The Porter is Secretly an SS-Level Hunter

Chapter 40: Level = Lie

Chapter 40: Level = Lie

Neban dialed Xan's number and pushed the call button. The cellphone rang a few times before there was an answer. "How can I help you?" Xan's voice answered, sounding rough.

'The man sounded like I just woke him up. Maybe I should hang up?' Neban thought once he heard the man's voice. 

"I can call later if you like?" Neban answered. 

Hearing Neban's voice, the man on the other side of the phone shuffled for a bit as he put himself in a sitting position. Xan looked over at his clock, seeing that it was a quarter past seven in the morning. 

He rubbed his eyes before speaking once again, "It is fine. I needed to get up anyway. If I know my brother, he is waiting for me to make breakfast." 

Neban hummed, not knowing what to say to that. 

It was silent for a while before Xan cleared his throat and asked, "Why are you calling?" 

"There is something that needs checking. Is it possible to use the Orb of Yon without having to document anything?" 

"Are you asking me to use the Orb of Yon to check someone without documenting it?" Xan elaborated as he furrowed his brows. 

"Yes. But if you cannot, that is fine too." Neban quickly answered. 

Xan thought for a while, wondering why Neban would need the Orb of Yon. "Before I answer you, I need to know why." 

It was silent on both ends of the line as no one was talking. Xan was waiting for an answer. And Neban was already regretting this because what if the man did not want to do this. 

He had already made the man do a few illegal things, and if he got caught, the government would arrest Xan. 

But then again, what if the government already knew the things they have done? And if so, they are probably not doing anything because Xan is related to Angel and To. 

After a second, Neban finally answered, "My girl-girlfriend." He had to stop for a second because he felt embarrassed to stutter at that word. 

He took a deep breath; it was his first time dating someone, so yeah, it would be hard for him to say girlfriend or boyfriend, for that matter. 

Xan waited for Neban to speak again, not saying anything about the man stuttering, although he was surprised that Neban was dating someone. 

"She needs someone to check her level. She is an F-level, but some things have happened, and she needs to check if her level changed." Neban continued after he calmed himself. 

Xan raised his eyebrow, even though Neban could not see it through the phone. "That is not possible; a person's level is unchangeable." 

"I know, but stuff has been changing; maybe this is too. That is why we want to check." 

"Well, you got me curious. This afternoon, meet me at the company. No one is there since it is temporarily closed due to dungeons breaking down, so we will be fine." 

Neban nodded, "Thanks." 

"You're welcome. And before you go, thank you for helping my brother and bringing him back to me." 

Neban hummed at the response, not saying anything back about the man thanking him, knowing it did come off rude, "I will see you later." 

He hung up. 

Then he moved to his messages, getting ready to tell Isona until he thought about doing it on the group chat with her and Wey. 

He did not want Wey to feel left out. (Even though he forgets Owain sometimes, it is different, though, since he is dating Isona and Wey). 

Neban: Xan agreed. When the afternoon hits, come to the Porter Company. 

Isona: Oh, yay! I am happy he agreed; I can admit that I was getting nervous that he wouldn't. 

Wey: That is good. If you did level up, I wonder if it will happen to others?

Isona: Maybe? I don't know; this is a bit nerve-wracking, though. Do you want to come too, Wey?

Wey: No, I have some stuff to do. 

Isona: That sucks. 

Neban: After we finished, and if you are not busy later on, you can come over to my house, Wey. 


Wey: Okay

Isona: Ohh, does that include me too?

Neban: You will already be with me. 

Isona: Oh yeah, I forgot. 

Neban: I will see you soon. 

Neban turned his phone off, reaching over, so he could set it on his nightstand. Then he turned towards Theo, who was now snuggling into the sheets. Neban smiled at the sight before shaking the boy awake. 

Theo yawned as he opened his eyes, rubbing them, "Papa, is it time to wake up?" The boy was still sleepy as he blinked his eyes a few times after rubbing them. 

"Yeah. Want to make breakfast with me?" Neban asked him. 

Theo quickly popped up, widely awake now as he jumped out of bed with a broad smile, "Come on, papa, let's cook!" 

Neban chuckled at his son's antics as he got out of bed, "I'm coming, buddy." 


When the afternoon came, Neban was at the Porter Company with his son in his arms. "Oh, the building looks cool!" Theo shouted in awe as he looked at the company. 

Theo does not get out much, and when he does, it is either to the park, someplace to eat, or another person's house. So, the boy was amazed by the simplest of things. 

"Is that so?" Neban answered, smiling at him. 

Theo nodded his head with enthusiasm as he kept glancing at the building. 

When they reached the entrance, Xan and Isona were already at the front door, speaking with each other. Once they saw Neban and Theo, they greeted them. Isona rubbed Theo's head as she started to joke with him silently. 

"Are you all ready to go in?" Xan asked. 

They nodded as the man turned towards the door, unlocking it. Xan pushed the doors open, quickly walking to the alarm when a sound started to go off. 

Neban and Isona followed him as Theo kept looking around, amazed by the lights turning on once they walked in. 

Xan disabled the alarm before turning towards them, "Follow me, I will take you to the Orb of Yon room." 

He started to walk while they followed. They even took the stairs instead of the elevator. Theo kept talking the whole time, asking questions about what he was seeing.

No one minds and Xan would answer each of Theo's questions with no problems. 

When they reached the room, Xan pulled out another key as he unlocked the door to the room. Once they walked in, in the middle of the room was a giant orb. 

There were different versions of the Orb of Yon, but companies had vast ones (even the small devices they rarely use) because it was easier to check more than one person's level. 

The Orb of Yon was red and shaped exactly like a vast orb. Under it was a stand that had steps built on them. There was no light as the thing laid dull. But once someone puts their hand on it, the Orb of Yon would start to glow and transmit a message to the stand across it. 

The stand had a screen built into it that will show the person's level after a minute of measuring them. There was nothing grand to the Orb of Yon and the stand; the only thing that mattered was whether a person would be a porter or hunter. 

It was even better if the person's level was A and higher. 

"That is so cool. Can I touch it, papa?" Theo spoke, breaking everyone out of their thoughts. 

Neban shook his head, "No, you cannot. But you can watch how it works." 

Even though Theo was a bit sad about not being able to touch the orb, at least he could watch how it works. So, his smile remained as he nodded his head. 

Xan slapped his hands together, causing Isona and Theo to jump, "Let's get started. Isona, make your way to the orb." 

Xan walked to the stand as Neban followed him with Theo in his arms. Isona slowly made her way over, a bit nervous at what was going to happen. 

She was going to be an F-level with abilities or an E-level; either way, it was still nerve-wracking and life-changing. 

When she made her way in front of the orb, Neban and Xan waited for her to touch it. Xan did not have to do anything nor turn something on. Because the Orb of Yon automatically turns on once someone touches it. 

Isona stood there, taking a few deep breaths, not lifting her hand yet. A few minutes passed before Theo yelled out, "You got this." 

Isona laughed at the boy breaking through her thoughts as her nerves began to settle from those three words. She lifted her hand and touched the orb. 

The Orb of Yon turned on as it started to glow. They watched as the thing continued to shine bright for a minute before the light began to dull. 

Xan, Neban, and Theo looked down at the screen that turned on, displaying a letter. 

"Oh." Xan and Neban simultaneously exclaimed. 

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