The Only Aura User In Magic World

Chapter 134 - Visiting A New City

It has been two days since I left that dungeon. I have been spending my time trying to use the wand I recently gotten, but there was no progress. Maybe it's because I have no aptitude to the element of this wand.

Maybe I'm right that this is an earth element magic wand. I'll just keep it for now and when I return to Cassau, I'll give it to Sam so her appraiser can appraise it. If it's an earth element wand like I thought, then it's better if I give it to Kayla. As for Angela, she already has a lot of attack magic in her arsenal.

Right now, I'm in Hirugas city. My main goal for entering this city? It's to buy a new pair of shoes. Even though I can cover my feet with Aura, being barefooted all the time is no good. Many kind of illness can happen just by walking barefooted in the wild. That's what I learned as a doctor.

About this city I'm in… it's one of the cities that will be attacked by a stampede along with Melk. That's why I've seen several people I know. They are all the winners of the audition who won Albert's trust. There are also several people who has exploding devices in their mouth, but I won't make any move since Albert's agents are already here.

But I can still help a bit. I'll just grab one of Albert's men and tell him I'm Ninja, then I will point my fingers at those who have explosive devices inside their mouth. That's good enough.

Good thing I tried to memorize people's faces. If it was me in the past, I won't bother remembering other people's faces other than those I meet most, or some famous people. Just like how I don't remember the face of the nodding guy. Is he well? Is he nodding at someone else? Does he not remember me? I hope you're doing well, nodding guy. Unless you're secretly member of the cult. If you are, please die.

I went into a shop and buy me a nice pair of boots. It feels better than my last one. As for its color, it doesn't matter since it will be mud-colored soon.

After buying a pair of boots and equip them right away, I left the store and look for a face I know. I then grabbed one audition winner and point him the members of the cults nearby.

"Hey, you!"

"Hmm? Who are you and what do you want?" The man asked.

"I'm Ninja. You've seen me at the audition." I whispered to him so no one can hear.

"You're Ninja? But what audition?"

"For you, it's an interview. But for me and Albert, we called it audition. I wear a mask that day so it's normal for you to not know me."

"Oh, you're Ninja. I never thought that you are so young. Can I help you?"

The man's attitude changed after I told him who I was. Albert or Candy should have tell the winners about the fact that I'm Albert's friend and the one who inform him about the cult. But they never told the winners about me coming from the future.

"I'm leaving this city right now and I want you to accompany me to the gate so I can show you some people who belong to the cult. I'll left the decision on what to do with them to you."

I have finished taking care of my business in this city. I just need to buy a pair of boots, and some supply for the rest of my journey. As for resting, I can do that in the wild as long as I find a good location. I don't need to waste my time staying at an inn for that.

"Are you busy today?" I asked

"Not at all. I'm here as a hunter and I just finished my request today. I'll follow you to the gate. By the way, in case you forgotten my name, its…"

"No need. It's already difficult for me to remember your face. I'll just end up forgetting about your name. And it's not like we'll meet again in the future."


He seems dejected when I said I don't need an introduction. Well, that's fine. After all, in case we meet again in the future, I might have forgotten your face.

"I hope your memory is better than mine since I don't want to repeat if again. Let's go! By the way, the old man you speak to before is one of them."

"What?! So our guess is right."

He seems surprised when he heard about it. But saying that their guesses is correct meant that he was just trying to get some info from the old man.

"I'll tell you about everyone with explosive devices inside their mouth within our sight so there might be some people that I missed."

"So you really do have a see-through vision! I'm so envious of your ability! I thought that Candy was just speak nonsense. By the way, I heard that she's your girlfriend now. Is that true?"

"Yeah she is. Why?"

"Nothing. Just many men crying after hearing that. Both Candy and Wendy are the goddesses in the agency, you know?"

"I see. Well, just don't try to flirt with her or I will come to you, okay? And the two girls who were just passing us are members of the cult."

I continued pointing the people who are members of the cult.

"Are you in a hurry? If not, I can pretend to show you around the city while you tell me all the members of the cult we passed. That way, we will find most of their members in this city." The man suggested to walk around the city.

"Sure. Let's do it. And that man with one eye is also a member."

The man whose name I don't know took me around the city while I told him about all the members of the cult I find.

"That girl with a peg leg is a member."

"That bearded auntie is a member."

"That one who ate banana by eating it from the middle first is a member. You know from how she ate that banana. She's totally evil."

"That man wearing a thong is a member. Sometime I wish I'm blind."

"That granny selling flowers is a member. But be careful because she has the strongest muscle I've ever seen other than me and some people I have met. I think she could be in the top ten. Scary…"

"That hooded man sitting on the park whose face can't be seen but actually is crying at the moment, he's a member of the cult. He must have stubbed his toe from how his toenail broke. That's why you should always pick a good boots."

I pointed at everyone who has explosive device inside their mouth to the man I'm with.

"…umm, thank you for telling me but I think some comments are unnecessary. I mean some of them are something that only you can see."

"You think being able to see-through objects is a blessing? Think again. Still envious of this?"

I still remember how he said that he's envious of this vision. Let's tell him how much of a curse this ability is. Although most of the time it's a blessing, the things I've seen… is too much for a mere mortal.

"I guess that's all I've seen over here. There are some people inside buildings that haven't come out so you need to judge them properly whether they are from the cult or not. And so far I can tell if someone is a member of the cult by looking inside their mouth, but I believe there are other members who doesn't have them inside their mouth. My guess is that they are the higher-ups of the cult." I explained.

"I see. I'll keep that in mind."

"Do you think the plan will work? Letting the stampede happen and you can kill all the monsters while evacuating all the citizens?" I asked the man.

Although it was Albert's plan and I had already let him do whatever he want, I'm still worried about letting the stampede happen.

"Yes. Most of the agents here works as hunters. We also take care of all powerful monsters nearby so when the stampede happen, there will only be weak monsters that even E-rank hunter can defeat. Let's hope the reinforcement his majesty will get us to help evacuate the citizens are capable."

"Don't worry about it. If they are still training after I left them, and I believe that they are, evacuating the citizens is something easy for them. Albert said that he will meet them and auditioned them soon. As for you, the monsters and the citizens are taken care of, but be careful of the member of the cult. I suggest some of you will pretend as a thief to rob and kill those people. Pretend you're stealing, but your main goal is to kill them. And try to aim for a normal criminal as well even if they are not from the cult. That way, it won't make them think that we are aiming for them." I suggested an idea for him.

"That sounds like a good idea. I'll discuss it with the one in charge of this area. But that mean we will lack manpower if we do everything." The man seems pondering about it.

"Well, that was just a suggestion. Whether you do it or not, I'll leave the decision to you guys. I'll be leaving now. Take care."

I shook my hand with the audition winner whose name I don't remember and leave the city.

Now my next destination is home. Let's take another detour and see what I can obtain. I hope I can find a Pear-y Fruit for Lina. And for me in case I reached Advanced level.

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