The Legendary Ghost Hunter

Chapter 42: Ticking Clock

Chapter 42: Ticking Clock

– Within Heartbeat’s Basement –

Finn, having just received Storm’s message, quickly relayed it to Archon, who was still busy working on replicating the now-shattered shackles using his Blacksmith Angelica’s raw power.

“Archon… there’s not much time left.”

“Got it… it’s done!” He declared, standing back up. The fake Melvia was now chained to the wall, in the exact same position as the real one.

Spinning around, he quickly headed over to the door. “Okay, I’m going to need a little more time for this one-“

“The guards!” Iris suddenly whispered sharply, having received their ally’s signal.

Immediately, everyone fell out of sight, hiding behind the wall and praying they don’t come any closer to see the broken door. But suddenly, Melvia stepped forward as a grey energy signature surrounded her body.

And then… she became a door.

The same exact door that Reaper had broken into — Melvia transformed into an identical object. Iris’s eyes widened in shock.

“The Shapeshifter Angelica…”

Their ally, the knight in black armor, hurriedly went up to his colleagues to stop them from going any further.

“Did you finish sweeping the other floors?” He asked the other three, who nodded in return.

“Nothing suspicious. I don’t mean to doubt you, but…”

“I’m sure that I heard something. Could you three check one more time, just to be sure…?”

“Uh… we just got back though, and there was nothing…”

“… I’ll treat you three to some drinks tonight. As much as you want.”

At this, the other three guards exchanged glances, then patted the Guildmaster’s spy on the shoulder.

“Ha! Now that’s a deal worth doing.”

With this, the three guards retreated once more, having been ‘bribed’, in a way. Melvia returned to her human form, letting out a deep breath, as the spy turned back to them with a firm nod then gave the ok-sign for them to keep going.

“Alright, hurry, Archon!” Iris said, keeping an eye on the amount of perfume they had left as Archon went to work once more. “Finn, the perfume…”

“How much do we have left?” Finn asked, furrowing his brows.

[Analyzing: 12.46%.] Reaper beeped in response. [Estimated time remaining: 1 minute, 43 seconds.]

“Tsk…” Archon grit his teeth as sweat began falling down from his head as he concentrated even further, orange hue burning like a fire all around his body.

He sat on the ground, channeling orange energy towards the broken doorframe. Slowly but surely, metal was being produced out of thin air, morphing and shaping itself to fit the original framework of the door.

Melvia wiped the sweat off Archon’s forehead so that he could work better, then backed away silently.

[10%.] Reaper announced.

Ta. Ta. Ta.

Finn, who heard this coming from above him, furrowed his brows in concentration.


“What?” Iris asked, confused.

“There’s footsteps. Coming from directly above us.”

“I don’t hear…”

“It’s because my hearing is better than the average person, as I’m blind,” Finn quickly explained. “Heartbeat… he’s coming.”


“C’mon… almost there…!” Archon’s hands began trembling as he exerted every ounce of mana he had into this, then finally breathed out. “Okay, everyone, get out, I’ll finish this on the other side!”

Finn, holding Iris, went out first, followed by Reaper and Melvia. Archon came out last, before continuing to repair the door.


The spy sent by the Guildmaster, realizing Heartbeat was coming down, quickly headed for the staircase to intercept him before he could come down here and catch the intruders.


“Yes, Stalker?”

“One of the prisoners used the bowel recently, and the stench is unbearable. I’m afraid going inside right now is not the best option. Allow me to clean the area first.”

Heartbeat sighed deeply. “Why do I feel like everything that’s been happening today serves to postpone my fun? Well, whatever, I suppose. This isn’t the first time this has happened. Go on, clean it.”

The Guildmaster’s spy — Stalker — bowed. “Yes, Patriarch.”

Turning around, he pulled out a spray bottle of some sort from his belt and began pumping the liquid inside into the air, relieving the inexistent odor. This bought Archon a bit more time.

[7%.] Reaper warned. [Time remaining: 42 seconds.]

“Almost there…” Archon’s entire body was trembling now, and it was clear the orange aura around him was diminishing. He was almost out of mana.


“No… c’mon…!”

There was just one final crack in the door, but it was still quite visible. However, Archon was completely out of mana now. The aura around him had faded away, and nothing was coming out of his hands anymore.

“Gah… just a little more… one final crack in the middle…!”


“…” Finn, realizing if he didn’t do something, all would be lost, stepped forward and held up his hand.

‘Zelestria… how do I do this?’

[Fufu~ just this once, mkay~?]

Clearing her throat, she spoke calmly and clearly.

[Picture your mana as a fluid in your body, almost like blood. Then, imagine how the door looks like in your mind. And finally… push that fluid out of your body with a single thought.]

‘What…? But I don’t know how the door looks-‘

Zelestria giggled. [You don’t need to.]

And then, it hit Finn. Archon had already completed 99% of the object. All he had to do… was fill that 1% remaining.

Visualizing a long, rectangular metal beam, Finn activated the Blacksmith Angelica in his body and channeled his mana out, filling the gap that was needed.

“Wha…” Iris and Archon both widened their eyes in shock, but it was no time to be surprised.

[3% remaining.]

“The door’s complete, let’s go!” Iris announced, and everyone quickly turned tail and ran. Because the perfume had already filled the air on the way here, they could afford to run the way back. There wasn’t much left anyway.

[2% remaining.]

“Stalker, what’s taking so long?” Heartbeat’s voice asked, growing impatient. Hearing this, Stalker quickly finished up buying time, realizing he could not afford to do this any longer lest he be questioned. He returned to Heartbeat and hoped for the best.

“S-Sorry, Patriarch. As you know, I have OCD, so whenever I clean, I get carried away…”

“Hmph… that has indeed been a long-term problem of yours… one that needs to be fixed.”


[1% remaining.]

“We’re almost there! Finn, turn left — through the door, go!” Iris called out, whispering sharply.

The five ran as fast as they could, making a sharp left and slipping into the hidden door before shutting it tightly behind them, careful not to slam it and make a lot of noise.


“Hah… hah… hah…” Archon panted, before falling onto the dirt inside the underground tunnel and clutching his chest in pain. “Gah…”

“Bakris!” Melvia cried, hurriedly catching him to prevent him from hitting his head.

“Ugh… I’m fine…”

“Heartbeat… just how much did he torture you?” Melvia asked, weeping tears.

Archon, despite his condition, managed to chuckle and reach up to his lover’s face, gently wiping away a tear. “… I’ve been through worse. Or rather… we’ve been through worse.”

Melvia smiled warmly, wiping away the rest of her tears as they turned from ones of sadness into ones of joy.

“Yes… we have.”

After a brief period of tranquil silence, two lovers sharing this warm moment, Iris finally couldn’t take it anymore.

“A-Ahem… this is all very touching and all, and I am genuinely happy for you two, but um… we should probably get out of this tunnel first.”

Archon laughed softly. “Yeah… I’m good to walk now, I think. Let’s go.”

He struggled to his feet, Melvia supporting him. Together, the five headed out, jumping out of the same hole they had used to infiltrate the mansion in the first place. There, Fanatic was waiting. When he saw the five, he wasn’t even surprised, since he had already seen everything on camera.

“Heh… I knew you could do it.”

“Good to see you again, kid,” Archon chuckled lightly.

Melvia smiled as well upon seeing him. “Long time no see, Arthur.”

“Um… again with the heartwarming reunions… can we save that for when we get back?” Iris sighed exasperatedly.

“Sorry, sorry…” Archon laughed. “Now… where are the other two, and where’s our ride home?”

Finn began walking away, carrying Iris with him as he answered.

“In the same place. Follow me.”

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