The Porter is Secretly an SS-Level Hunter

Chapter 46: The Mother of my Child (1)

Chapter 46: The Mother of my Child (1)

When Neban came to, he felt something resting on his chest while his back was lying on something soft. He looked around, seeing that he was lying on a bed in his parent's guest room. Then he looked down and saw Theo lying on his chest. 

His son was sleeping, but he must have felt Neban moving because Theo started to wake up. 

The boy rubbed his eyes before looking up and seeing that Neban was looking back at him. Theo popped up, fully awake and with a smile, "Papa!" 

Neban chuckled at the boy, stopping when he felt that his throat was a bit dry. He sat up, grabbing Theo to where he was hugging the boy. "H-How long was I out?" 

"Only a day," Theo answered, resting his head on his dad's shoulder, happy that he was awake. Theo did not leave Neban's side at all. 

Neban hummed, getting out of the bed with Theo in his hold. He did stumble a bit as his legs felt stiff and numb. But he kept from falling and walked out of the bedroom. 

Theo did not say anything at all as the boy looked like he was falling back to sleep. He wanted to stay awake because his dad was finally up, but staying awake most of the night made Theo sleepy. 

Plus, knowing that Neban was okay caused the boy to relax. 

Neban noticed Theo falling asleep but was trying to fight it. He ran his hands through his son's hair before whispering, "It is okay, go to sleep. I will be here when you wake, I promise." 

"Promise?" Theo muttered before he fell asleep. 

Neban smiled at that before he continued walking to the living area. 

His mother was sitting on the couch, anxiously watching the TV while his father was nowhere to be seen. Neban cleared his throat, catching his mother's attention. 

When she saw him, his mother looked relieved and worried as she stood up, practically speed walking to him. 

Once she was in front of Neban, she looked him up and down before whispering, "Are you trying to give your mother grey hairs? I have the mind to hit you for scaring me like that. A parent does not like seeing their child pass out like that and not wake up at all." 

Neban felt guilty, "I am sorry, mother." 

His mother sighed before her face softened, "No, I am sorry, you did nothing wrong. Thank you for coming back here instead of passing out somewhere else." 

Neban nodded before his mother was already walking away while shouting, "Go sit, I made you some food." 

Walking over to the couch, Neban sat down on it before laying his son on him, so he could sleep comfortably while still holding onto him. He did begin to wonder about his phone because he noticed that he was wearing a different outfit. 

Wey and Isona are probably worried since Neban has not texted them yet (they started texting every day, even when Neban would give one-word responses, sometimes). 

His mother walked into the room, breaking him out of his thoughts, as she had a cup of water with food in her hands. 

She set the food and cup on the table, pulling the table closer to the couch so Neban could reach for his food. Once she finished, his mother took a seat next to him. 

She glanced at Theo, who was sleeping so soundly. "Poor boy; he wouldn't leave your side all night. We told him he needed to sleep, but he was stubborn. We tried making him leave, but he threw a fit, so we let him stay. I feel like a terrible grandmother." 

Neban looked at Theo, his expression turning soft before glancing at his mother, "You are not a terrible grandmother. Theo was only worried. It was my fault for letting myself get like that in front of him." 

His mother shook her head before saying, "Maybe we should stop with whose fault it was because I feel that we will keep going back and forward. 

Neban agreed as he picked up his drink, taking a big gulp before eating the food his mother made him. 

They sat in silence for a while with the sound of Theo sleeping, and the TV playing was all they heard. 

After a second, the mother said, "Your phone is on the dining table. I put it there last night so that it could charge. I did see that you had messages from two people named Wey and Isona." 

"Mother, can you not right now?" 

"I haven't even started, but okay. Then I saw a message from Angel that talked about Theo's mother." His mother's tone turned to one of disgust. 

Neban sighed, holding Theo tighter when he heard those words. "Can we not talk about that either?" 

His mother gave him a stern look, "You have two options, Neban. And not talking about either one is allowed." 

Neban's lips turned thin because he did not want to talk about either one of the topics. He did not need his mother to know about his relationship because he was still trying to learn how to be in one. 

And talking about Angel left him with anger while knowing that Tessa was coming back, left him anxious about his son getting taken away. 

Neban did not say anything and debated on leaving, but his mother was a patient and stubborn woman, so he knew he would never escape this conversation. 

It is almost like listening to her talk about taking Theo to daycare because it would be good for him, knowing that Neban was too paranoid about doing that. 

So he finally decided and spoke, "Angel called me last time and told me how Tessa was coming back here." 

His mother hummed. Her body looked calm, but her face had a furious expression. "Why is that woman coming back? Does she think she can take Theo back like it is nothing? I dare that woman to come near this family; I will hurt her myself." 

"Mother, she was an A-level hunter." 

"And I care why? I don't even care if she was an SS-level one; I will hurt her if she tries to mess with my family." His mother practically growled. 

Neban wanted to tell his mother not to threaten any hunters, but he could not help the warm feeling building within him. Even though he never told his mother that he loved her, because Neban is not that type of person, he knows how to show it. 

He kissed his mother on her head before saying, "Thank you. But I think I can handle it. And if it gets too much, I will call you. 

"You better, or I will adopt a son that listens." 

Neban chuckled at that before spending the rest of the time hanging with his mother on the couch. 


Neban made his way home, feeling much better than before. He had Theo in his arms, who was wide awake and talking about some story he read when Neban was in his short coma. In his free hand, he was texting Wey and Isona back. 

Wey: I am glad you are okay, should we come over? 

Isona: Oh, we can play nurse. 

Neban: I am fine, but I am not opposed to the idea of visits. 

Isona: Just say that you want us over. 

During that time, he did not notice a person at his front door since he was looking at his phone until Theo stopped talking. 

Neban stopped texting, looking up as he was getting ready to ask his son why he wasn't talking. But he got his answer when he saw the person standing by his door.

The woman turned to them, straightening herself before running her hands through her hair. Neban thought the woman looked familiar, and as she was getting ready to speak, Neban stopped her, "Who are you?" 

The woman pulled a 'Are you serious' face before saying, "Is my face that plain that you forget me every time?" 

As he heard the woman's voice, recognition hit Neban. He tightened his hold on his son before texting Wey and Isona: 

Neban: I changed my mind, do not come over. 

Wey: Why? 

Isona: What happened? 

He ignored the messages, looking back up at Tessa before saying, "Why are you here? How did you get my address?" 

"Angel. Since the government found out who you were, Angel has been enjoying knowing things about you." She answered. 

Neban sneered at that; he was going to kill Angel.

He walked towards his door, unlocking it before going inside. Tessa did not follow as she looked at him, wondering if she could come in. 

Neban wanted to say no, especially with the way Theo kept looking at Tessa, wondering who she was. For some reason, Theo did not like the woman even though he does not remember who she was, but she felt familiar to him. 

"Come in." He told her, cursing at himself for making a terrible decision. But he needed to know why she was here. 

Neban was stressed about the clans and Mother trying to cross over; he doesn't need Tessa adding more to the pile. 

If she were here for Theo, he would not allow her to take him. And if she were here for another reason, Neban would not care as long as it didn't involve his family. 

Tessa muttered a thank you, walking into the house before closing the door behind her. 

Neban walked into the living area, Tessa following him, as he sat down on the couch, putting Theo in his lap. He kept a tight hold on his son. 

Tessa took a seat on the other couch as they stared at each other, tension filling the room. 

Theo broke it by asking, "Who is she, papa?" 

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