The Mage of Primordial Chaos

Chapter 110 - Origins

"Yeah. I don't go back on my word...most of the time, anyway," I said in reponse to Obsidia's remark.

Obsidia shifted her gaze to Mei Gui, still standing behind me and clutching my arm tightly. Mei Gui wasn't too shocked at the sight of a dragon, since I already told her everything and she knew what to expect.

"Is this the companion you spoke of earlier?"

"Indeed it is," I replied.

"Hm...indeed, I can feel the same energy as you coming from this girl," Obsidia murmured quietly...if anything dragons did could be counted as 'quiet'.

"Well, if we're going to be specific, she technically isn't a girl," I said slowly.

Obsidia tilted her draconic head slightly to the side. "Explain, human."

I glanced at Mei Gui, signaling her to talk to Obsidia herself. That would make things a lot easier.

"Greetings, dragon by the name of Obsidia," Mei Gui said with a short curtsey. Where did she learn that from? "My name, bestowed upon me by my master, is Mei Gui. I am an Elemental - one born from the beginning of all things, the Primordial Chaos."

"Mei Gui...the Primordial Chaos? Is that the energy I feel within the two of you - and myself?"

Mei Gui nodded. "I can feel it as well."

I sank into thought. "Hey, Obsidia...were you always like this?"

"What do you mean, human?"

"I mean...were you born this way, or did you undergo a change somehow that turned you like this?"

I was, of course, hinting at her abnormality compared to other dragons. Black scales, red eyes. No other dragon species ever recorded by textbooks had such a physical appearance. The reason I asked her this question was to confirm her similarities with myself. I wasn't born with the power of Chaos awakened. It remained dormant within me until I was 14, then activated in a near-death situation.

Obsidia thought about the question for a few moments, then responded. "I...was a normal dragon until recently."

Seeing Mei Gui and I waiting in silence for more, she sighed and continued. "I used to be a member of the Azure Dragon tribe. Things remained peaceful for me, until that fateful day a few years back..."

The Azure Dragon tribe was a fairly uncommon population. From what I read in textbooks, they tended to avoid interaction with other species, dragon or not. They were quite the introverted tribe, even among dragons. While all dragons possessed exceptional Fire Element affinities, Azure Dragons were famed for their Water Element affinities as well. Because these two elements are widely known to clash together, the existence of Azure Dragons was a very interesting topic for researchers.

"What happened, exactly?" I asked, impatient for more information.

This seemed to be a touchy subject for her, but Obsidia merely took a deep breath and braced herself for the harsh memories. "It was a day like any. I was wondering around in the sky aimlessly like any dragon, until I stumbled across a certain cave. I could feel a dangerous and powerful aura being emitted from it, though it wasn't one of a living being. I should have just left it be...but I let the curiosity of youth get the better of me. I entered the cave, and eventually arrived before a massive red jewel, engraved into the wall."

"Massive red jewel, huh..." I muttered, absentmindedly looking down at my silver ring with none other than a dazzling red gemstone on top of it.

Obsidia then continued. "From the moment I set my eyes on it, I found myself unable to turn away. I could feel it. It was calling for me. Then...a sudden flash of red light illuminated the entire cave, blinding my sights and causing me to faint, for reasons unknown. When I woke blue scales had turned to black, and my green eyes had become red. I tried returning to the tribe and explaining - but no one would believe me. And even if they did, there was no turning back. I was not a member of them anymore. My mother and father desperately tried to protect me for months, but in the end, they were killed by our own tribe. And I...fled."

"...I see." that was the only thing I could say. Yes, it was a tragic story...but that's not the reason why I couldn't speak. The real reason is-

"You and I...are quite similar, huh?" I muttered.

Indeed. Her story is so similar to my own, it's almost creepy. Parents killed for trying to protect her...sudden awakening...this is definitely not a coincidence.

" you share a similar backstory?"

