The Master Necromancer

Chapter 91

Chapter 91

Skraal took a deep breath and went to his room. Elenie is now a Origin Mage, he does not need to do anything to improve his power. When he was in his room. His door knocked on, not the room of his room.

The room of house was to one knocked. Skraal get up and walked out of basement and opened to outside door.

A man with black-clothes gave him a simple letter and then started walking away from to door and then vanished in crowds of people and mages.

Skraal looked at the simple black letter and entered his room and went to his office. He opened to letter and read it is contents.

"Letter White Night Organization."

"I am Artio Whitel, Leader of White Night Organization, An organization that made up from all "Origin Mages."

"I am sending you this letter to invite you to my organization as a High-Level member, after you accept the invitation. I will give you more information."

Skraal took a deep breath and started thinking. It was not a bad thing to get invited by a organization that completely have origin mages which is too much of a capable compared to ordinary mages.

Skraal had it is doubts as he did not know many things about this organization. He prepared himself and got outside. He walked towards to a Inn that he did not entered before.

The name of Inn is "Seeker Inn" and it is not that big but still most of the times full with many mages. Almost all people come here are mages or warriors with capable use of magic energy.

So, it was a good thing for Skraal and understandable that he would come here.

He entered the Inn a deep smell of beer and food entered his nose, Skraal smiled and started walking towards to counter. The other people did not gave him any second look as they were chatting or having fun.

Skraal, reached the counter and looked at the young girl on the counter and started talking.

"I need information."

As Skraal said these words, he did some magical ability that can only be done by Level 6 or higher-level mages.

The young girl who saw what Skraal did shocked and her face who was outgoing and smiling turned into serious and as she bowed she went to back of bar and within seconds an old woman with white hair showed up.

The woman was around age of 60 and she looked like a witch of some sort. Skraal smiled to woman and asked.

"I need information about an organization."

Witch woman nodded and showed five with her fingers. Signaling that Skraal needs to pay Five Magic Stones.

Skraal did not said anything and just paid magical stones and asked.

"I need information about White Night Organization".

As Skraal said his words, eyes of old woman turned serious and her breath got faster. But she did what she needed to do.

"White Organization an ancient organization of secret mages, their power is unexplainable and too much for ordinary folks and mages. They most of the time interested in dimensional matters and other realms. Such as Zones and other things."

"Their foundation known as built more than 10.000 years ago and they existed until now."

"Their members are all at least level 5 mages but as I said it is not known many things about their members and capabilities. It said that they are different kind of mages which called "Origin Mages" but I dont know anything about that."

Old woman finished and Skraal ordered a beer and then drank it quickly then left and went towards to his home.

As he entered his home and entered his office, he looked at invitation and let out a breath and smiled.

He then checked his status understand his power.

Skraal Level 10

Class Necromancer

Gis Energy 10.0


- Points = " 0 "

- Origins -

Ghost Origin %16=

Necromancy Origin %11

Death Origin %0.31

At this time, Skraal did not hesitated anymore and read all the books about "Ghost Origin", Within three days, he finished all the books he gathered from the tower and read them all as he understand to books and things he needed to understand.

As he finished reading the books, he entered a deep image and realm, it was easy to understand as because, he needed to finish these books most of the time and because of his power increase, t was only to be expected to see some images and dreams.

The nation of Setan. Built upon the bountiful nature, war and friendship of its past, this nation is now among the most bleak countries in its corner of the world.

Their life expectancy, natural resources and housing are among its current greatest strengths. Unfortunately they lack a lot in sustainability and public safety.

Setan is a confederate nation. There are quite a few opposing groups against the current leadership, but this hasn't always been the case.

However, the current greatest threat to the nation is an animal disease, but the current leadership is unable to solve this issue.

The people of Setan are bitter. They live cruel lives, but while sustainability is really lacking, their life expectancy helps relief some of their issues.

Religion holds no importance at all in their lives and, if anything, has made them more reserved. The people of Setan aren't really spiritual either and they rely more on what they can prove and their history.

He saw three different society dreams in his mind. The dreams were too much realistic compared to other times. But it changed his power completely.

With this amount of power, Skraal believed that there is not many mages and people who can take out himself out with ease.

He did not even scared from White Night Organization at all, if the time arises and they become enemies, he believes even if he can not destroy the other side saving his life is easy.

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