The Master Necromancer

Chapter 38

Chapter 38

After Skraal killed the summoner creature his total points reached 470, after he reaches the 500 points he will check the spell shop in the system.

As he was walking this time he noticed a creature in the far away who was sitting on a white-rock looking at the bottom,

It was a human-shaped creature with green clothes on him, it was a male with a thin body.

After Skraal saw the creature he did not believe his eyes.

"Why this creature at this caliber walking on the outskirts of "Kromnik Forest"

Skraal had a good reason to think like this.

- Forest Druid Protector Lord (Alrano)"

"Level 8"



"Plant Soldiers (Level 3) x 3"

"Summon Plant Soldiers X3"


"Plant Bomb (Level 4)

"Plant Shaped Bomb (Explosive Magic)"


"Protective Circular Forest Energy (Level 5)

"Form a shield from "Forest Energy" (Protective energy shield against magic and projectiles)


"Druid Energy Ball (Level 8)

"Shoot a "Druid Energy" ball" (An energy ball spell at the level of "8"


"Druid Forest Domain (Level 8)

"Create 15x15 a domain of forest (Forest Magical Powers %20 Percent More Powerful)


"Forest Golem Warrior (Level 6) X3"

"Summon "Forest Golem Warriors" X3"


"Forest Sense (Level 6)

"Sensing ability many things in the forest be it living or undead (Detection Ability) (Forests and Woods only)


"Forest Energy Replication ( Level 6)

"Regenerate "Gis Energy" at a faster rate in a forest (Replicating Energy Ability Domain-Based


Skraal just did not know what to say, this may the first time that he saw a creature that he could not handle at all.

At that time the creature who was sitting on the "white-rock" turned it is head to Skraal and started talking with a calm tone.

"Hey, Human come here I mean no harm to you"

Skraal knew that escaping from this creature in the forest is not a good idea, with the spell "Crow Feathers" he may escape from it but he is not going to try it.

After that, he showed himself and the "Alrano" creature furrowed it is brows and weirdly gulped as he started speaking.

"Sorry about what I said, I thought you were a human"

Skraal took a deep breath and thought inside his mind.

"It is clear that I could not what I am from the creature at the higher levels"

At that time Alrano spoke again.

"It is my first time to see a being like which is you "embodiment of "Gis Energy" and magical energy formed a mind and a physical body of a human, May I ask what your highness doing in this island"

Skraal has taken aback because the Alrano referred to him as "Highness" but after just one to two seconds later he understood the reason for it.

For the "Druid" race "Gis Energy" aka "Magical Energy" is sacred and important, so it is only normal to be called as "Highness" from a "Druid Lord",

"I am just hunting for creatures mostly evil creatures"

Skraal answered with a mundane and calm tone he is showing that for himself a Druid Lord is not an important thing without showing disrespect to the "Alrano"

Alrano only nodded as he already expected this.

"I live in Inner-50 but I came here to look for creatures roaming the forest, as I heard there are many dark creatures summoned and killing all the creatures too much I thought I had to come"

Before even Skraal asked why he was here the "Druid" answered him.

Skraal nodded and thought talking more do not worked well for himself because he still needed to improve his battle-experience and earn more points by hunting.

"Then I have to take my leave, nice to meet you"

Alrano nodded and answered.

"Yes, thank you I can imagine you have things to do to nice to meet you too, if you find yourself in Inner-50 you can touch a tree and think "Alrano" inside of your mind and call me I could serve you a tea made up from quality leaves"

Skraal nodded and activated "Crow Feathers" four times in a row and swiftly vanished.


After Skraal got away from the "Druid" he started walking as he thought.

"He is clearing the dark creatures in the outer-side of "Kromnik Forest" because they are killing many creatures in the "Forest"

"He said that he was from "Inner-50"

Because the Kromnik Forest was a huge place humans named them.

The creatures who have enough intelligence to talk with the humans when needed could refer to the place they are living using these names.

Outer-1 to 50 After Outer-50 the Inner-1 Start and After Inner-50, Core-1 Start but nobody explored and named the "Core-2" at all

Inner 1 to 50

Core 1 to ????

It is said that each of the named regions is covered a distance of 1.000 km (Note 12 Named Region = Earth (Diameter)

Skraal shook it is head and then finally noticed a creature hunt, It was a snake-like creature just slithering on the ground looking for something to hunt in the day-time it is size was about 10 meters to 15 meters and it is level was only "Leve 3"

Skraal summoned an "Undead Cursed Ghoul" and ordered to kill it. The ghoul shot towards to creature and easily killed it.

The snake tried to crush the Ghoul with it is pure muscle body but a creature at the level of 3 couldn't crush an "Agile and Powerful" creature which is at the level of 4.25 by it is body.

After the snake killed "Skraal earned 30 Points" and finally reached the "500" points,

"I have to think about what I am going to choose "Detection" or "Close-Fighting Spell" or even a spell for hiding my aura so that powerful beings could not understand that I am the embodiment of "Gis Energy (Magical Energy)"

As Skraal thinking about these matters, other camps from the entrance of the "Krimnak Forest" started entering the forest to hunt many of them were new mages with experienced teachers on the front of them.

All of the experienced mages knew that if a mage wants to improve and have a good understanding of using spells in attack and defense he or she has to experience a real hunt in the wild and experience the death-near situations.

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