The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 2: Reincarnation

Chapter 2: Reincarnation


This was his first experience after regaining consciousness.

"Where am I?!"

He tried to move his limbs, but the sense of touch was missing from what he was used to.

"Wait! I can think?!"

"I clearly remember getting sponged by bullets from the enemy troops "Am I in a coma?"

He tried to move once again, but the only thing he could feel was a sensation of being cramped and all he could see was darkness.

"I guess I survived after all, it seems my life is just as tough as a cockroach's, I just can't seem to achieve a swift death at least it feels cozy and safe in here."

The constant warmth being absorbed by his body made him feel quite sleepy.

"*Humph* At least when I wake up, I will make sure those scoundrels suffer a fate worse than death." he snorted before rage started to boil in his belly.

"Maybe I can take this chance to retire from the black site and return to Wuxia nation". He thought of exploiting this opportunity of his alleged death to leave the Black Ops Unit and put all the killings behind him.

Maybe because the enemy troops put multiple holes in his body, he started craving for a permanent break from his intense and blood-soaked nightmare of a life.

"When I return to Wuxia nation, there should at least be a restaurant looking to hire a chef right?".

Since he could remember, he had never done anything else asides, travelling to different countries to eliminate threats and stopping secret conspiracies. He found everything else insignificant.

This thoroughly affected his love life, as he didn't even have a girlfriend or a fianc, not to even talk of having kids. He had always isolated his heart and that made him develop a very cold and deep eyes, that only instilled fear into whoever looked into them.

He never had any significant relationship asides from his backstabbing handler; Jack, brothels and international club houses.

"I guess the major part of that situation is my fault. After all, I've spent all my life killing bad guys and assassins an isolated and cold heart indeed" he self-mocked.

Regret surged in his heart as he thought of how he could have perished without leaving anything or anyone behind.

"Well I can't change what has happened and moreover it's not like my job description gives me the chance to indulge in those kind of emotions" He consoled himself.

When he was ten, he had realized that there was something not quite normal about himself, he could spot a housefly from over 100 meters. He had a strong mental strength, possess an extremely calm heart that makes him think about everything from a logical point of view, and that made him unable to bond with others.

Time kept flowing by while he was reflecting on his life, without him noticing that his thinking speed was slower than usual. His reasoning will stop from time to time as he either slept off or try to wake up his body.

In this manner, days passed

"Maybe I'm in a permanent coma and will have to wait for true death, so I can be free from this loneliness and self-pity. The darkness slowly eroded his emotions and the only solace he found was this strange but comfortable warmth he feels constantly.

It didn't take too long before a slit of light appeared in his world of darkness, which only seemed to grow wider as time passed.

Suddenly he felt some Kind of compression push him out of the cramped space into the light.

Then his world of darkness was transformed into a world of light, so bright that it was blinding. He started hearing some noise, giggles and voices speaking a language he never knew existed.

When he adjusted to the influx of the bright light, he finally made out few figures around him. The closest was a grey-haired woman, who was so old that her wrinkles looked like floors of a skyscraper building, and her back so bent that it seemed like she bows for a living.

The old lady gazed at him with furrowed brows that made the wrinkles so distorted, it seemed her face would fall off any time now. She lightly rubbed his chest as she wore a worried expression.

Then Daniel noticed something really strangethe old lady's hands seemed to cover his entire body.

"What the heck is goin- - -" he did not even finish the sentence in his mind, before the old lady turned him backwards and slapped his buttocks lightly. But, for some strange reasons that light slap was stinging.

"What the heck are you doing, you old hag?! Are you so desperate to die?! He yelled but the only sound that came out was a shrill cry that sounded like that of a captured goat during festive seasons.

After hearing him cry, the atmosphere in the room relaxed significantly. Then the old lady brought the baby into the arms of a weak, but joyous lady lying on an old-fashioned bed.

"It's a boy my lady, and a very angry one at that, with the way he's glaring at me" the old lady smilingly said.

"A very curious one too, from the way he's looking at everything like a thief who just stole a chicken" the young lady added, with a lethargic smile.

Even though he was as lost as a stranded traveler, someone of his mental strength could quickly pick up on different clues as to what was going on.

"Am I reborn?! So, it wasn't a coma?!" However, before he could continue his train of logical thinking, the pale, young lady uncovered her chest and attempted to feed him.

"Ok, hold u- - -" he tried to yell, but a warm liquid poured into his mouth, and he instantly succumbed to the ecstasy of his first meal. Then he gazed at the lady feeding him, and he could make out a long ink black hair unfurled on her back, with deep blue eyes under two willow-like eyebrows.

"Sure, my mother is beautiful" whilst he was getting dizzy from this lovely but forgotten feeling, the door of the room opened and a man in his early thirties walked in.

This man looked 6 feet tall. He had an athletic build, with chiseled jaws, and a stern look between his brows. His steps were tactical and kept hinting "Royalty and Warrior!"

"Let me see the child dear" the man took Daniel and attempted to make a detailed inspection of his entire body. A faint golden glow flashed across his eyes.

During this period of time, the old lady and the servants all had their heads bowed at the sight of this man.

"A bit pale and skinny but there are traces of the royal bloodline in him, he should achieve a decent result at the bloodline test for the next crown prince coming up tomorrow. It seems the heavens truly do have eyes." the man mumbled to himself in a low voice.

He returned the baby to the lady and stepped out amidst the respectful gazes in the room. The now ruddy faced young lady continued to feed Daniel as he started to feel sleepy.

"So, it turns out my family is royalty. I should do my best to enjoy this life the best way possibleHaha haha" he laughed as he reminded himself.

Few hours later

Daniel was awoken by series of whispers, he opened his eyes and realized it was already dark, except for the moonlight spilling through the windows and eerie silence, it seemed as if everyone was asleep.

"You do it and I will stand watch! It's just a baby and he's supposed to be the next crown prince. I don't want to suffer the wrath of our ancestors" a feminine voice spoke.

"We can't, and shouldn't question the orders of our superiors, especially when it explicitly came with the Prime Minister's seal the other figure spoke in a masculine voice.

Fear rose in the duo's hearts as they thought of the tyrannical human that gave them this heart-breaking mission.

Daniel then heard approaching footsteps and two figures completely wrapped in black clothes and masks came into view under the illuminating moonlight. It turned out to be two skinny figures, but one had alluring curves and her movement were graceful and silent.

Not long after, the other figure seemed to be unsheathing something from his back, "I'm sorry kid, don't take this on us, you can only blame your father for wanting to keep the throne to himself and his descendants" the masculine voice suddenly sounded.

"Oh oh! This doesn't look good" he thought just as he was about to cry and alert the people in the house, a sharp glint flashed past his eyes and he saw the world rotate for a bit before everything stilled with a soft thud.

"Great! Just great! Just as I was trying to put all that regret behind and enjoy a new life" he thought with a mental sigh.

"At least I was Killed in a royal conspiracy this time, that's still acceptable than being stabbed in the back by ones best bud." he thought to himself, as his vision and consciousness went dark once more.

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