The Master Necromancer

Chapter 90

Chapter 90

Elenie listened the words of Skraal and took a deep breath.

"He is right, I need to think more complex but definitive strategies, It is easy to fight against mindless creatures but if my enemy is a capable fighter or a mage with experience and fight against others, It will be creating problem for me."

With these new things in her mind, Elenie started thinking differently, this time she took a deep breath and gave a new order all of Shadow Lords,

"All of you attack the "Bone Mage"

As the order is given from Elenie, all of the Shadow Lords stopped what they were doing and turned their head to Bone Mage and then started running attacking the Bone Mage.

Bone Guardian notices the difference and ran towards to Bone Mage, But there was one thing it did not thought.

Elenie, confronted to Bone Guardian and stopped the creature on it is tracks and created more than 20 Shadow Arrows and shoot all of them the Bone Guardian.

Bone Gurdian skillfuly tried to evade the arrows but some of arrows hit it and damaged her body.

But it was not all of this, At this time, Elenie used her mind to and power to fullest and created four creatures made up from pure shadows with physical form, These shadows were in the form of animal, All of them were dogs and or most likely wolves,

With her mind order these creatures started attacking to the "Bone Guardian".

After about ten minutes later, Elenie smiled as she looked at Skraal, Skraal too smiled. The battle finished quickly after Elenie started creating and using her power to attack to Bone Guardian and focusing on the enemy who is easy to kill with numbers.

If Elenie focused on killing Guardian it will take longer and she will need to fight against to Bone Mage, which is dangerous than fighting against the Guardian who is a close-fighter.

By using numbers she killed Mage and used her own spells to damage and slow the Guardian. After the Bone Mage died, all other lords and Elenie herself attacked. Guardian and managed to kill it easily without too much of a problem.

Skraal flicked his hand and Elenie saw three different realm in his mind. These realms are weird and different than each other. She did not know whe she started seeing three different images at the same time.

Skraal basically gave these three images to her to finish her training. The reason for the images solidfy to learned experience she had.

You advance forward through the tempting portal locked in a forgotten basement. You're immediately met by a vibrant world. Clouds of dust fill the air, it stings your eyes and lungs with every breath and obstructs your vision. You feel nauseous, there must be something in the air, but who knows what it is.

Due to these dreadful surroundings you can't help but feel danger lurks around every corner. This world is clearly manageable, but at the very least you should be able to survive for a week.

Close around you you see parts of somehow somewhat familiar creatures. Instinctively, some creatures treat you with fear or ferocity, the time to take risks is definitely not now. You can see enormous creatures, flying creatures, and what you think might be lean creatures of some sort.

Strange as this world may be, you feel confident enough your supplies will last as there's a world of wonders at your finger tips. But, with perseverance, a curious mind, and some resourcefulness, you'll be able to make the most of this once in a lifetime opportunity.

- Never Forget and always expect smartest things from the enemy Rule 1 -


You travel forward through the faint portal in this sacred temple. You're immediately met by a charming world. A dark world meets you, but as your eyes adjust you begin to see a world of bio-luminescence. Animals and plants glowing in the dark. The sound of thick bubbles escaping some form of mud or viscous liquid can be heard all around you.

Who knows what secrets this world holds, but some things may be best left a secret. This world is no picnic and the only real obstructions are your own abilities.

Close to your proximity you see bits and pieces of the most bizarre looking creatures. While they appear to be docile and safe, better safe than sorry, so you keep a good distance. You manage to find traces of hairy creatures, fluffy creatures, and what you think might be slithering creatures of some sort.

With a final check of your supplies you ready yourself as you begin your life as a wanderer, explorer, and adventurer in this new world. But, with an eye for details, a bit of tenacity, and a great sense of adventure, you'll be able to register this world for those in your own 

- Always try to use your "Law" with creativity use the basics to create advanced use of power -

You go forward through the familiar portal previously locked behind intricate locks and traps. You're immediately met by an inhospitable world. Lightning strikes close to you and then again and again. The sky roars as an eternal thunder storm dominates this realm. A strange energy hangs in the air and makes the hairs on your arms rise.

Regardless of the horrible conditions you don't feel a sense of dread or danger. This world is no easy undertaking, but you've caught but a glimpse of what this world has to offer.

Close around you you see the silhouettes of eerily familiar beings. Not all the creatures seem content with your presence, you try to avoid getting too close. You manage to spot chunky creatures, scaly creatures, and what you think might be fluffy creatures of some sort.

You decide to make some final preparations around the portal entrance as a whole new world will unfold before your very eyes. But, with a bit of luck, a few back-up plans, and perseverance, you'll be able to make the most of this once in a lifetime opportunity. 

- Do not forget who gave you the power and do not try to be enemy with him -

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