The Mage of Primordial Chaos

Chapter 129 - The Phoenix Contract

"...You want to form a contract with me?" the bird echoed quietly.

I nodded. "Yeah...what do I have to do in order to make you accept my offer?"

The bird then laughed like a little human girl, and even covered her beak with one of her wings. "What makes you think you have any right to even propose forming a contract with me, a phoenix? I rule over all other beasts within this realm, you know. I can help you form a contract with someone else, but I myself have no intention of becoming a mere human's slave."

"Slave? That's a quite...demeaning way of putting it," I replied awkwardly. "You see, this is the first time I'm forming a contract with a beast. I don't really know how other Summoning Magic users do things, but I can guarantee I won't force you to do anything you don't want to."

The bird raised an eyebrow. "It's your first time? Seriously?"

"Uh, yeah...something wrong?"

She made a cute little thinking gesture (or at least, that's what I thought it was. I assumed bird body language was the same as humans). "'s just that your aura seemed quite strong, so I automatically thought you were an experienced summoner."

For real? I'm only an Intermediate what world does that classify as 'strong?' Wait...perhaps this has something to do with the power of Chaos within me...?

"No, this is my first time in this dimension, actually," I said, to which she nodded.

"Well then, it's understandable you don't understand how things work here," the phoenix said with a 'sigh'. "Listen closely, since I am only going to say this once."

Once I nodded in confirmation, the phoenix continued. "Once a summoner forms a contract with a beast, the beast has to listen to all commands the summoner issues within the specified timeframe beforehand. There are no 'terms' or 'conditions' the summoner has to abide by. That is why all beasts will only agree to the contract after receiving their 'payment'."

"In other words...some people have abused the fact that there is only one rule to this contract - that the beast has to listen to anything the summoner says, and eventually the beasts of this dimension began trusting summoners less and less..." I noted.

"Yep. Do you understand now? Your 'guarantees' or 'promises' don't mean anything to me."

I sighed. "That may be so, but...I still wish to form a contract with you, nonetheless."

"Why are you so insistent? Didn't I already tell you? I can help you contract another beast within this dimension in return for you getting me food, but I am off-limits. The last thing I want is for the same thing as my mother to happen to me..." she trailed off.

However, I didn't let this opportunity go. "Your mother...? Was she...perhaps, betrayed by her summoner?"

She shook her fluffy head. "Forget it. Either way, I am denying your request. If you have nothing else to say, then this is where we part ways."

Saying this, the bird turned on her heel and prepared to fly away, but I hurriedly stopped her. "Wait. I read about this in a textbook, but...apparently, strong magic beasts in this dimension sometimes fight a summoner who wants to contract them. If said summoner can win against them, then the magic beast will accept the contract."

The phoenix paused, then turned around slowly. "You want to prove your strength by fighting me?"

I nodded. "Precisely."

She then burst out laughing like a little kid, much to my annoyance. "HAHAHA! I said your aura was strong earlier, but you are still nowhere near my level! I can appreciate that confidence, but too much of it and it just turns into arrogance, summoner. Sorry, but I'm not accepting this challenge. I don't want to shatter your ego."

Shut're just a little girl, and you're out here acting wise like some old man? Yeah, to hell with that. You say you won't accept this challenge, but...all I have to do is taunt you a bit.

I smirked. "What, scared that you'll lose?"

"Huh?! You think I'm scared of you?"

"Isn't that why you're making excuses to not fight me?" I continued taunting.

"Grr....fine! I'll fight you until you beg me to stop!" the phoenix finally declared after a long while. "Just don't go blaming me for showing no mercy!"

Plan successful. Now then, onto the next phase...

"Okay - so how are we doing this? Like I said earlier, I'm new to this whole summoning thing," I replied nonchalantly.

"Hmph! However you want to do it is fine by me. You might not have been to this dimension before, but surely you've had duels with other people?"

I nodded. "Well about this. If I can get you to move from where you're standing right now, you have to form an eternal contract with me."

"W-Wha-! E-Eternal?!" she echoed in shock.

I shrugged. "Yeah, you see, I'm a person that likes to bet big. So in return, if you defeat me, I'll do whatever you want for the rest of my life - essentially becoming your slave. Not a bad deal, right?"

"H-Hm..." she sank into thought. After a while, she resumed. "Fine! I agree to your terms! But isn't this fight a bit disadvantageous for me...? I have to keep attacking you until you beg for mercy, but all you have to do is get me to move from this spot..."

I grinned devilishly. "Tell you what - if I can't get you to move from that spot within 3 minutes, then you automatically win. Of course, you're welcome to attack me in the process."

