The Mage of Primordial Chaos

Chapter 148 - Misunderstanding

Our little group immediately fell into formation, split into groups of six, with the exception of Mei Gui and I. Each group was led by an Advanced Mage or higher, and there were three groups in total (again, excluding Mei Gui and I). This was our lineup, and we would be facing four massive monsters that were practically immune to magic head on.

I would've liked to get each and every single one of their names to make it easier to communicate, but there was no time to run an attendance. And so, the groups were as follows:

Two old men, two old women, one of which is holding a baby so she can't do much - led by the Ancestral Mage.

Three old men, Feng Mian, and one male teen around my age - led by the female Advanced Mage.

Two old men, three old women - led by the male Advanced Mage.

And lastly, the 4th group - Mei Gui and I.

As seen, nearly everyone in our lineup was a senior, but not a very powerful one. They definitely couldn't compete with the monsters in agility like people my age could, and they were also a lot more frail if they aren't able to put up a magic defense in time...though even if I were to be hit with a clean strike from one of the monsters, I would probably end up severely injured, despite having trained my physical body to human limits. That was how powerful these monsters were. A healthy young man like me could be killed in one hit, much less these elderly...

Focusing on the matter at hand, Mei Gui and I were the first to engage in battle.

Potentia Excitant: Salire.

I jumped up high with the help of my Blessing Magic, and prepared my initial attack.

Level Two Fire Magic - Twin Dragons.

I could've just cast the two of those spells together, but in front of all these witnesses, I decided to refrain from showing my multicasting ability, just to be safe in the off chance that someone does end up finding my identity. Since I was wearing a mask, even if they found out who I was and didn't hear me chanting any incantations when casting spells, I could just say something like 'I did chant, you just couldn't see my mouth through my mask'. Lame, yes, but it's a valid excuse.

My two black and red dragons soared towards my enemy, and wrapped themselves around it, binding the creature's movements. Its allies quickly reacted and prepared to help pry my dragons off of him, but my own associated stopped them.

"You're opponent is us, you damn monster!" the male Advanced Mage shouted, then aimed his hands at the creature who was about to peel off my dragons from its companion. "Level Three Void Magic - Null Sphere!"

Undoubtedly, everyone present who witnessed the unique colors of my spell had many questions, but they all had enough common sense to know this wasn't the time or place to be asking them. The other teams also began engaging their respective targets, and slowly drew away from each other to make sure no friendly fire occurs. This was all part of the plan as well, and so far it was going without a hitch.

Now that our target was left alone and still trapped by my Twin Dragons, which were enhanced in strength thanks to the power of Chaos, Mei Gui, not letting any time go to waste, immediately jumped up high into the air and threw her flaming spear directly at the monster's heart.

"Master!" she yelled.


On cue, I snapped my fingers and dispersed my dragons right before Mei Gui's spear collided with them, causing the flaming metal to pierce directly through our target, the disgusting abomination's heart. The creature, like its six precedents, fell to the ground with enough weight to cause a shock wave that rippled through the entire battlefield. 

That's one down...three left.

I turned to the other teams, who were still in the middle of taking down their opponents. Without a weapon as powerful as Mei Gui's, piercing through these monsters' tough hides would prove to be quite the challenge. In fact, most of these elderly's attacks weren't doing much at all to the monsters, barely leaving a scratch. However, that was enough.

The plan I had in mind was this: those weaker than Advanced Mage would just constantly keep up a flow of offensive magic, not giving the monster any time to rest. Of course, the spells wouldn't do much damage, but it could definitely serve as a good distraction or cause a blindspot, which were very useful in battles like this one.

Those who were Advanced Mage or above, would then take advantage of these blindspots and opportunities their allies created for them, and unleash a precise attack on the monsters. If one time isn't enough to kill them, then just keep repeating the process. In order to wait for the perfect opportunity, however, the Advanced Mages and above would have to be constantly aware and observing, looking for any tiny little opening. It was a difficult task, much harder than just constantly firing low-power attacks like what the Intermediate Mages and below are doing. However, they had to do it. For in this fight, it was either kill or be killed.

Since Mei Gui and I had already taken down our target, we headed towards the group nearest to us to lend a helping hand. Coincidentally, it was the same group Feng Mian was in. I couldn't help but feel a bit awkward, despite the dangerous situation we were currently in.

The three men in this group were currently circling around the monster on a constant rotation, who was trying to swat them away with its arm like they were flies. Feng Mian and the young man around my age were traversing in and out of the shadows, since they apparently both had a Shadow Magic affinity. Every time they popped back out into the real world, they would fire off an attack, before instantly falling back into the shadow realm once more. This was a clever tactic that made full use of the cover of night, since this time of day was when Shadow Magic, Vanishing Shadows in particular, was the most powerful and useful.

By doing so, the monster was forced to look back and forth, and eventually grew frustrated, losing its calmness. The Advanced Mage leading the group, a senior woman, didn't miss this opportunity, and sent a powerful attack aiming directly for the monster's neck.

"Level Three Curse Magic - Lethal Pain!"

A barrage of crescents of blade of dark curse energy shot out of the old woman's palm, and headed straight for the creature's exposed neck. The monster screamed in agony from pain, however, the barrage was not enough to completely decapitate it. I nodded to Mei Gui, and she immediately jumped up, finishing the job with her flaming spear by piercing its heart. The creature fell to the ground with a crash, and didn't move again.

Mei Gui landed back on the ground gently, and de-materialized her spear. Feng Mian and the teenage male also cancelled their Vanishing Shadow abilities. The other members of the team also stopped running around in circles, and all gathered around Mei Gui and I.

"Who would've thought? You're quite capable, huh, little girl?" one of the old men remarked.

"Thank you," Mei Gui replied briskly, though no actual gratitude showed on her face.

Well, that's just how she is.

I sighed and looked at everyone, purposely avoiding Feng Mian. "C'mon, we're not done here yet. Let's go help the other groups."

As everyone nodded in agreement, I turned around and began heading for the next team, who were still engaged in quite an even battle with their target. It was led by the male Advanced Mage.

Then, suddenly, a shriek resounded from behind me, and I immediately spun around to see what it was. My eyes widened.

Feng Mian's right leg was grabbed by the monster we had just killed...or at least, that's what we thought we had done. It seemed that the despicable abomination wasn't going down without taking someone else with him.

"Mei Gui!" I quickly yelled.

"Understood, Master!" she responded as she materialized her spear in mid-air and cleanly severed the creature's arm from the rest of its body. The hand around Feng Mian's leg became limp, and fell to the ground loosely. I prepared to rush over to see if she was fine.

"Are you okay, Feng Mi-"

I began, but stopped myself as I saw the male teen from earlier going to help Feng Mian up and lending her a shoulder to walk on. I withdrew my hand and turned around so that my back was to them, not wanting to watch this scene any longer.

"Master..." Mei Gui whispered softly, a hint of sadness, almost pity on her face.

I shook my head. "Let's go."


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