The Porter is Secretly an SS-Level Hunter

Chapter 35: Siren (II)

Chapter 35: Siren (II)

Note: Siren is genderless because they can transform into anything, so they do not have a definite gender.


As Siren rested in the corner, waiting until sundown, they could not help but feel jealous of the children. They were running around, laughing, enjoying their freedom to the point of making Siren sick.

Siren wanted to be free; no, they craved freedom. They hated being a pet, they hated the torture, and they hated being weak most of all. Seeing these kids made Siren want to forget the plan and run away.

But they knew they couldn't, especially with the collar that was still on their neck, demonstrating how powerless they are.

'It is stupid to think about this.' Siren thought as they cleared everything from their mind. They only need to focus on killing the kids, and starting a war amongst the clans, just like Mother asked.

They went back to watching the sky out of the window, noticing that the color was starting to change, indicating that the sun was beginning to go down.

'It is time.'

The children were sitting in a circle while their caretaker was reading a story to them. No one paid attention as Siren slithered towards them while changing their color to blend in with the floor.

Siren stopped behind the first child, moving towards their hand before opening their mouth, showing off their fangs covered with poison. They quickly bit them before moving to the next child.

They heard the one they bit, letting out a silent, 'ow,' before rubbing the bitten hand.

Siren sneakily and swiftly moved as they went around the circle, biting the other children. They were going to go for the caretaker but thought against it. The person began to notice that the kids were complaining about the pain they were feeling.

Slithering away, Siren watched from a shaded area as the caretaker set down their book as the person started to examine the children and what was causing them pain.

But it was already too late to fix anything as the children fell to the ground. The poison already reached their brains. The caretaker started to freak, trying to feed their blood to the children to stop them from convulsing.

But it did not work as the children could not open their mouths to take the blood before they completely stopped moving.

Seeing this, the caretaker ran out of the room with a frightened expression as they went to get the parents.

Siren stayed in the room, watching the kids while making sure the snakebites were noticeable (they did not know how the caretaker did not see it, but the person was probably more worried about the children).

Siren felt cold as they kept gazing at the unmoving children; the poison even made the undead dead again without the fire. Once upon a time, Siren was the destroyer of worlds. But even then, they never wanted to hurt children.

And look at them now, going against everything they told themselves not to do by killing these kids for Mother.

'I am sorry.' Siren apologized as they bent their head down. They stayed like that until they heard footsteps making their way to this area.

Siren quickly moved, escaping before taking one last glance at the children.

Once they reached outside, passing all the people running into the building, they slithered away from the clan.

When they reached a spot away from all the commotion, Siren transformed back into their original form before sitting on the ground. They crawled to a wall, resting their back and head on it as they were breathing hard.

Siren was trying to calm their trembling hands while ignoring the sweat that was dripping down their face. Their stomaching was growling, feeling like it was ready to cave in on itself.

They knew transforming would do this to them because they haven't had any food in so long. Siren bitterly laughed before a coughing fit came.

Bringing up their shaking hand to look at it, Siren notices their blood on it. Even though it was a stupid thing, Siren could not help the saliva filling their mouth as they greedily licked their blood off their hand.

"You are a sight to see, Perditor." A familiar voice laughed.

Siren stiffened, throwing their hand down as they got on their knees before looking up at Mother. "I finished."

Mother smiled at them before bending down as her umbrella shielded them; she did not care that her dress was touching the filthy ground.

Her hand touched Siren's cheek, softly petting it, "I know. You did an excellent job."

"Food?" Siren asked; they were so hungry.

Mother continued to pet their cheek, smiling at Siren before her eyes turned harsh and the soft touch became harsh.

"You dare ask for food when you did the thing I told you not to: consume blood."

"I-it was my blood I consumed. Please, I am starving." Siren begged, cringing on the inside about what they become once again. 'I hate this woman.' Their hearts repeatedly said.

"That counted too, honey." Mother spoke before her hand moved down, touching the collar on Siren's neck.

Siren stiffened, already knowing what was to come as they tried to relax their body; it was impossible.

Mother spoke to the collar, causing it to glow red.

She let go of Siren as their body fell to the ground as it moved in weird positions. Siren's body felt like it was on fire, and their insides were melting. They opened their mouth to scream, but nothing came out as their eyes began to blur.

A drop of tears falls from their eyes as Mother was standing up, looking down at Siren.

"It hurts me as much as it hurts you to do this." It was the last thing Siren heard before everything turned black.



When Siren woke up again, they tried to get up, only for their body to feel like a thousand needles were stabbing it. So, they decided to lay there for the time being.

Siren noticed that they could move their head and looked around to see where they were. Mother seemed to have put them back in their cage.

Plus, Siren noticed that they were lying in the corner they usually rested in.

Sighing, Siren didn't have the energy to react or give a coherent thought. So, they stared at the ceiling, trying to recall slipping memories when they were once free.

"Are you enjoying yourself?" A voice spoke with a hint of mocking in their tone.

Siren looked around for the voice, only for their eyes to land on Mother's favorite servant: Narith, who was standing on the other end of the cage.

Narith is a psychotic vampire; the Lynai Clan kicked him out because he would kill anyone, even his brethren, for food and games.

Mother picked him off the streets because she loved his psychotic nature. And ever since then, Narith's favorite time is to mess with Siren.

"H-have you come to p-play? I am not in the mood." Siren answered, hating the stutter with their words because their throat felt like shit.

Narith walked towards Siren before he bent down next to them. He grabbed Siren's arm, looking at it as they spoke, "Mother said I could play with you as punishment."

"I do not care," Siren answered as they glanced at Narith.

Narith looked at them before moving back to their arm, "I was not asking." Then they pulled Siren's arm in a weird position, successfully breaking it.

Siren bit their lip, almost breaking skin as they held back a scream. Their vision almost blackened for a second as they blinked a few times to clear it away.

"Perditor, please do not be boring with me. I want to hear your lovely sounds." Narith laughed as they moved towards Siren's legs.

"Fuck you!"

Just for the cursing, Narith quickly broke both of Siren's legs, almost catching them off guard as they swiftly bit their lip, breaking the skin.

The scent of blood filled the room, causing Narith's eyes to glow as his gaze fell on the blood that was slowly forming on the lip.

Narith stood up before moving on top of Siren, sitting down on them as he pulled out a short blade. "How wonderful." Narith softly sighed as he cut the top part of Siren's clothes, showing their chest.

Siren wanted to push the psycho off of them, but they could not move, and they were too weak to even fight back.

Narith began to cut lines into Siren's skin, causing more blood to spill out. The vampire touched the blood before putting his finger in his mouth to lick them clean.

Putting his hand back down on the blood, Narith was smiling hard, showing off his fangs. "I would love to cut every part of you and paint your body completely red. But Mother would be sad if she lost her weapon."

"Then you should get off me and leave," Siren countered.

Narith laughed like Siren said the funniest thing before he grabbed their head, moving it to the side, so Siren's neck was in view. "You are not in the position to ask anything of me, pet."

Sensing what Narith was going to do, they tried to move their head but could not as the vampire was holding Siren's head down.

Narith smirk at that before bending down as his lips touches Siren's neck.

"Please don't. I cannot have any blood taken from me. I am already weak and bony." Siren pathetically pleaded.

They felt the vibration of Narith's chuckle as he opened his mouth, "What did I say about you not having any rights?"

Then the vampire bit down, taking Siren's blood. And this time, Siren could not hold back the tears that fell as they genuinely felt how powerless they were.

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