The Porter is Secretly an SS-Level Hunter

Chapter 42: Levels Upgrading?

Chapter 42: Levels Upgrading?

On the screen was the letter D. 

Neban and Xan did not know how to adequately react as they only spoke one word because this was the first time, in twelve years since the phenomenon started, that someone's level upgraded. 

Isona was stepping away from the Orb of Yon, anxiously looking at the ground because she was not ready to ask for her level. 

It was silent for a while until Theo's voice broke it. 

"Papa, what does the letter D mean?" Theo asked; he was not versed in what levels, hunters, and porters meant. 

Isona quickly looked up when she heard what Theo said before running over to the stand, almost knocking Neban and Theo over as she went to check the screen. 

Neban leaned against the railing to keep his balance.

When she saw the letter, Isona did not know how to react as it clearly said that she was a D-level. "How did this happen?" She thought out loud. 

"I do not know, but I will keep it out of the documents; I do not think the government should know about this yet until we understand what's happening," Xan answered as the screen was beginning to fade away. 

Neban looked at the empty screen with thoughtful eyes, "I wonder if this is happening to others?" 

'It is Mother; she is most likely upgrading the humans' abilities, so she could have an exciting fight that ends in blood on both sides.' Siren finally spoke after being silent for so long. 

'Oh, you are back. And does that mean others will be upgrading?' Neban asked. 

'I needed the time to clear my mind, and most likely.' 

Before Neban could speak to Siren again, Theo spoke up, "My question?" 

Neban realized that no one answered Theo's question. Knowing his son, Theo would most likely keep asking until someone gives him the information. 

"I can explain it to you," Xan answered. 

Theo smiled and tried to jump from Neban's arms to make his way to Xan. Neban had to stop his son before setting him down and letting the boy go to Xan. They moved a few feet from them so Xan could explain but stayed close enough for Neban not to freak out. 

He turned to Isona, seeing that she was still looking at the blank screen with trembling hands. Neban grabbed her hand, holding it, causing Isona to look at him. 

"I used to wonder what it would have been like if people could upgrade their levels. Would it be the decline of porters? Or would there be a bunch of arrogant people? Have you ever thought about it?" 

Neban did not know how to comfort someone, so at the moment, he decided to use his past thoughts when levels first became a thing. Hopefully, it will work. 

Isona gave a small chuckle as she squeezed his hand, "I used to think about it too. I like to believe that most people thought about it initially, especially those who were F-levels. 

"But reality sunk in, and we realized that this was not a video game with a leveling system, so those thoughts disappeared. But seeing this now, I cannot help but feel like I am dreaming." 

Neban hummed before speaking, "Things are changing. Dungeons are disappearing, random portals are appearing with stronger monsters, and other levels might be upgrading. Humans learned a long time ago to adapt to change and evolution. 

"So maybe, we should adapt to this too, because everything has a reason." 

Isona smiled at him before standing on her toes and landing a soft kiss on his lips. Then she rested her forehead on his, "Thank you for comforting me. I must admit it was not bad." 

"Should I tell Wey that I am improving in character?" Neban jokes. 

A week back, Wey told Neban that he and Isona would improve his character by getting him to talk more and not come off as rude. 

Neban did not believe him, but he guessed Wey and Isona were changing his personality for the better. 

Someone clearing their throat behind them caused Neban to move away from Isona, even taking his hand away from her. 

Xan looked at them, then pointed at Theo, who was watching something on Xan's phone and not paying attention to them. 

Isona's face was red as she moved a few feet back, and Neban made his way to Theo, picking the boy up. 

"Papa, I learned a lot. I knew you were a hunter, but I did not know many things." Theo said when Neban picked him up. 

Neban gave him a small smile, "That is good. You should tell grandma and grandpa the new things you have learned." 

Theo nodded as Neban grabbed Xan's phone from him and returned it to the man. Xan took his cellphone before saying, "I believe it is time for us to go." 

They agreed and walked out of the room, making sure they did not leave anything behind, before exiting the building. 


When Neban returned home with Isona coming with him, he set Theo on the couch while Isona joined the boy. 

"I will be right back. And tell me if Wey can come over." Neban told them before walking away. He could hear Theo's excitement at the possibility of Wey coming over. 

When he walked into his bedroom, Neban sat down on his bed before pulling Siren out of his sub-space. He laid the weapon on his lap. 

'You said that Mother is going to upgrade people. Does that mean everyone?' Neban asked. 

'No, only the weak ones. Mother wants something exciting; she hates anything boring. And only bad things happen when she is bored.' Siren answered. 

'Okay. I think we will leave this conversation for another time because it looks like it has not hit everyone yet," Neban started before speaking again, 'there is another thing. A portal on Qut Street is still open, and a woman told me to come back with you so we could fight.'

'Everyone wants to fight me because I used to be Mother's weapon. How did she look?' Siren sounded like they were rolling their eyes. 

'She has scaly skin that is a jade color, yellow eyes, pointy ears, and black hair.' 

'That is Yini. She is a guard, who is from the Conla Clan. The only thing on that woman's mind is fighting. If it is not interesting, she becomes bored and quickly kills the person before walking away.' 

'Then is it best to leave her there for someone else to deal with or go back and fight her?' Neban asked Siren. 

'Go back and fight. If you do not, Yini will tear this city apart until you do.' Siren answered, remembering how crazy the guard was. The only reason the woman didn't get kicked from the clan was that she is the best. 

'Okay, I will deal with her tomorrow.' Neban spoke before putting Siren away. He stood up from his bed, getting ready to walk back into the living area, when his phone started to ring. 

Neban picked up his phone, seeing who it was when the caller ID said unknown. He wondered if he should answer because it could be the SilverSoul Company or the government. 

After another second of ringing, Neban decided to make a terrible decision and answer the phone. "Hello?" 

"I heard you saved my little brother. I would say thank you, but then I would end up puking in the end." A voice he hated answered on the other end. 

Neban's hand tightened around his phone, close to cracking it as his voice was full of anger, "How did you get this number?" 

Angel was laughing, which only fueled the anger in Neban, "No need to get so mad, honey. I only wanted to say thank you, not thank you for my brother." 

"I only did it for Xan; I do not care for you or that mini copy you made, so do not call me again." Neban was getting ready to hang up when Angel told him to wait. 

"Wait, do not go yet. Do you want to know the real reason why I called?" Angel asked, sounding far too smug for Neban's liking. 

He wished he was in front of Angel, beating the man up before killing him. That image left a satisfying feeling in Neban. 

"Tell me." Neban practically demanded, wanting to hang up already before he breaks the phone that his mother got for him. 

It was silent for a while, and Neban was close to throwing his phone in frustration. He almost yelled the man's name when Angel finally decided to speak. 

"She is coming back." 

"Who?" Neban asked, but he had a feeling about whom the man was talking about; dread was filling his stomach. 

"Who else, but Tessa?" 

Neban almost stopped breathing, "She cannot. The woman left without giving me anything except Theo before disappearing like a ghost. She did not want anything dealing with Theo; the woman gave him up. I-I." 

His voice broke towards the end as he could hear Angel laughing at him. Neban quickly hung up the phone before throwing it on his bed. 

He walked out with a blank expression before stepping into the living area and picking Theo up, sitting the boy on his lap. 

Theo said something, but Neban couldn't hear it as he tightened his hold on his son and rested his head inside the boy's hair. 

Isona looked like she wanted to say something, but when she saw Neban's blank expression, she kept quiet, not knowing what to do. 

It was silent, with only Theo's voice filling the space. 

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