"Yeah, I do...which is why I don't think this link between us is purely a coincidence," I replied.

Then, Mei Gui spoke up. "Obsidia, do you still remember where that cave is?"

"Yes, I do. It is very far away from here, though, in Dragon territory."

Mei Gui nodded, satisfied. "Very well. From now on, you are one of us."

Huh? One of us? What the hell is she talking about?

Obsidia was similarly confused. "I do not understand, Elemental."

Mei Gui sighed. "I mean, you are going to travel together with master and I from now on."

"H-Huh?!" I exclaimed in surprise. "Hey, don't just go deciding stuff like that on your own!"

"...May I know why?" Obsidia asked, completely ignoring my complaints.

Mei Gui stared at the dragon right in the eyes. "We are going to track down that cave. But that won't be happening anytime soon, especially if it is truly in Dragon territory. Master and I are nowhere near strong enough to take them on yet."

Dragons are very territorial creatures. If a human or any other species trespassed on their grounds, they would eliminate the intruders without mercy. At the same time, dragons don't usually overstep their boundaries either. It is a strictly 'good fences make good neighbors' tradition.

Therefore, if we wanted to enter that cave...we would have to be prepared to take on a hundred dragons at once, at the very least. Just Obsidia alone had rendered me unable to move from purely the I am right now, I don't stand a chance at all. I'm merely an ant in the eyes of dragons. But soon...that will change.

Soon...they will be ants in my eyes.

"...Very well, Elemental. I accept your proposal," Obsidia said after some thought. "However, in return, you two must help me avenge my dead mother and father."

"Agreed," Mei Gui said without a second thought.

"Uh...I don't get a say here?" I asked, slightly shocked by Obsidia's sudden acceptance and her outrageous request.

Mei Gui turned towards me. "Master, this is for the best. Not only do we acquire a great fighting force, this way, we also gain a tourist guide for those mysterious Chaos-imbued caves at no cost."

"...That kinda sounds like we're using her as a tool..." I muttered.

Mei Gui blinked. "We are."

Wtf?! She's right in front of us, you know?!

I slowly glanced at Obsidia, who was eyeing us with a plain look. I laughed awkwardly.

"Uh...sorry, Mei Gui tends to...speak her thoughts."

"Worry not. What she has said is completely true. We are using each other - nothing more, nothing less."

Indeed, we were using each other. Obsidia needed us for information regarding Chaos, and also for helping her avenge her parents. We used Obsidia as a guide to those caves, and also a last resort insanely powerful ally should we ever need it. It was a formal give and take relationship.

"Well...I guess that's true," I muttered. " exactly are you going to 'come' with us...?"

There was no way we can just bring a massive black dragon to the city. Definitely not. That would cause more problems than I could even list.

Mei Gui didn't seem concerned at all though. "Don't worry, master. All dragons can turn into human form. Actually, they can turn into any other race, for that matter."

Huh? They can? W-Wait, this wasn't written on any textbooks!

Just as I was busy processing this new information, Obsidia slowly exited the cave, and we followed. Her full body was huge, as tall as the school dormitories. Her wings were the largest part of her body, which made sense since they needed to be strong enough to carry such a heavy body.

Obsidia then suddenly used her wings to blow up some sand from the ground, shrouding herself in a sand screen I couldn't see through. A couple seconds later, the sand fell to the ground, and in its place, was a strikingly beautiful girl, with black hair and red eyes. She was wearing a simple black dress that accented her slender arms and legs, as well as her sizeable bust. Overall, she looked just like a stunning human female idol. No sign of her being a dragon was shown anywhere on her body.

"Wow..." I breathed in amazement, both at the transformation process and her beauty.

She looked like the older sister of Mei Gui, except the color of her hair and eyes were inverted - instead of red hair and black eyes like Mei Gui, Obsidia had black hair and red eyes...yep, just like me (with my ring on). We could pass for siblings. She also had a very developed and proportionate body, in stark contrast with Mei Gui...

