The Mage of Primordial Chaos

Chapter 147 - Partners

Mei Gui and I leapt into battle. The enemies were five monsters, grouped together. I drew my katana from my Space Locket, but in reality, that was just a distraction. This cheap metal wouldn't be able to even put a dent on these creatures' tough hides, but all I had to do was make them think it would. Then, after getting them confused and overwhelmed, the real sword will strike - Mei Gui's spear.

The more I watched her use that weapon, the more I got curious. Which is why, I wanted to finish this quickly so Mei Gui could tell me more about it. Undoubtedly, this was a weapon imbued with Chaos, given the color scheme and the powerful energy radiating from it like no other element. However, if Mei Gui could wield it, then I should be able to as well, no? It would be really cool, having a flaming spear like that to use in battle.

But all that can be put aside for later. For now, we would have to eliminate our targets here first. One of the monsters noticed us immediately, and the other four soon followed. expected, taking them down one by one isn't going to work here.

The monster in front slammed the ground I was standing on, and I immediately leapt up into the air to avoid being struck by the shock wave. However, I wasn't in the clear just yet, as another monster picked up a large piece of debris from the ground and threw it in my direction. I propelled my body sideways mid-air, and used the piece of debris as a stepping stone to launch myself off of. I did a backflip, and landed behind the first monster. Here, there was a perfect opening for me to stab the creature in the back, but I knew my weapon wasn't strong enough. And so, I waited - but not for too long, as the other monsters were closing in on me from behind.

I stalled for a fraction of a second of time - but that fraction of a second was all I needed. The creature turned around to face me, giving a certain red-haired goddess-like existence a perfectly exposed back. Being my partner, Mei Gui did not let this opportunity slide. She blinked right behind the target, and thrust the spear right into its heart, killing it instantly.

There was no time for me to give praise to her, however, as the other four monsters were now closing in on me rapidly, and I had nowhere to run. Mei Gui was still busy getting the spear out of her target's dead body, so I couldn't count on her to help.

Damn it, where do I go...? Up wouldn't work, since I these monsters were too tall to just jump over, even with the help of Potentia magic...they also have me surrounded on all 4 sides...

Just when I was feeling panic, however, a poisonous cloud of gas suddenly came flying in, blinding one of the monsters immediately. Huh...I don't know who did that, but thanks!

It was a temporary blind, but it was all I needed. I dashed between the blinded monster's legs, and made it out of the predicament alive. These monsters have incredibly high magic resistance to the point where any spells Level Two and below were practically useless against them, but even then, they couldn't escape the most basic of status ailments. In this case, for example, the monster didn't take any damage from the poison, but he was still blinded by the dark green cloud of venom.

I looked in the direction where the spell had came from, and spotted a beautiful girl with long, wavy blonde hair and light purple eyes leading a group of humans - Feng Mian.

"Careful!" she called out, and I reacted just in time to narrowly avoid being plummeted to bits by the same monster who had been blinded earlier, now fully recovered.

"Damn it, that was close..." I muttered under my breath.

By this time, the rain had stopped, so I removed my hood to make it easier to fight and be more aware of my peripherals. However, I kept my mask on, and Mei Gui did the same. Feng Mian and the group of people behind her quickly ran out of the store, and now faced the four remaining monsters with trembling knees. Mei Gui and I stood at the front, and the four monsters roared in anger at having one of their companions killed.

Huh...mad that one of your friends died? Ha. What do you know? Maybe they have a trace of humanity left in them, after all. Though to me, that doesn't mean shit. They are still going to die today.

The elderly on our side were clearly very scared. As Feng Mian said over the phone call, they weren't old masters but instead just normal seniors who didn't really bother with magic training after their school days were over. They probably didn't do that well in school, either, if they weren't even at the Advanced Mage stage. From what Feng Mian told me, there was one Ancestral Mage among all of these people...and I could faintly feel their aura, though it was nowhere as strong as the Golden Monarchs I've met before.

[Mei Gui, keep them back for a bit, I need to tell these guys my plan,] I instructed via a telepathic message.

[Understood, Master,] she replied, before leaping into battle with her flaming spear, successfully getting the attention of all four still-alive monsters, giving us some precious time to discuss out battle plan.

I turned around, took a deep breath, and looked at Feng Mian and the rest of the people. However, I didn't meet Feng Mian's gaze, as that would make things awkward, and I really didn't want to deal with that right now. So, instead, my eyes darted around all over the place, focusing on different people.

"Okay, everyone. I know this is sudden, and those monsters are terrifying. But in order to get through this, I'm going to need the help of all of you, weak or strong," I said, as calmly as possible.

After confirming their attention was all on me, I continued. "Before anything else, I need to set a few things straight with you. First off, these monsters are pretty much immune to all magic Level Two and below. What that means is, anyone here who is an Intermediate Mage or below, stay out of the fight."

Then, for the first time in this conversation, I made eye contact with Feng Mian, since she was an Intermediate Mage as well. I was trying to send her a message.

That includes you, Feng Mian.

Seeing my intentions, however, she defiantly shook her head, then stared right back at me as if saying, "You are an Intermediate Mage too, aren't you?"

I gritted my teeth and wanted to argue, but there were more pressing matters at hand and Mei Gui probably couldn't hold them off for much longer. I turned back to the people and continued.

"Anyone who is an Advanced Mage or above, step forward."

Three people stepped forward, two men and one woman, all elderly. Looked to be about in their sixties or so. That wasn't too old since the stronger you get in magic, the longer you could live, but they were still up there.

"Alright," I said after some thought. "What are your ranks, respectively?"

"My wife here and I are both Advanced Mages," one of the elderly men said, and looked at the elderly woman beside him. So they're a couple, huh?

"And I am an Ancestral Mage, albeit not a very powerful one..." the final man said, trailing off at the end.

I clapped my hands. "Okay. There are...let's see, fifteen of you here total, not counting these three. Now then, five people follow each of them, and take on a monster together."

Feng Mian raised her hand. "But that would only be three groups...?"

I nodded, and answered her inquiry without meeting her eyes. "My partner and I will handle the last one."

Hopefully, that's enough of a hint for Feng Mian that I don't want my identity to be revealed in front of these people. I did sneak out of the safe zone, after all. If I was caught outside, it could cause unnecessary trouble, something I really do not want right now.

"You...and your partner is that red-haired girl over there, I assume?" the Ancestral Mage asked for confirmation.

"Yeah," I replied. "Don't worry about us - in fact, you guys don't even have to actually defeat the monsters. If you can just stall them until my partner and I take out ours, then we can all get out of this situation alive. I honestly doubt you will be able to kill them, given their incredibly high magic resistance and tough hide. My partner's weapon there can pierce it no problem though, so we aren't trapped. Does everyone understand?"

"Hmph! Don't underestimate us, kid! You focus on your target, and we'll focus on ours!" a old man yelled out from amongst the crowd.

"Yeah! We'll definitely take one down!" another added.

[Master...I can't hold on for much longer...] Mei Gui said telepathically, and I nodded.

[Alright. We're just about ready. Back off for now.]

[Understood, Master.]

Then, turning around to face the four monsters as Mei Gui fell back, I yelled.

"Form your groups, and let's do this!"

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