The Porter is Secretly an SS-Level Hunter

Chapter 47: The Mother of my Child (2)

Chapter 47: The Mother of my Child (2)

Neban had a lie ready on the tip of his tongue when Tessa beat him by speaking first. 

"I am your mother." She told Theo. 

Theo did not say anything nor reacted; he only put his head on Neban's shoulder. Theo remembers his dad mentioning that he started taking care of him when he was one because Neban first had him during that time. 

Is that why his body was reacting this way? Theo was not a mean person, but when he looked at the woman, who claimed to be his mom, hate would fester within him. 

"Can I go to the bedroom, papa? I am tired." Theo softly whispered in Neban's ear. 

Neban rubbed his son's back before nodding his head. He let Theo down, handing him his phone, "Go to the room and contact anyone while waiting for me." Neban wanted to say names but couldn't with Tessa there. 

But it was okay because Theo understood. The boy nodded, holding his dad's phone in a tight grip before walking away. 

Neban watched him go, wishing he could go with his son because the boy's mood seemed down, but he did not want to leave Tessa alone. 

"I guess I am hated no matter where I go?" Tessa commented. 

Neban looked back at her with a glare on his face, "My son is a smart boy; he most likely remembers you giving him up." 

Tessa looked like she was getting ready to say something, probably defending herself or commenting on Neban saying 'my,' but he cut her off before words left her mouth. 

"Why are you here?" 

Tessa sighed, "If you think I am here to take the child, I am not." 

"It is not like you can," Neban added. 

She gave him a look that he did not care for before continuing, "The government called me here. I have been a hunter in another country, living a good life; I honestly did not want to come back here. But they started talking about your portal and dungeon problems here. 

"So, my company agreed with the government and sent me back here to help out." 

Neban did not sense any lies from her, but he did ask, "Then why did you come here, to my home?" 

"Maybe I wanted to see the child I gave up, or maybe I was hoping you were in the mood to sleep together?" Tessa shrugged. 

"No. I am in a relationship, and even if I weren't, I still wouldn't invite you into my bed again." 

Tessa was surprised that Neban was in a relationship but covered it up, "For one, you were in my bed since you didn't want me to know where you lived. And two, I am married, and you don't see me using that as an excuse." 

Neban gave her a disgusted look; he wished he would have seen her real personality in the beginning before doing anything with her. But, Neban does not regret Theo because the boy was the best thing that ever happened to him. 

He stood up, walking to his front door, opening it, "You have stayed long enough, now get out." 

Tessa stood up, walking to the door while laughing before she stopped in front of Neban, "You know, they will be calling all of us together pretty soon, so we should be cordial because we will see each other more in the future." 

She walked out after she spoke those words, not giving Neban a chance to respond. When he saw that she was gone, he closed the door with a slam. 

Neban ignored how his hands were shaking with anger as he was disgusted with Tessa. He wanted to stay far from her, and he wanted Tessa to remain far from his family. 

He walked to the bedroom and saw that Theo was talking to Isona and Wey on a video chat. 

Neban joined him on the bed, pulling his son onto his lap so that both of them were in the camera view. Seeing Wey and Isona's face while holding his son made Neban feel calmer. 

But he could also see that Wey and Isona were not happy with him. 

"You never answered us. Why did you change your mind? Theo won't even tell us." Isona spoke; there was a frown present on her face. 

"If it was for something important, that is okay, but at least tell us if it was," Wey added. 

Theo looked at Neban, asking him, with his eyes, if he should tell them about the woman visiting. Neban shook his head; he wanted to put Tessa far from his mind at the moment. 

"I remembered I still owe you two something. Tomorrow, How about we check out the Rylin Restaurant with Theo with us if that is fine?" Neban half-lied. He did owe them a date, but he used it to not talk about a certain someone. 

Neban felt guilty. 

Isona looked happy at that, "Then it is a da-" 

Wey quickly cut her off before saying, "That sounds nice. You know we never mind having Theo with us. What time do you want to go?"

Neban could feel Theo's stare on him like he had a burning question to ask. "At six p.m. Now, I am going to hang-up. Goodnight." 

"Goodnight, Neban, and Theo." Wey and Isona simultaneously spoke at the same time. 

Theo waved bye before Neban ended the call, grabbing his phone from his son and setting it on his nightstand. 

"Let's take a bath before going to bed," Neban said as he got out of the bed with Theo. 

"Papa, are you dating them?" Theo finally asked his question that has been on the back of his mind. 

Neban sighed, "Can we talk about it another time?" 

Theo looked like he wanted to say no, but nodded anyway before changing the subject, "Is that woman going to come back?" 

Neban knew Theo was talking about Tessa. He pulled his son close to him, touching his head. "No." 

Theo hummed, looking satisfied with the answer. Neban smiled at him before they walked to the bathroom. During the time, Neban thought about making sure Tessa stayed far away from his family. 


It was a new morning when Neban woke up to his phone going off. Theo pushed his head into the pillow next to Neban, trying to block out the noise. 

Neban reached over to his nightstand, grabbing his phone as he answered it; he was getting tired of his cellphone ringing in the morning, now. 

"Hello?" Neban answered like he usually did. 

"What did I say about sleeping all day? I am coming over to visit; I cannot help but still be worried." His mother replied on the other end. 

Neban wanted to groan as he was still sleepy, but instead, he rubbed his hand over his face before sitting up. "Mother, I am doing fine. But I know I cannot stop you from coming over. You cannot stay long, though; I have a date at six. 

"Oh, a date? You may be 27, but I feel like you are finally growing up. Who is going to watch Theo?" 

"He is coming with me." 

His mother clicked her tongue, and he could hear her shake her head, even though he could not see it. "You do not bring kids on a date with you." 

"Well, I guess I do. 

"I can watch him." 

"Mother, I already decided, and the ones I am dating are fine with it. I am not going to change my mind." Neban put his foot down on that conversation. 

His mother sighed before saying, "Fine. Then, you have to let me help with dressing you for your date. I know how you can be." 

"I am a grown man." 

"You are my son, no matter how old you get. If I cannot have a say in Theo going with you, you do not have a say on me dressing you." 

Neban chuckled, "That sounds childish." 

"Hey, you are still old enough to receive a whooping." He could feel his mother's glare through the phone. 

Neban's expression was full of amusement as he shook his head, "I will see you soon." 

"Okay. Love you." His mother hung up the phone, knowing that Neban would not say 'I love you' back. She knew that Neban loved her without him having to say the words. 

Neban put his phone down before reaching for a charger because he saw that it was below twenty percent. 

Once he had his phone charging, Neban shook Theo awake, "Theo, let's make breakfast together." 

Theo popped up, "I want to make an omelet." 

Neban nodded, "Then let's make three; grandma is coming over." 

"Yay!" Theo shouted before jumping out of bed and running to the kitchen. Neban smiled, following after his son. 

They spent the first few minutes in the kitchen making breakfast when there was a knock at the door. 

Neban put down what he was holding, telling Theo to watch the food as he made his way to the door. When he opened it, Neban expected to see his mother, but instead, it was Xan who had blood seeping through his shirt. 

Before Neban could ask what happened, Xan almost fell to the ground if it wasn't for Neban catching him. "I need your help," Xan whispered before passing out.

Neban looked at the man passed out in his arms while getting blood on him. He pulled Xan inside, closing the door before setting the man on the couch. 

First, he needs to heal the man and change his shirt; then, he will ask what happened when Xan wakes up. 

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