The Legendary Ghost Hunter

Chapter 41: Exposed?

Chapter 41: Exposed?

Octane returned soon after, this time with the forms and everything in hand. He couldn’t take too long, or else he would risk being exposed. In the meantime, Storm was still busy trying to make conversation with Heartbeat to try and stall as much time as possible, but now that Octane had returned, there was no more stalling.

“You’re finally back…” Storm muttered, shooting Octane a sideways glance. “Do you have any idea how much of the Patriarch’s precious time you’ve wasted?!”

“…” Octane bowed his head apologetically, before handing the form and pen over to Storm, who then passed it to Heartbeat. His actions were purposely quite slow to buy whatever time they could left.

Heartbeat took the form and the pen, but strangely, he didn’t sign it and instead smiled sinisterly while glancing into the two’s eyes.

“Now that both of you are here… I think it’s time to cease this act.”

As if on cue, the guards surrounding them immediately drew their weapons and pointed them at the duo’s necks, threatening and demanding. Both Storm and Octane immediately froze, feeling cold sweat trickle down their backs.

“W-What do you mean, Patriarch?” Storm spoke up, doing his best not to appear shaken. It really wasn’t working.

“Do you think I’m stupid?” Heartbeat laughed darkly. “I could tell from the very beginning that something was off. You two aren’t real drivers working for the guild at all. They would never let a newbie who doesn’t even know how to bring the form in on a real job. So — tell me. Who are you, really, and why have you purposely wasted so much of my time?”

Storm gulped. ‘This isn’t good… he’s getting closer and closer to the truth, if he hasn’t already made his conclusion already…’

In a last-ditch attempt to save this situation, Storm spun the gears in his head at Mach 1 and looked down, sighing deeply.

“… I’m sorry, Patriarch. I had my partner here purposely buy some time to allow me to talk to you more so that I could get closer to you.”

Heartbeat raised an eyebrow. “… Oh?”

“You see… the usual drivers who do this are actually our fathers,” Storm said, taking on a sad, quiet tone. “Recently, however, they were hospitalized due to a car accident on one of their jobs. Since the guild doesn’t cover medical fees for low-class workers like them, they don’t have any money to support their surgery. We came here today with the hopes of joining your Squadron.”

At this, Heartbeat narrowed his eyes. “You, mere teenagers, wish to join my Squadron?”

“I-I realize this is presumptuous of us,” Storm quickly added. “But… we really don’t have a choice. Given the time limit we have before our fathers die, only joining an A-Class Squadron will provide us with the money we need to support their surgery costs.”

“…” Heartbeat stared at Storm for a moment as if carefully observing him, then closed his eyes at last. Storm discretely let out a sigh of relief and closed his eyes in the same manner.

“… Very well.”

At this, both Storm and Octane lifted their heads and blinked at Heartbeat in wonder.

“Y-You really accept us?”

Storm was so surprised that he forgot to use a polite tone, but Heartbeat didn’t seem to mind and rather smiled wryly.

“What? You two have spirit. Determination. An iron will to do whatever takes in order to reach your goals — even if it means stealing your fathers’ truck and driving all the way here, risking everything. I could use a few young wolves like you in my House of Crimson Moons.”

“This…” Storm and Octane exchanged glances. This had NOT been part of the plan. Storm had just blurted this random backstory out as a measure to get rid of Heartbeat’s suspicion of them, but he never expected him to actually accept them into his Squadron with open arms.

“Of course, this won’t be immediate,” Heartbeat added. “From our encounter today, I can tell you two have the mentality needed to become one of the strong. But mental fortitude is not the only factor in determining a Hunter’s strength — your physical capabilities, intelligence, and such will all need to grow first. That said, this House is not a training arena, so you will have to get stronger through your own perseverance and will.”

Crossing his hands and resting his chin on them, Heartbeat continued.

“When you feel yourselves ready, come find me. For now… take this for your fathers’ surgeries.”

He took out a debit card of some sort from his pocket and slid it across the table to Storm, who picked it up hesitantly.

“Inside is $100,000. The password is four zeroes. Should be enough, no?”

The two’s eyes widened after hearing this amount, and they quickly nodded.

“Y-Yes, of course. Thank you, patriarch…”

Heartbeat waved off their gratitude as if it was nothing. “Don’t forget about what happened today. When you are ready, the House of Crimson Moons will be waiting for you.”

“… We understand,” Storm said, standing up and bowing deeply. Octane mimicked his gesture.

“We’ll be taking our leave now.”

Heartbeat nodded. “I wish your fathers a successful surgery.”

After getting back in the truck, Octane immediately exploded from everything he wanted to say but couldn’t because he had been playing the role of a mute.


“What?” Storm frowned in confusion.


“I-I didn’t expect him to actually accept us, okay? I was just planning on using this bullshit I came up with on the spot to erase his suspicion of us, but I never thought he would really give us money. He’s nicer than expected… though that still doesn’t change my hatred for him.”

“O-Oh god, what do we do now…” Octane trailed off, body shaking slightly.

Storm tapped on his invisible earpiece, an uncomfortable expression on his face.

“… Ace. We’ve bought all the time we could. The rest… is up to you.”


– Meanwhile, Back In the Living Room –

“… Patriarch,” the boy who had originally alerted Heartbeat of Storm and Octane’s presence said.

“Hm? What is it?”

“I’m afraid… I don’t understand. Those two have no reason to join the Squadron now that they’ve acquired the money they needed. A-And forgive my bluntness, but did we not just give away $100,000 for free? Sure, that is a meager amount compared to the total wealth we have, but…”

Heartbeat chucked. “This is part of the test.”

The boy was confused at first, but then widened his eyes at the realization.

“You mean… if they don’t return…”

“I can easily say those two stole the card from me after reporting the card number to a bank. They will be charged with theft, arrested, and possibly even executed so long as I wish it. They will beg me to spare them… which I can then take advantage of to force them into my House of Crimson Moons. Of course, once they are here… I’ll make sure to educate them properly.”

The boy gulped at his master’s cunning plan, almost frighteningly so. “I-I see… truly wise, Patriarch.”

“Naturally, they can also choose to take the easy route and just come back like they said they would. In that case, the education can be spared. But either way… they’re mine.” Heartbeat smiled sinisterly, taking a sip of his wine.

“But if I may ask…” The boy continued hesitantly. “Those two didn’t seem particularly strong to me, according to my Oculus Angelica. Why are you so fixated on them, Patriarch?”

Heartbeat laughed darkly. “Haha! You are far too naive, Sully. They may not be physically strong, but such strength can be made and honed. A person’s mindset and will, however, cannot. Those two’s actions in coming here today, willing to risk their whole lives to save their fathers, are quite commendable. I don’t particularly care about their families, but I believe I can reform them to put that same iron will into serving me instead.”

“I see…”

“If I am going to revolt against the guild, I will need loyal followers such as them. And those who aren’t loyal, well… I’ll whip them into being loyal.”

Standing up, he adjusted his dark black robes and smiled wryly.

“Now then — I will head back down to the dungeon. Don’t want to leave my prey hanging for too long, after all.”

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