formally serving in the nation of wuxia's elite Black Mamba Special Unit, Military Division with a plethora of meritorious feats throughout his service.

He partook in the Global Special Forces Tournament, winning the honor of the deadliest individual combatant and was acknowledged as "Eagle's Eye" due to his sniper skills.

In a certain special forces mission, a slight error was made, which was caused by a delay in transmitted orders, and led to the horrible death of his comrades.

Riddled with guilt, he chose to retire and left the Black Mamba Special Forces Division. After retiring, he vanished and no one caught a whiff of news about him for a while.

Plagued with the nightmares of his comrade's horrible death, he chose find peace by taking his own life. But, just as he was about to pull the trigger, he caught the movement of several silhouettes from the corner his eye

"Who are you?!" he asked,

"Ha ha You are indeed worthy of the name "Eagle's eye", I'm Jack and were from the International Black Ops Unit", a man in black military suit replied,

"Why are you here and how did you know where I live?!". Daniel's military training kicked in and enormous amount of adrenaline surged all through his body in an instant, as he prepared himself for any surprises.

"Calm your nerves boy, we were sent by Mr. Nobody and are here to recruit or eliminate a valuable asset" Jack replied.

Daniel's brows rose as a gloomy look surfaced on his face, he did a quick count of the number of silhouettes and initiated an escape plan in his mind within seconds, but just as he was about to take action Jack's voice sounded once more.

"We believe you've been underestimated and are willing to give you a chance to fight for the greater good of our nation" Jack added when he saw Daniel's demeanor and body language.

Being a sentimental man towards his home; the nation of Wuxia, he didn't hesitate to accept the proposal.

*Scoffs* "A man too scared of death, you didn't even bother to confirm if we're the good guys or the bad guys" . a bulky man similarly dressed in black military outfit said in disdain. He looked like one of those impetuous people who made reckless decisions but still happen to get the job done excellently.

"So long we're doing this for the benefit of Wuxia, I'll climb a mountain of blades and cross a sea of flames" he replied.

"We don't need you to do all that, we only need you to eliminate some national threats" Jack replied.

"So where is this Special Ops Unit located?" he asked whilst relaxing his tensed-up muscles and gesturing Jack to take a sit.

"It's a Black Site that's all you need to know for now, at least till you're officially assigned a handler" Jack said, gesturing towards the bulky man who approached with an ink black bandana and blindfolded Daniel, to keep the route to the black site a secret.

Afterwards Daniel got tested, passed with a perfect score and got recruited into the Special Ops Unit and was assigned a handler, who surprisingly was Jack himself.

He was assigned to the Sniper Type Assassination Unit due to his sharp eyesight, keen senses, calm nature, and strong mental fortitude.

Any mission that was assigned to him by his handler (Jack) had an unparalleled 100% success rate. All headshots and soon enough, he began to get jobs from several other countries as his statistics on kills bore testimony to his skills.

He became extremely rich as money was streaming in from different employers. Furthermore, because he had information on different national conspiracy schemes, his major income stream came from the black markets, where he sold valuable secrets to the resistance organizations of these nations.

As time flew by, he became a thorn in the sides of many nations, a ticking time bomb to several secret organizations, political leaders and figures of royalty.

Whenever he was called upon, many influential figures will definitely meet their untimely ends. This led to several plots being hatched against him. They spared no effort to ensure that he's eliminated, to the extent of even hiring other world class assassins.

However, this only made Daniel more popular, as the assassins sent to kill him never returned. This continued until other assassins became reluctant to accept this "Suicide Mission".

Until the saying; "If you're looking to die, involve yourself in Daniel King's affairs" became an internationally accepted statement.

His life became more comfortable as time went on, because he rarely had an opponent in the world and whenever he finally manages to find one, He never lost.

Five years later, Daniel was 30 years old. He received news from Jack, that an enemy nation had created a biological weapon, and are planning to transport them to Wuxia nation for evil purposes.

Naturally, being a sentimental person towards Wuxia nation, Daniel would not sit idly and allow the enemy nation carry out their mischief, so he accepted the mission.

With the fast and reliable resources available to the Black Ops Unit, it didn't take too long for Daniel to locate his target; the secret base of Wuxia nation's enemy.

After carrying out a brutal massacre and entering the secret base. He proceeded to the center of the secret base where the main laboratory was located. On getting there, he made short work of the guards currently on duty, as he stepped into the laboratory.

But, just as he was about to destroy the biological weapon, the secret laboratory entered a complete lockdown, trapping Daniel with no escape route.

He spotted several armed figures rushing into the laboratory, and in that instant, Daniel understood that he had been setup, as his mental alarms went off...

He had been betrayed. Most tragically, by the person he trusted the most; His Handler. Otherwise, with his level of awareness and experience, he would never have fallen into this trap.

"Why?!" He thought Even till this moment, he couldn't figure out why Jack would do this to him.

"After many years of depending on each other and surviving dangerous missions together. Jack, for what great reason have you done this to me?" He lamented.

"Isn't this ironic? That I, Daniel King, who walks everywhere and enters anywhere on this planet without any hinderance, would fall at the hands of my most trusted comrade?"

"Haha haha...Laughable... truly laughable either ways, I knew this was going to happen sooner or later, at least I have assassinated thousands of corrupt politicians, influential figures and terrorists in this life time.

"I call it even! It was worth it! Haha haha!" As these thoughts ran through his mind, he burst into an unrestrained laughter and a prideful expression climbed up to his face, as he watched the enemy troops shoot him to death.

He wore an amusing expression as his sight and consciousness descended into darkness.

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