"HAHAHA! Aren't you overestimating yourself?! Sure, my offense is definitely the stronger side of me, but my defense is nothing to laugh at, either. To make things easier for you, I won't launch a single attack on you within those 3 minutes. Come at me with your full strength!" she yelled as she transformed back into her original form.

...Kuku...the stage is set. Now, it's time for the final act.

"Okay, three minutes, starting now," I said just loudly enough for her to barely hear. Then, after she nodded in confirmation, I made a fake thinking posture, then pointed at the ground about two meters behind her. "Actually, can you go back there? We're too close right now for a proper fight."

"...So picky..." the phoenix muttered, but obliged anyway, and began moving towards the destination I had pointed out.

But from the moment she made her first step...she had lost.

"You lose," I said with an evil cackle.

"H-Huh?! What-"

"You moved after I said 'three minutes starting now', no?" I replied with a sly grin.

"Y-You tricked me!" she exclaimed in anger.

I shrugged. "Hey now, I never said I was going to face you head-on. I've always been better at mind games and trickery."


"Well, that's that. Now do we form an eternal contract?" I asked, walking closer to her.

"Hey! I never agreed to this! That was not fair at all!"

I sighed. "Look, we both set up the terms beforehand, and agreed to them. There weren't any rules specifing that tricks like this weren't allowed. You lost, fair and square...though I admit my strategy was a bit underhanded. But even then...don't tell me the great phoenix won't honor her promise?"

"W-What promise? I never said a-anything, hmph!" she responded shamelessly, feigning ignorance.

I sighed once again and took out a certain object from my pocket (in the ethereal body). I unlocked it, and fire up a certain app. Then, pressing the play button, I turned up the volume to max, and let her hear what was being played back.

"Fine! I agree to your terms! But isn't this fight a bit disadvantageous for me...? I have to keep attacking you until you beg for mercy, but all you have to do is get me to move from this spot..."

"Tell you what - if I can't get you to move from that spot within 3 minutes, then you automatically win. Of course, you're welcome to attack me in the process."

"HAHAHA! Aren't you overestimating yourself?! Sure, my offense is definitely the stronger side of me, but my defense is nothing to laugh at, either. To make things easier for you, I won't launch a single attack on you within those 3 minutes. Come at me with your full strength!"

Eventually, the phoenix couldn't take it anymore, and transformed back into her small, cute form, clutching her head adorably. "Stop it!!! I get it! STOP!"

I pressed the pause button, and turned off the device. Indeed, it was my smartphone. I had messed around with it a little and set it to automatically record everything when turned the time, I thought it was a neat little feature, but I never expected it to actually come in handy here. Good thing summoners could bring one object (apart from clothes and such) from the real world into the summoning dimension.

Most people chose to bring food, or whatever would be ideal for forming a contract with a beast, but being inexperienced here, I didn't bring anything along...or so I had thought, until I discovered the object in my back pocket. Turns out the ethereal body was a complete mirror image of my physical body, as I know my phone is, in reality, in my back pocket right now.

Either way, that was a pretty clutch save, as I really didn't know what to do if she just continued feigning ignorance.

"So? Ready to form an eternal contract?"

"Wuwuwu..." she sobbed softly as I watched on anxiously. Eventually, she stopped, wiped her tears, and came over to me. "Whatever...judging from your stupid, deceitful, and cowardly personality, you won't live long anyway. After you die, don't expect me to attend your funeral."

I chuckled. "Yeah yeah..."

Then, she looked at me and began explaining how to form an eternal contract with a beast. "The process is pretty similar to a normal contract, but you have to say 'eternal' in place of the original timeframe. As for my own particular chant...

After she told me the chant word by word, I replied, "Huh...I see. Then, here we go." the phoenix transformed back into her original form as I placed two fingers on her forehead.

I took a deep breath, and began my chant. "O Harbringer of Fortune - Brilliant Yellow! A fire that will scorch all creation - Fire Red! An immortal soul that reigns over all - Dazzling White! Forever will you burn! I hereby form an eternal contract with you - Phoenix!"

A brilliant light of yellow, red, and white appeared at the location where I was touching her, and enveloped the two of us within it. After a short while, the light dispersed, and I moved my hand away.

"Is it...done?" I asked.

"Yep..." the phoenix said dejectedly as she turned back into her energy-saving form.

"Then, in order to test it...come with me into the real dimension," I suggested.

"No. I don't want to..."

I snickered. "There's really delicious food there, you know..."

"F-Food? R-Really?" her ears perked up at that.

I nodded. "Yeah, so hop on my shoulder."

She complied, and once she was safely perched atop my right shoulder, I 'logged off' the summoning dimension.

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