The Porter is Secretly an SS-Level Hunter

Chapter 41: Siren (III)

Chapter 41: Siren (III)

Siren was slowly breathing as they sat in the corner of their cage. It has been a couple of weeks since anyone visited them, and Siren was ready to die. 

They were stick and bones with barely any blood in their veins because Narith kept taking it. Siren's skin was terrible, reminding them of a dried prune. Weakness sunk through every fiber of their body; there was nothing left for them. 

Siren was cold, so cold, knowing that they would not last long. And they did not care. 

As they sat wrapped in the corner, Siren let out a smile that hasn't graced their lips in years as they closed their eyes. They were welcoming death that was seconds away from opening their door. 

Siren would be free from the torture, and especially Mother. 

But regretfully, they would not have their revenge. At this moment, Siren instead chooses death that equals freedom over revenge. 

Siren ignored the pain of every breath coming from them as it started to get slower and slower. 'I am so close.' They happily thought. 

But Siren should have learned that ever since Mother trapped them, they would never achieve happiness. 

Siren's keen hearing was not working, so they did not notice someone coming down and opening their cage door. Nor did they see the person standing in front of them with a syringe that had thick red liquid inside. 

Their eyes were closed as they continued to wait for death, their breath stopping as their heart and brain would come next. 

But it didn't as the person with the syringe stabbed it into Siren's arm, pushing the thick liquid into their bloodstream. 

Siren's eyes popped open as they felt blood entering their body; everything was becoming normal again. And they wanted to be disappointed, but Siren could not help their nature that was greedy for blood. 

So they looked at the person who gave it to them, seeing that it was Mother who stood in front of them, pulling the syringe out of their arm. 

Siren moved forward, slowly and softly getting on their knees as they showed submission. 'You are disgusting.' A part of Siren told themselves.

But another part of them tried to reason, 'But the blood is delicious.' 

'You deserve to be a pet.' 

Mother reached over with her free hand, running it through Siren's dirty hair that was long once again. "My sweet weapon, I will never let you die on me." 

"More," Siren begged, not caring for Mother's empty words. They received blood for the first time in forever, and Siren wanted more. 

Saliva was even dripping down their chin as color and moisture were coming back to their body. 

Instead of receiving a hit for asking for blood, Mother bent down, throwing the syringe to the ground as she pulled out a blood bag. 

Siren's eyes practically glistened at the sight as more and more drool started to slip out. They were a sorry sight to see, almost humiliating, but Siren did not care how they looked, as long as they could have blood. 

Mother laughed at her weapon that was acting like a starving pet in front of her. She pulled half of the top part off and put the bag in front of Siren as she held its bottom. 

"Come, my weapon, you have earned the time to eat. The clans are fighting so well against each other. The world looks so beautiful, all because of you." Mother praised as she continued to hold the open blood bag in front of Siren. 

The smell hit Siren first, almost causing them to let out a weak moan as they quickly moved with a strength they did not know they had. Siren's mouth attached to the open part of the bag and started to suck the blood out. 

Mother used one hand to pet Siren and the other for holding the bag to feed her weapon. She watched as Siren was greedily drinking the contents inside the bag. "That is a good weapon. Do you want to see your masterpiece after this? The beauty of the world? 

"I will show it all to you. And then I will show you the world that would be ours after many years pass. Years are nothing to use, unlike the other world. But their years evolve them; our years keep us complacent. 

"But it is okay because you and I will give the others a new, bright future with evolution." Mother spoke as she continued to pet Siren with soft crazy eyes. 

Siren did not say anything as they barely listened to Mother's speech. They did not care for Mother's questions because Siren did not have a choice in anything. Their job was to follow without any problems while complaining leads to punishments. 

So they continued to eat and let Mother answer all the empty questions for them. 

It was silent for a while as Siren's greedily drinking was the only thing heard. Once the bag was empty, Siren began to lick the blood that fell on Mother's fingers off her. 

Mother laughed, "Such a good weapon, knowing how never to waste food." Then she moved her hand away, causing Siren to follow it. 

But Siren did not get far as Mother pushed them away. Stumbling back into the wall, Siren straightens themselves while not saying anything as they look back at Mother. 

Mother stood up, pulling out another blood bag, opening it. 

Smelling and seeing the blood, Siren was back on their knees, getting ready to walk towards Mother. 


That one world caused Siren to freeze as they greedily and desperately looked at the blood bag in Mother's hand. 'Please, please, please.' Siren kept pleading in their head.

"Prove to me how good you are, Perditor." Mother spilled half of the contents on the dirty ground that no one cleaned in a few years. 

"Lick it up." 

Siren bites their bottom lip as they stare at the blood on the dirty ground. They knew they should not do this because it was wrong and the worse humiliation Mother gave them. 

But after so many years with blood and finally receiving some, it was enticing.

They slowly crawled over to the blood, hearing Mother's apparent delight, as they stopped near it. Then Siren bent down, taking in the blood's scent mixed with the disgusting smell of the ground. 

But blood triumphs over it all. 

Siren stuck out their tongue as they licked the blood off. They wanted to throw up when they got the taste of the disgusting ground in their mouth, but when the blood took over, they kept going. 

Siren licked the blood off the ground like a cleaning mop. They kept going, licking off every spot that had blood on it while Mother laughed at the scene she was witnessing. 

"I will never set you free, Perditor. You are mine until death does us apart, and I will never let death fall upon you, not when you are the best weapon to appear in my hands." 

Silent tears fell from Siren's eyes from never being free, but they whisked it away as they finished up licking the blood off the ground. 

'One day, death will do us apart.' Siren promised in their mind. And they did not care if it was either theirs or Mother's. As long as one of them is dead and separated for a lifetime, Siren will welcome it. 


Mother cleaned Siren up, cutting their hair once again, giving them nice clothes as she took Siren outside. 

The world was red, orange, and black from the destruction happening everywhere. The only area untouched was Mother's territory. 

She took Siren to the entrance, and all Siren could see was destroyed buildings, burnt nature, and dead bodies under the pool of red. 

It was ugly and sickening. 

"Isn't it beautiful," Mother softly spoke, "I never saw red, orange, and black look so breathtaking before." 

Siren did not say anything as they felt sick in their stomach. There was nothing beautiful here. The world was once lovely and thriving but became a wasteland instead due to Siren. 

And it could be hypothetical for Siren to say because they used to be a destroyer of worlds. Wherever Siren went, the world would become nothingness, resembling a black hole. 

But after years of doing the same thing over and over again, Siren changed. They only wanted to be in a beautiful world while still killing people on the side.

Seeing this, Siren wanted to close their eyes while hiding away in their cage, away from the world that would begin to die. 

Mother walked forward, ignoring the blood on the ground that began to stain the bottom of her dress, as she stopped in front of a dead body. She bent down, softly running her hand down the deceased person's face. 

Siren watched a smile grace Mother's face as she looked back at Siren with a crazed glint in them, "Wouldn't this be a beautiful painting in my halls, Perditor? The bodies, the destruction, the red. I cannot wait until I have all the worlds like this because it will be my greatest masterpiece." 

Siren continued to stare as they stayed quiet before their gaze slipped to the dead bodies with a blank expression. 

'I hope that this never becomes the future.' 

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