The Mage of Primordial Chaos

Chapter 130 - The Dawn Of Winter

"And...we're back," I said triumphantly as I safely returned to the real world, along with a new pet. Technically, I was in the real world all along, I just 'shut off' the video game being played inside my head.

Mei Gui was a bit startled at the sudden appearance of the phoenix, perched on top of my shoulder (in its small form), but quickly recomposed herself. "Master, if I am not wrong, it seems you have successfully formed a contract with a beast."

I nodded, and sat down on my bed. "A quite powerful one too, at that."

Mei Gui tilted her head. "Oh? I cannot say I feel an exceptionally strong aura being emitted by this tiny...bird."

Why did you hesitate before calling her a bird, Mei Gui? Were you about to address her using a derogatory term? I doubt that would end well, considering the easily-angered nature of the phoenix - who, in terms of mental age, was akin to that of a three-year-old baby.

"Well, you may not believe it, but this bird right here is actually a phoenix," I replied, then widened my eyes in panic as said phoenix began transforming into her original form in order to prove it. "H-Hold on, don't transform here!"

"...Why? This person looks like she doesn't believe that I'm a real phoenix, so I have to prove it to her!" the bird cried as she returned back to her small form.

I sighed in relief, then explained. "Look, it's understandable she is skeptical, but just because of that you can't do whatever you want...if you had transformed here, this room, and possibly this entire dormitory, would've burned down. This place isn't nearly big enough to contain your true form...and I know better than letting phoenix fire come in contact with easily flammable materials."

"Hmph! Fine!" she snorted. "I'm hungry, get me something to eat."

...Technically, I'm your master now, yet you're over here ordering me to do this and do that for you. Shouldn't it be the other way around...? Well, then again, I do feel kind of bad for using such underhanded tactics to beat her, so I guess I'll just go along with her whims...for now.

Sighing, I headed into the kitchen, which was plenty stocked now thanks to my shopping trip with the other girls almost two weeks ago. I opened up the cupboard and took out a bag of chips, since I figured she would be able to hold on to a chip by herself without transforming into her original form. I really didn't want to feed her by hand, that would be a huge hassle.

I tore open the bag and brought the chips back to my newly acquainted phoenix, who immediately began munching and swallowing happily. Man...I'm so tired. I've been training the entire day...let's see, it's already 1 PM? Damn, I forgot to eat lunch. Ah, whatever. I just want to take a nap.

Just as I was about to crash onto my bed, however, I felt a faint vibration coming from my back pocket. I pulled out my smartphone and saw that a certain someone was calling me. I picked up.

"Yeah? What's up, Feng Mian?" I asked as Mei Gui watched on curiously. As an aside, the phoenix was too engrossed in stuffing her mouth full of chips to notice anything else.

"Hey!! I was just wondering if you wanted, you know, meet up or something?" she replied, appearing to be a bit nervous.

"Uh...why? Is there something you need to tell me, or...?"

"No no, I just wanted to hang out, maybe grab something to eat, and a movie?"

Hold up. This is starting to sound a lot like a date proposal to me. Yeah, uh...I'm gonna have to pass on that one. Not that I mind particularly, but I knew the other girls wouldn't be happy if I just went along with Feng Mian...they'll think I favor her or something, which wouldn't be good to our relationships with each other as a whole.

"Er...sorry, but I'm really tired at the moment. I was training since 8 o'clock in the morning, so I still haven't had lunch yet..."

"No problem! We can have lunch together right now!" she quickly responded, to which I grimaced. Luckily, this wasn't a video call, or else I might've been in big trouble there.

Shit...good move, Feng Mian. Now I don't have an excuse to reject your offer. Ah...I blundered.

"U-Uh, okay. But only for lunch, yeah? Since I feel pretty drowsy - hunger's the only thing keeping me awake right now," I replied, covering up my mistake.

"Aw...alright then. I'll meet you in front of the boys' dorms?" she sounded a bit dejected, but that was the only card I had left. If I can't outright not go, at least I could minimalize the time I spent with her...though something in the back of my head was telling me this was a super dumb decision.

Understandable, as any other guy would kill for a chance to eat lunch together with Feng Mian, as if on a date. Still, I really was tired, and I still had the other girls' feelings to consider. I don't know if they like me in that sense, but even if they only saw me as a friend (which would be ideal), I still shouldn't do anything that would make it seem like I am favoring one of them.