"Master, were you thinking something lewd just now?" Mei Gui said, staring at me with eyes full of dead-inside-ness.

Shit! I forgot we have a telepathic link and she can pretty much read my thoughts! Oh wait, doesn't that mean she's reading this right now?! S-Sorry, Mei Gui! Really! I'm sorry!

", of course not," I stammered.

Obsidia tilted her head and looked at us in confusion. The gesture was cute and I had to avert my gaze. I then cleared my throat. "A-Ahem...anyway, we should probably get back, huh?"

The sun had already set, it was probably around 7 PM or so by now. final problem remained.

"By the way...Mei Gui, how are we supposed to introduce Obsidia to the others...?

"Worry not, human," Obsidia said. Her voice wasn't loud and booming anymore, like it was in dragon form. Instead, it was gentle and kind. "I will merely introduce myself as your girlfriend."

I froze. "You...what?"

"Is that not what you call a mate in human terms?"

"N-No, it is, but, uh..." I turned to Mei Gui for help. She merely shrugged as if she had nothing to do with all this. Damn you!

"Then I see no problem," Obsidia cut me off. "As for my name...Obsidia should work just fine."

"U-Uh...sure," I muttered dejectedly. I would sort this out with the girls later...I didn't want a misunderstanding to happen. But in doing so, I have to reveal my Hunter identity to them as, what a pain. I'm going to get lectured for the entire night again, I know it.

"By the way, Obsidia," I began, looking off into the distance.

"What is it, human?"

"Can you like...stop calling me 'human'?" I asked awkwardly. "I told you my name, didn't I?"

"Ah, yes, you are correct," Obsidia agreed as if she had just remembered. "Very well, I shall address you as 'human Kai Xuan' from now on."

"Just call me Xuan Kai!" I exclaimed. 

"...Did you not say Kai Xuan a few hours ago?"

Oh, shit. In the spur of the moment, I accidentally let out my true name. Ah..well, she was going to find out soon enough. There's no harm in letting her know, I guess.

"O-Oh, that was just an alias, since I didn't really know you too well yet, I didn't feel like giving my real name," I explained, sweat forming on my forehead. 

"Hm...? I see. So you do not trust me, is that it?" Obsidia pouted angrily.

"A-Ah, no, I trust you now," I quickly corrected myself. "I do, really!"

"Hmph, I shall believe you this time then, Xuan Kai. It will be troublesome for partners to not trust each other."

I sighed, then remembered something important. "Oh yeah, how are we going to get down from this mountain?"

"Can we not just walk?" Obsidia asked innocently.

"Nah, walking takes too long," I muttered. The truth was, I just didn't feel like walking, but whatever. Why sweat the details?

"Master, why don't we fly then?" Mei Gui proposed.

"But Obsidia isn't in her dragon form, she can't fly," I quickly shot down her suggestion.

"You can carry her, master."

I looked at Mei Gui in shock. "No way I'm doing that. Let's just walk, I change my mind."

"No." Obsidia refused, much to my dismay. "Xuan Kai, I would like to experience being 'carried' while soaring through the air. Please, carry me."

She looked at me with the big sad puppy dog eyes, and I couldn't bring myself to refuse her.

"Ah...damn it, where did you learn that seduction technique?!" I asked without expecting an answer. "Ugh...fine."

I bent down, and picked Obsidia up in a princess carry.

"F-Fwah?!" Surprised by the sudden action, Obsidia accidentally let out a high-pitched and cute yelp unbefitting of a dragon.

Seeing her reaction, I grinned. " can still change your mind now, y'know?"

Obsidia looked away to not meet my eyes, and clutched onto my clothes harder. "N-No...please go ahead. Let us fly."

I chuckled. "Well we go!"

Saying that, I leapt off the side of the Avast Mountains, a (screaming) gorgeous dragon girl within my arms.

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