The Porter is Secretly an SS-Level Hunter

Chapter 34: The Fall of Dungeons (2)

Chapter 34: The Fall of Dungeons (2)

"If things are going to be like this for a while, I might have to go into my savings. I still need to pay for school." Isona sighed as she looked through her phone, trying to calculate if she had enough money to pay for her classes.

"I should probably see if I can go back to my old part-time job." Wey finally spoke after he thought for a while.

Even though porters did not make enough like the hunters, they were still able to contain a living. But now that dungeons are down, it would be harder for porters to pay for things.

Neban finally broke from his thoughts once he heard Isona and Wey's voice. Theo was quiet, not saying anything, and Neban could not help but think that his son was still a bit shook from the small earthquake earlier.

Maybe he should take him to bed early.

Reaching over while keeping a hold of Theo, Neban set the food plates on the table in front of the couch. Then he stood up, taking Theo with him as he asked his son, "Do you want to rest?"

Theo looked at the food before facing Neban, "The food?"

"I can bring it to the room if you want."

Thinking for a second, Theo slowly nodded as he held on to his dad's shirt with trembling hands. Neban turned towards Isona and Wey, "I will be back."

He picked up Theo's plate with his free hand then walked out and made way to his bedroom. When he reached the room, he set Theo on the bed then put his food in front of him.

As he was getting ready to stand up, Theo grabbed Neban's shirt again, "Can you stay?"

Neban nodded, "Yeah, but give me a second."

Theo agreed to it as he let go. Neban walked out, making his way back to the living area as he saw Isona and Wey still on the couch, looking through their phones.

"Sorry to cut this visit short, but Theo needs me right now." Neban started, catching their attention.

Isona looked up first as she stood up, pocketing her phone, "That is fine. We will come back tomorrow. Also, I do not want to waste the food we made. Can we have something to package it?"

"Yeah, we do not mind," Wey added as he put his phone away before standing up.

Neban hummed as he took their plates and brought them to the kitchen to package them. When he finished, he walked back to the other two, who were standing by the door.

Isona and Wey grabbed their plates, telling Neban, 'Thank you.'

"I will see you tomorrow." Neban goodbye, but they did not walk out yet.

Isona and Wey looked at each other like they were communicating with their eyes again before they stepped closer to him.

Neban looked confused at the closeness, wondering what they were doing. They answered his question when Isona kissed him, followed by Wey kissing him last.

They moved back right after as all their faces were red. Neban looked away, not knowing what to say as Isona and Wey muttered goodbye before walking out.

When Neban heard the door closing, he calmed his surprisingly racing heart before making his way back to his son.


The next day, it was early in the morning, as Neban was at his parents' house with Theo. It has been a while since he saw his parents because they had become busy again when Xan started babysitting Theo.

But now that Neban is not working, he has been with Theo 24/7.

"Have you been eating well?" His mother asked.

Neban nodded as he watched Theo playing chess with his grandpa. He found it cute and funny because it looked like his father was on the losing side.

The mother sighed at her son; it seemed like he was barely listening. "I am happy that you haven't been to the dungeons, especially with what is happening now."

This morning, five more low-level dungeons broke down; fortunately, monsters still haven't came out. Unfortunately, with the rate that dungeons are getting destroyed, Neban worried that the clans and Mother would be here pretty soon.

"Did you call me over to talk about how you are happy that I am not in dungeons anymore?" Neban asked as he finally looked at his mother. She always disliked and worried about Neban being a hunter (and porter).

His mother found the job extremely dangerous, but she knew that Neban was strong and too stubborn (and grown; he is 27) to stop him. But that did not mean she would let her dislike go.

His mother clicked her tongue at Neban's question, "I called you over because I have not seen my son and grandson in a while; I missed you too. But, I cannot help but show my relief at you not being in a dungeon."

Neban felt a bit guilty for being rude to his mother; he missed her too, and so did Theo. "I know."

Shaking her head, his mother picked up her tea, taking a small sip before setting it back down. Her hair, which was beginning to turn grey, flowed from the fan in the room as she watched her son.

"You know, after all these years, I still know you well, Neban. I can see that you are calmer these days, but at the same time, something angers and worries you. What happened? You know you can tell your mother anything."

Neban sighed as he touched his chin before looking away from his son to glance at his mother again. Ever since he was young, and even though he barely showed emotions, his mother knew him best. He could never hide anything from her.

"I saw Angel and Luka." He answered.

His mother pulled a disgusted face that was followed by fury, "Those two are back here, in Oskana? I thought they would stay in Quthela forever."

Neban bitterly laughed at that, "No, you know the government would never let them stay far away from this country."

"I am sorry that you had to meet them. If you want to, we can cut back on hours again and watch Theo. Hunters cannot attack civilians unprovoked."

Neban shook his head at that. He did not want to involve his parents. Neban will not allow what happened two years ago to start again. He will keep his son safe on his own and get rid of anyone who tries to hurt him.

His mother sighed before shaking her head to let it go; she tends to forget that her son has grown up. She could not help that she wanted to baby him a while longer.

"And where does your calmness come from?" His mother changed the subject.

Neban went back to watching Theo as he thought for a second before saying, "I am in a relationship."

His mother popped up with shock, almost dropping her tea along the way, "Are you serious! Oh my, I never thought I would hear those words leave your mouth. You better not be playing with me, Neban."

Trying to hold back, Neban could not as he let out a laugh at his mother's reaction. His mother calmed down when she heard his laughter as a smile graced her face.

Hearing Neban laugh was a rare occurrence, and when his mother got to listen to it, she could not help but want to record it and keep it with her forever.

"I am telling the truth. I would not lie to you, mother. I am in a relationship."

"With whom?"

"Two people."

"Two people? I should question this, but I am too happy that you are finally with someone, even if it is two people."

Neban shook his head at his mother, trying to wipe the smile off his face (it was hard to be emotionless around family), "It will only be those two people. They are the only ones I feel something for; Theo likes them too."

His mother hummed, "That is nice. Tell me more: what are their names, what do they do, how old are they, can I meet them?"

Neban quickly stood up, glancing at his phone before saying, "Look at the time; I must be going, mother. I will see you soon."

His mother took another sip of her tea before glancing at Neban with stern eyes, "I will let you off this one time, but do know, a mother will find out."

Neban did not say anything as he walked over to Theo and picked him up. "I am telling your father!" His mother shouted.

"Telling me what?" His father asked while he looked at his wife then back to his son.

"Nothing," Neban muttered as he quickly left the house without looking back. Theo was waving bye to his grandparents.

Theo looked at his dad as they walked out of the house and onto the sidewalk. "You are not keeping secrets, are you, papa?"

Neban hesitated a bit before shaking his head. Theo narrowed his eyes; he was too sharp for a four-year-old and knew his dad was lying to him.

But before he could ask again, Neban quickly moved Theo to his side as his sword swiftly appeared in his hand. Neban sliced an arrow in half that was coming towards them.

Theo tightened his hold on his dad as Neban looked around for the person who shot the arrow at them.

"Ah, I missed him," A voice spoke from a building that was far from Neban and Theo. The person reloaded their bow before pulling the arrow and string back, quickly releasing it.

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