The Mage of Primordial Chaos

Chapter 109 - Obsidia

After the conversation with Obsidia, I hurriedly headed back to the Hunters' Guild Shenzhen branch to collect my rewards. Then, I planned to take Mei Gui and head up to the Avast Mountains once more to meet Obsidia again. I would just tell her my Hunter identity on the way there, I guess.

I entered the guild building and went directly to the shortest line, not caring who the receptionist was. Under normal circumstances, on the way back, I would've gotten a gift for that veiled receptionist for all she's done for me so far and went to her to collect my reward for this quest, but right now the situation was different, and I wanted to find out how Obsidia and I were connected as soon as possible.

Around 5 minutes later, the person in front of me finished their business at the guild and I walked up to the receptionist. By chance, it was the same mature woman from this morning, the one that the veiled receptionist had switched places with.

"Good evenin- oh, it's you," she said, smiling once she realized who I was.

"Uh, I just completed my first quest, how do I collect my rewards?" I asked, slightly nervous. I remember the handbook having some information regarding the reward collection procedure, but at the time I just skimmed past it since I didn't judge it to be anything important. Thus, asking this was kind of embarrassing, considering all Hunters were supposed to have thoroughly read that handbook (though to be honest, I doubted 100% of the Hunter population really did so).

"Very well," she replied, not at all fazed by my lack of knowledge. "First, present me with your guild card."

I complied, and handed her my guild card after she pulled on the lever on her desk, which made the glass panel in front of me slide upwards.

"Hm...Kai Xuan, yes?" she asked for confirmation.

I nodded. "Yeah."

"Very well. Now then, do you have the materials you harvested on, it appears not." Apparently, she had originally wanted to ask me that question, but stopped once she saw I wasn't carrying anything. Of course, that was just because all the materials I harvested was placed in my Space Locket, but...

Wait, this means I'm going to have to reveal I had a Space Locket in public...damn it. Now I'm definitely going to be attracting unwanted attention. Why didn't I think of this sooner?!

"W-Well...about that, actually I do," I said hesitantly. Ignoring the receptionist's puzzled look, I pulled out my pouch (Space Locket) from my black cloak's inner pocket, and took out several large pieces of gold. The receptionist widened her eyes at the sight, and quickly scrambled to slip on a pair of gloves and inspect the materials I harvested.

"Goodness think you had an artifact such as a Space Locket," she murmured quietly.

I sighed. I knew this was going to happen...including the numerous gazes of shock and envy directed at me right now by other Hunters. Anyway, the receptionist soon had completed verifying all 11 chunks of gold, and had placed them in several baskets on a conveyor belt behind her (two to three per basket, 4 baskets in total). She then removed her gloves and threw them out in a garbage bin beneath her least, that's what I assumed it was. I couldn't actually see what was underneath her table from where I was standing.

"...As stated by the quest specifications, your reward for completion is ¥500 and 5 bounty points. I have already added the points to your profile in the guild database, and as for the cash..." she took out a bundle of bills and placed them on the countertop. Since the glass pane was still raised, I took it without any problems.

"Thank you," I said, shoving the bundle of money into my pocket.

The receptionist glanced at me as if she had just witnessed me doing something very abnormal.

"What?" I asked.

"...You're not going to verify the amount of money I gave you?"

Oh, that. Well, normally I would, but I'm kinda in a hurry right now. It was already 5 PM, and by the time I get back from the cave again it will probably be around 7 or 8. Any later and that's past curfew. Even though we're on break from school for these few days, the curfew still remains in place.

"Nah, I trust you," I said nonchalantly. "Besides, the Hunters' Guild is a massive organization, I don't believe they'll swindle their customers like this. Otherwise, they would've collapsed a long time ago."

"Fufu..yes, that much is true," the receptionist replied. "Still, it is rare for normal Hunters to not check their reward...are you a noble or something by chance?"

From what I knew, there were some nobles that also were Hunters, and went on quests like any other. However, these were few, since most people treated this occupation as just a means of making money. Nobles didn't need to worry about financial crisis too much, so most refrained from participating in such...vulgar activities. Monsters were quite disgusting, after all.

"No, I'm not," I answered exasperatedly. "And, uh...I can leave now, right?"

The receptionist laughed softly in amusement. "You don't need to ask me for permission, Hunter. You are free to come and go as you please."

"Er...right, then...farewell," I said awkwardly.

After that, I quickly left the building, went to a relatively isolated corner, and called Mei Gui (who had also gotten a smartphone recently - we bought two at the Coastal Metropolis). She picked up almost immediately, and I mentally made a note of how quick she learned how to do things.

"Hey, Mei Gui, where are you right now?" I asked, keeping my voice low in case anyone was listening in. Because I was still wearing my facemask, my voice probably came out as a bit muffled, but luckily Mei Gui still understood over the phone. Was this our telepathic connection at work? No way, right? She's definitely far away from me...not.

"I see you, master. I'm coming," she replied curtly, and hang up.

I stiffened as she walked over to me, phone in hand. What are the odds of this?!

"Greetings, master," she bowed down slightly.

"Uh...hi," I responded awkwardly. "And don't bow every time you see's embarrassing."

"Understood, master," she said, bowing even deeper than before. 'Understood' my ass! You clearly didn't get it!

I sighed and glanced around. "Where are the others? Didn't you go register at the Hunters' Guild together with them this morning?"

"That is correct. However, after that, we all proceeded to do our own quests individually."

"Ah, I see...still, you're getting along better with them now, huh?" I mused.

"That's..." she looked away. Considering she originally wanted to just kill all of them, this was a pretty big step for her, as far as relationships go. I was happy for her.

In any case, it seemed the girls were all in the process of doing their first quest. Mei Gui just happened to be the first to finish - I wasn't surprised; she was the strongest of the five.

"Master, if you don't mind me asking, what did you need me for?" she asked.

"Right, I need you to come with me..." I said, remembering my original mission.

She tilted her head in confusion. "Where...?"

I smiled deviously. "Kuku...To the Avast Mountains."


- 20 Minutes Later, A Certain Cave on the Avast Mountains -

Mei Gui and I soon arrived at the cave I had been in just a few hours ago. Incidentally, this time, we flew our way there instead of walking like I did, which saved around 40 minutes of travel time. I still used the Hunters app for navigation, though.

On the way there, I explained to Mei Gui what happened, along with my identity as a Hunter. I also told her not to snitch on me and tell the other girls, since they might get mad at me doing something without their knowledge again. Honestly, I was pretty tired of them getting pissed every time I do something on my own, but thinking about it logically, they had every right to be. If I considered them my allies, and more importantly, friends, then I shouldn't be hiding this kind of stuff from them. But I was used to working alone. I felt better this way. I realized it was something I needed to change going forward, but I would worry about that later.

I headed inside the cave, Mei Gui tagging along behind me. She clutched my hand tightly in fear. What, so you're not that tough after all, huh? Well, I guess you're still more or less a girl. Not being sexist here, but it's perfectly normal to have a fear or two. Hell, even I have one, just not of darkness. I'm severely afraid of insects. Yes, those disgusting tiny critters! They terrify me to no end. Ugh...

"We're back," I called out loudly, my voice echoing within the cave. I could feel Obsidia's presence still, so hopefully she would come out here instead of us going deeper in. I didn't feel too good about going into a dragon's lair, friendly or not.

Soon enough, a loud rumbling shook the cave, and Obsidian, clad in her beautiful black scales, slithered out to face us.

"It appears you have returned, human."

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