Anyway, after some mental debate, I decided to just get it over with. "Nah, I can't have a girl waiting for me like that. I'll go to the girls' dorms."

Hearing this, Feng Mian giggled. "Pfft...since when did you start caring about public image?"

"I don't. I don't, but...if I can prevent having a bad reputation, then I'll do it," I replied casually.

"Okay, I'll see you in a sec, then."

"Yeah," I said, hanging up the call.

I then turned to Mei Gui and the bird who was still eating nonchalantly. "Mei Gui, I'm going to have to head out for a over her while I'm away, okay? Don't let her eat everything in the kitchen."

Mei Gui bowed. "Understood, Master."

I then spun on my heel, and prepared to leave. But then a thought hit my mind, and I slowly turned around again. " the two of you want to come with me?"


- 5 Minutes Later, Girls Dormitories -

"...So? Why is she here too?" Feng Mian asked with a deadpan gaze that seemed to pierce straight through me. By the looks of it, she had dressed up for this occasion, and quite frankly, she looked stunning, with her beautiful black dress that complimented her bright blonde hair.

Sure, it was the middle of winter, but it wasn't really cold at all due to some Fire Elemental excavation or something going on near Shenzhen. The hot air from over there got swept into the city by wind, and well, here we are, able to wear dresses in winter. I was wearing my black cloak, along with my ring. That had kind of became my signature look nowadays, though one thing was missing - my mask. I figured it wouldn't be good manners to wear a mask when eating with someone. Actually, how do you even eat with a mask on...? Whatever.

I scratched my hair awkwardly, and averted my gaze. "Ah, well, you know, they asked to come along, ahaha..."

Mei Gui, sensing my intentions, immediately backed me up. "Yes, that is correct. I totally asked Master to come along."

Why does that sound sarcastic?

"I'm only here because he said there would be good food," the phoenix perched on top of my shoulder said.

Feng Mian jumped back in surprise. "T-This bird can talk?"

I nodded. "Yeah, she's a phoenix."

"P-Phoenixes look like...that?"

"Well, according to her, transforming into her original form takes a lot of energy, so most of the time she just stays in this form," I explained.

"O-Oh, I see..." Feng Mian murmured quietly. "Where did you get her from anyway?"

I looked around to make sure no one was in the area, then placed down a Sound Barrier (Level One Sound Magic) for good measure. Then, with a sigh, I answered Feng Mian's question.

"I told you earlier that I was training this morning, right?"

"Yeah, what about it?"

"Okay - for one, I should've told you and the others this earlier, but it really just slipped my mind," I said, then continued after a deep breath. "The truth is, I broke another one of my seals, meaning I advanced another stage in terms of the Chaos energy within me."

"Does that mean you got even stronger?" Feng Mian asked.

"Yeah...through this process, I gained the ability to multicast."


I nodded. "That's right...basically, I can cast multiple spells at the same time now. That's why I was experimenting with Summoning Magic today, since as you know that element leaves the caster vulnerable, but leaves a high profit if successful. If I am able to remain conscious of the real world and be able to protect myself while exploring the summoning dimension looking for a beast to contract, then..."

"That would put you at a great advantage in a fight...since if you successfully contract a beast, it will essentially turn the battle into a 2v1 - assuming the fight was even to begin with," Feng Mian analyzed.

"Indeed. And well - I was successful," I continued. "I tried contracting a beast, and ended up getting her."

"Hey! What's with that attitude like you don't want me or something?! I'll have you know you're the one that was so insistent on getting me to com-" the phoenix immediately interrupted, but I quickly cut her off.

"Right right, your presence humbles me, I'm grateful o great phoenix, all that."

Feng Mian sank into thought. "Well...for now, I think the first thing you have to do is tell the others about this, since this is pretty useful information that we should all know, going forward."

"Yeah. That's what I'm planning on doing..."

"However," Feng Mian continued, then walked closer to me. "Before that, you are coming to eat lunch with me, yeah?"

Ah...her perfume smells good. This isn't half bad- wait, what the hell am I thinking?!

"R-Right, let's go," I replied nervously. "Where do you want to eat?"

Feng Mian made a cute thinking gesture as she stared up at the ceiling. "Hm...I know a good place. Just follow me~"

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