The Only Aura User In Magic World

Chapter 135 - I'm The Weakest

About five days since I left Hirugas City, I've decided it's time to go home. I'm so lonely.

I traveled from Hirugas to Cassau directly, but whenever I see a dungeon I would enter them. All the dungeons have been long discovered and the treasures inside are scarce. Some of the dungeons even doesn't have any treasures since hunters often enter and fight for the treasures. The only thing left for me are magic stones which I sent all of them to Victoria to carry.

But yesterday when I sent some magic stones to her via portal, Victoria told me that she will separate herself from the group and hunt monsters on her own. Which means if I get more treasures, valuables, or delicious monsters, I have to bring them with me.

And today, I found out the reason why Victoria left the group. Just when I'm preparing for lunch, Sonia appears to inform me about the girls' whereabouts.

"Sonia. It's been a while."

"Yeah. How have you been?" Sonia asked.


"I bet."

"How's everyone?" I asked about the others' condition.

"Ruby's group is doing well. Ian decided to become a hunter to help us build a clan quicker. Especially when you're in the group. You will end up trying to delay building the clan as much as possible so you don't have to take Albert's requests, right?"

"Maybe you're right, maybe you're wrong. How's the kids?"

"Hannah and Daniel played a lot with Lana. Daniel even read Lana a book even though he can barely read. It has been decided that most of the time, Ruby and Ian will take care of Lana. They say that they are already too old to have their own child so it's a good idea for those two to act as Lana's grandparent." Sonia replied.

"That's good. How about Albert?"

"He told me that there have been several attempt to probably kidnap Alan. But ever since your so-called audition help him gain more trusted allies, the security in the palace has been increased. Especially after knowing the enemy and what they capable of."

Yeah. Even a noble's wife in the capital was secretly a member of the cult so I bet there are still some of them in the palace that I don't know of. But I guess Mustache and other agents are doing well.

"Albert also said that he will go to Mellian in three days to meet Hill and the other. He said he will interview the noble there first and then Hill and his men so he know if he can trust them or not." Sonia continued.

"How about the girls?"

"We just arrived at Cassau. That's why I'm here. Also we are getting Sunny a new vase and other necessities by using some the profit that you gain from the leftovers that Sam sold."

I guess that's why Victoria told me she's leaving the group. The other have arrived at home after all. But there's one thing Sonia told me that's bugging me.

"Those necessities are unnecessary!"

How could they just use someone else's money freely?

"Too late. Money has been spent."

"How much?! How much did they spent my money?!"

"… I think it's better for you to go diving after you return"

Those are my money! My money! How could they do that to me?

"Roy. This is what it meant to have girlfriends. Your money is not yours anymore. Your belongings doesn't belong to just you anymore. I tell you this because I was a girlfriend of many." Sonia said telling her experience of taking the wealth of men she seduced.

"I still don't like it, okay?!"

After few moment of silence for my money and all the things that I owned become co-owned, Sonia continued speaking.

"By the way, right now you're the weakest in magic level along with Lina. Kayla has breakthrough to intermediate level in her healing magic, while Sonia has improved in her lightning magic. And Angela even already improved her fire element into intermediate level. As for Lina, if she want to, she can let Sunny fight and improve her level. Which mean you are the weakest among us in magic level. Of course not counting the non-combatant."

"That's great! It means that their effort bear fruits! I need to go back to Cassau to be able to cultivate using the air element magic stone I made. Are they done yet?"

It has been a while since I tried making them. But when I checked on them the last time, the magic stones haven't change their element into air element at all. But I think it should become one soon.

"Yes they have. You should come home soon so you can cultivate." Sonia said.

"I think I'll be home in a few days. Don't spend all money before I return."

"…no promise." Sonia said as she disappear.


They still want to spend my money again?  What are they spending so much money for? Decoration for house?

I quicken my pace so I can get home faster and stop them from spending my money. But whenever I encounter any monster, I would stop and greet them first before I killed it or let them escape.

There are several monsters who seem to understand my language. I think that's why they choose to leave me alone when I said "I come in peace". But the number of monsters who doesn't understand is a lot more.

I also found some dungeon which I entered and explore it for a while. But if it takes more than one day to explore the dungeon, I'll leave.

The progress of strengthening my Aura seem to be going well. But I think it's too slow considering I only practiced against weak monsters. The strongest monster I practiced with are those with similar strength as hobgoblins. Any stronger than that then I killed them without practicing.

But now, when I'm covering my whole body with Aura and got hit by a hobgoblin's attack, I don't feel as much pain as before. So I think I can practice against monsters a bit stronger than that. But as for the giant fire lizard that burnt my shoes, I think it's still impossible without Victoria.

Should I summon her? She said she was leaving on her own so I guess she's working her best. Even she want to be able to stay in control forever and not let Blobby take charge of her body. Having a shared consciousness must be tough.

I still wonder today what kind of monster a black slime is. I've never seen any other black slime other than Blobby even in my past life. And what kind of slime able to return someone into the past? There must be an answer inside Blobby's real consciousness. That's why I need to increase the level of my summoning level.

The increase of level for summoning mage doesn't seem to be much. I was only told that our summoning speed become faster. But one of my patient in the past who was a summoner told me that her contracted monster also slightly getting stronger than before she leveled up. She used to think that once she leveled up, she would kill her contracted monster and try to make a contract with a stronger one.

But when she leveled up, not just her summon getting stronger. Even the communication between her and her summon become smoother. Her summon become able to understand difficult order. That's why she became reluctant to kill her summon.

Maybe if I level up, I can communicate with Blobby's real consciousness which I never know about. Victoria also doesn't know about the real Blobby, but she somehow understand Blobby's power to return back in time. Maybe Blobby also has other power than shapeshifting.

While I continue my travel, I encounter an orc. It should be an easy win, but I never tried fighting it without using magic or without Victoria by my side. And I never let it hit me even once before. Let's see if it's stronger than a hobgoblin or not.

"Let's have a fight, pig face!"

This time, I don't bother try to see if the orc understand me or not. I just asked for a fight with it.

The orc then swung its club at my head which I blocked with both my arms crossed above my head. Of course I used Aura to cover my whole body, not just my arms.

And the result is I blocked the attack but I got pushed down a bit. I guess orc's strength is only slightly stronger than that of hobgoblin. Which mean this is a good opponent for practice.

This time, like usual, I tried fighting it unarmed, without using my spear or any kind of weapon. I pretend to swing my fist slow so the orc can dodge it and the fight will last longer and I can get hit more.

Wait, no! That's not my intention! I want to get hit, but I don't want to get hit! I mean I'm willing to get hit so my Aura can be stronger, and not because I'm a pervert!

There's no way I want to get hit on purpose because I love to get hit! I did it because it's a practice!

After a few bout, the orc became tired and move slower. I think it's time to end it so I threw a combination punches and kicks and defeat it.

After defeating it, I don't feel good at all.

"Why is Aura user's practice has to be so perverted?!"

I think about it every day since I began my journey.

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