The Porter is Secretly an SS-Level Hunter

Chapter 39: Abilities

Chapter 39: Abilities

When Neban reached home and walked in, he saw Theo lying across Isona and Wey in the living area as they watched some detective show on the couch. 

Once Neban closed the door, they all popped up while Theo jumped off them and ran towards Neban. The boy almost tripped because he was still wearing his dad's jacket. 

Neban caught his son running towards him and picked him up as Theo wrapped his arms around his neck. 

Wey was already standing up when he walked towards the sofa. "I have some food in the microwave for you; I am going to heat it real quick." The man walked out of the room and towards the kitchen. 

Isona stayed seated as she looked up at him with a soft smile, "I see you did not take too long." 

"I told you I wouldn't," Neban responded before looking at Theo, who was in his arms. 

"How are you feeling?" Neban asked him. 

Theo rested his head on his shoulder before answering, "Better since you are here." 

Neban kissed the boy's forehead in response before sitting down on the couch. He turned Theo, so his son could see the television while resting in his lap. 

He wrapped his arms around Theo as the boy rested his back on him, turning to the show they were watching before Neban walked in. 

Isona was silent as she picked up one of her textbooks off the table in front of her as she laid back and opened it. 

"I apologize for ruining our plan," Neban spoke into the awkward silence that was secretly starting to build. 

Isona was getting ready to say something when Wey walked into the room, holding a plate of food and utensils as he set them on the table before sitting down on the couch. 

Neban looked at the food and saw that Wey made him (or all of them) honey salmon garlic. He remembered offhandedly, a few weeks back, saying that he did like salmon. 

Now Neban could not help but feel guilty because he did ruin the date that Isona and Wey seemed to have planned for him. 

"It is fine. Wey and I knew what we were getting into." Isona finally answered. Theo looked at all three of them, wondering what they were speaking about, but chose to ignore it for now. 

Wey kind of stiffened when he realized what they were talking about, but he did not add anything to the conversation. Neban did not know how to respond when it already felt like he was failing at this "relationship" thing. 

Instead, he reached over, taking Theo with him a bit as he picked up the plate and utensils. "Can I set this on your lap?" Neban asked his son. 

Theo nodded, not minding. 

Neban set the plate on his lap, making sure it wouldn't fall over as he used his fork to pull a piece off. He took a bite and held back his reactions because the salmon was delicious. 

"Is it good?" Wey asked, watching Neban eat like he was waiting for some critic. 

Neban took another bite, swallowing before saying, "It is good." He was getting ready to take another piece when he added last minute, "Thank you." 

Wey smiled, looking like he wanted to do something else, but when he glanced at Theo, he changed his mind. 

It was silent after that as Neban ate, Theo and Wey watched the show on the TV, and Isona continued to read her textbook. 

When night hit, Neban took a shower with Theo before putting the boy to bed when he finished dressing. Theo fell asleep after changing into his pajamas, so Neban did not have any problems when he laid his son down. 

Once he finished, he walked out of the bedroom, forgetting to put a shirt on when he entered the living area. Wey was cleaning the kitchen since he used it while Isona was packing up her school books. 

Isona looked up when Neban entered before looking back down with a red face. Neban did not seem to notice as he walked near her, "Do you and Wey want to spend the night?" 

Isona bit her lip, closing her bag before standing up and finally looking at Neban. Her eyes were not on him but his chest. Looking at Neban's upper body with a closer look, Isona cannot help but let her eyes trace the scars there. 

She fought the urge of wanting to pick her hands up and trace them. "Uh, no, we didn't bring any changes of clothes. Maybe, next time." Isona finally answered. 

Wey walked into the room, only to stop for a second when he noticed Neban without a shirt before continuing again. He stopped next to them. 

Neban moved to where he was facing both of them, "I know that I ruined the date. Do you think we can try again?" 

"Are you asking us on a date?" Wey asked with surprise in his tone. His eyes even left Neban's chest as he looked at him. 

Isona looked excited because she and Wey were the ones to initiate a date, so she was happy that Neban was asking them. 

Neban slowly nodded, a bit confused if he was (once again, he is not good at this). His response did bring a smile to Wey and Isona's face; they looked happier than when he returned home. So, Neban was relieved that he finally did something right. 

"Okay. Text us with more details when you think of what to do." Wey answered while Isona eagerly agreed with him. 

They both kissed his cheek, saying goodbye, before walking out of the house and closing the door behind them. Neban locked the door before walking back to the room. 

'How do I think of a date when I have never done one before until Wey and Isona?' Neban thought along the way. 

Hopefully, he won't mess this up. 


It was the next morning when Neban's phone going off woke him up. He touched around his bed, looking for his cellphone with his eyes closed. He may have accidentally hit Theo a few times, but he finally felt his phone. 

Neban picked it up, putting it towards his ear while saying, "Hello," when it took him a second to realize that he did not accept the call because it was still ringing. 

Neban opened one eye, answering the call before putting back to his ear. "Hello?" His voice sounded more profound than before since he just woke up. 

"Oh. Oh. Maybe I-I should have texted you." The voice of Isona answered. She sounded like she needed to drink some water with the way her voice broke. 

"Or maybe call you more when you wake up and tell Wey to do the same." Isona silently added like she didn't mean to say it out loud. 

"Isona?" Neban called, cutting her from speaking her thoughts out loud. 

"Sorry. So, I do not know if it is because of the weird things that are happening, but I do not think I am an F-level anymore." 

That caused Neban to wake up as he set up in his bed, causing Theo to move down to his leg. The boy started to move around, looking like he was getting ready to wake up. So, Neban began to rub his head until he heard a snore coming from Theo. 

"I do not think that can happen. Once you receive your level, you are stuck with it no matter what. There is no leveling up." Neban responded. 

"I know. But this morning, I almost dropped my drink on my textbook, and when I tried to capture it, the liquid froze mid-fall while the cup shattered. I tested it again, and I seemed to have gained an ability. 

"This should not be possible, so I am freaking out a bit." Isona explained. 

F-levels are stronger and more durable than regular humans that did not have any levels. But what put F-levels in a different category than D-levels and higher is that they did not have any abilities/skills. That is why they cannot become hunters and die quickly. 

For Isona to say that she gained an ability, even though she is an F-level, was surprising. Either porters and possibly hunters are mutating, or Isona is right in her theory, and she leveled up. 

"I think we should get you checked with the Orb of Yon." Neban finally answered. 

Isona made a noise that sounded like she did not want to, "And if I did level up? What am I going to do? The government would probably kidnap me and try to study me because, for 12 years, nothing like this has ever happened before." 

Neban hummed as he could not help but agree with what Isona was saying. The government would probably want her if, all of a sudden, she became a D-level. Now, he could not help but wonder if this is happening to others. 

"I can ask Xan if he can check you without having to report it, so we can see." 

Isona sighed, "Okay, call or text me back with his response. I am going to call Wey now. Talk to you later." 

Neban hummed, ending the call before he said something stupid. For some reason, he wanted to add, 'Tell Wey I said hey,' so he had to hang up before those words came out. 

He sighed before running his hands through his hair as he looked at his phone. 'Might as well call Xan since I am awake.' 

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