The Master Necromancer

Chapter 39

Chapter 39

After Skraal reached the "500" points he started thinking, If right now he looks at the shop it is most likely that he will see spells of "Level 5"

But he does not want to wait for much because he needs a close-distance spell.

With this one though, he made up his mind and whispered to the system.

"System, show me spells for sale "Close-Distance" spells is the category"

After his words were over system started showing him five different "Spells" at the same time. A window of the system was opened.

"Reaper Scythe" / Level 5


Use your "pure energy" to swing a scythe made up of "pure energy" (Magical Energy aka Gis Energy)


500 Points


Skraal though a little bit and then shook his head this ability was no good at all, most likely it uses a little bit of time before slashes in front of himself. He does not want something like this.

Dark Energy Discharge / Level 5


User your "Gis Energy" to discharge from 3 meters of you (sphere-like) and harm your enemies with your dark energy.


500 Points


After Skraal saw this ability he was feeling good actually. This ability attacks all directions in instant dealing the creature's get close to himself by a distance of 3 meters.


He looked at the other abilities and saw that many of them were like "Reaper Schtye" and so he just shook his head and then whispered to the system.

"System, I would like to buy "Dark Energy Discharge"

After his words were over he felt that he can use "Dark Energy Discharge" from now on then, without waiting he used it for one time.

"Dark Energy Discharge"

After he used the ability in instant dark energy spread out everywhere like an explosion and harmed everything close to him in 3 meters distance.

It may not look strong at first but considering it is level and "Skraal" own power with this ability he could shoot "Four of Undead Cursed Ghouls" he is summoned by just one attack.

And he also knew that how strong was Undead Cursed Ghouls are and now he can kill them in just one shot when they are close to himself.

After this was over he felt good and had a little bit piece of mind. Because from now on than he knew that he was not going to be worthless when the time of fighting in the close distance was needed.

Skraal then noticed a weird creature in the tree watching himself. It looked like a monkey but it was not an ordinary monkey at all.

Its body was built like a muscle-machine and its eyes were yellow it directly looked at the eyes of Skraal and the creature's whole body was covered in yellowish-black fur that looked stronger than steel and flexible than a spider web.


"Gold Monkey Watcher"

"Level 5"


"Gold Sensing" (Can sense where is the "Gold" is and when covered with the "Gold" it is abilities %60 percent stronger than normal times)

"Gold Eyes" (Reaction-Time +%50 the "Golden Eyes" giving him the ability to react the projectiles and the moves from the environment and other creatures if needed) (Passive)

"Golden Needles"

(Shoots golden needles to it is enemies the "Gold-Monkey Warrior" creates "Golden Needles with the energy he has and can shoot these needles to it is enemies the "Needles are not fast but still can hurt and kill a human in the end but easy to dodge because of the speed of it)"

"Black Gold Body"

(The Creature was blessed with the "Black Gold Magic" when he was born and eaned the body of "Black Gold" the Black Gold Body gives him %50 defense against physical attacks and magical attacks +60 if the user covered with gold or fighting in "near-gold" area(Passive)

"Black Gold Nature"

(It can sense where is the "Black Gold" is and if it is close enough it can interact with the "Black Gold Persona" to learn knowledge and power from it. Most of the times creatures need Level 8 power to have a chance to interact with the "Black Gold Persona" and more levels to "Basic Black Gold Original Form")

After Skraal inspected this weird monkey-like creature which is named "Gold Monkey Watcher" by the system he was a little bit shocked actually.

One of these creatures could easily take two or three "Undead Cursed Ghouls", At that time, Skraal just attacked without a thought.

And not only this the creature has belonged the "Black-Gold", but Black Gold is also a being that likes "Gold" and this is the only thing he knew about this "Black Gold"

As it seems like the creature was going to attack him too as it moved too fast.

"Dark Energy Particles X3"

As Skraal whispered, the dark energy particles shoot towards "Gold-Monkey" but the latter escaped from the attack.

"Summon Undead Cursed Ghouls"

After the first attack was not worked "Skraal" summoned Four Undead Ghouls and then kept attacking with his spell "Dark Energy Particles"

at that time "Four Undead Ghouls" climbed the tree for attacking the "Golden-Monkey"

The monkey just jumped between the trees making circles around the "Skraal" and avoiding the Undead Cursed Ghouls, as it is a "Monkey" the trees are his natural place to fight and lives. Undead Cursed Ghouls could not catch it on the trees and considering that it was faster and powerful than Undead Cursed Ghouls.

As Skraal was looking to hunt it the creature was looking to hunt the Skraal to it was waiting for the "Mage" to tire out.

In a normal sense, it is a capable creature with strong power and intelligence, It did know that many mages use their powers and then tire themselves out and after they tired he just has to hit them one time and it was over.

Of course, Skraal knew about this truth too, at least he knew that the creature was thinking like this because many creatures who fought with the "Mages" thought like this after the fight.

Because in the end "Mages" are using everything they can do and tire themselves out in a battle.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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