The Porter is Secretly an SS-Level Hunter

Chapter 58: The Last Dungeon (3)

Chapter 58: The Last Dungeon (3)

When the monster was coming down again, Neban used [Shadow Beam] to push it back. The beam gave the worm a shallow cut on its side. The Gefin turned before going underground. 

Neban moved, cautiously walking around as he looked at the ground, gripping Siren as he waited for the monster to pop back up. 

The Gefin popped up from behind him, and as Neban turned to swing Siren at the thing, he saw arrows soaring through the sky, striking the monster. 

The reinforced arrows had some weird substances on them as black lines grew around the monster before it fell to the ground. The thing was not moving. 

Neban growled as he knew who shot the arrows. 'If that human keeps stealing our kills, I am going to turn into my other form and kill him myself.' Siren threatened. 

Turning towards Angel, who was smiling at him, he gave the man a hate-filled glare. "I do not need your help. Leave me and my kills alone." Neban told the man before running off to other monsters to kill. 

He made his way to five regular Gefins moving towards the border, with one dark red Gefin behind the group. Neban swiftly cut down the five regular monsters with ease before staring at the dark red one that roared at his sight. 

The Gefin tried to use its shock waves against him, but it started to rush towards him when it realized the shock waves did not work. Neban checked to see if anyone was looking before telling Siren to switch its form to a crossbow. 

When he had the crossbow in his hand instead of a sword, Neban quickly shot out four arrows (he did not have to reload or put any in because they were automatically there). 

The arrows hit the monster, causing it to slow down. Once Neban reduced the Gefin's speed, he rushed towards the worm, swinging his weapon as he cut the worm in half. 

When the body hit the ground, Neban moved on to the next as he continued to kill off the Gefins. 

A few minutes passed when the hunters were together as all the monsters were dead. The ones in the barrier were still stiff as they watched them. 

They will not move until the ones outside tell them it is okay. 

"That was easy. And here I thought the puppet would give us a challenge." Angel commented as he did not look tired at all. 

A few of the hunters were breathing hard, but they agreed with him nonetheless. 

"I wonder if that puppet thing will let us out of this room now that we killed all the monsters," Luka mentioned out loud, causing the thought to pass through the mind of the others. 

'No, the thing will not. The main attraction is coming.' Siren said. They were back to looking like a sword again. 

'The main attraction? What do you mean?' Neban asked, trying to keep his confusion off his face, so he would not raise any flags. 

'The Gefins are Shan's children. She will come now that they are dead.' Siren answered, only adding more to Neban's confusion. 

'Who is Shan?' 

Neban did not have to wait for Siren to answer when a person appeared in front of the group. 

The person, a woman, was tall and slim as she was not wearing any clothes, but it looked like someone put red paint all over her body. She was bald with black eyebrows, blue almond-shaped eyes, and full lips that the woman looked to have dipped in blood. 

She had sharp, white long nails as she smiled at them, showing off a ton of teeth. "Hello, cuties, my name is Shan. And I only want to play with the strong ones." The woman quickly spoke before flicking her wrist. 

Once she did, most of the hunters fell to their knees before passing out. The only ones that were still on their feet were Neban, Angel, Tessa, Luka, and two other hunters (he did not know their names). 

When Shan saw the remaining people, she gave a creepy smile before flicking her wrist again, causing them to disappear with her. 

Once they reappeared, the group noticed that they were far from the others. 

"Now, let's play." Shan rushed forward as Angel and Luka were quick to move. 

Angel put up a water barrier while Luka followed it with a Warrior's one for extra protection. It bought them time as Angel turned towards them, "Okay, we need to all work together to kill this woman because I can see that she is different from the rest.

"Everyone, quickly tell me your class. I am a Mage." 

"Warrior," Luka answered. 

"Summoner," Tessa came after. 

"Warrior," one of the hunters, that he did not know the name of came next. 

"Supporter." The other finished. 

They looked to Neban, waiting for him to say something, but he kept quiet. Angel gave him an annoyed look, getting ready to comment when Shan appeared behind them. 

"Such a neat trick to keep me away." Shan shallowly praised before shooting forward, with a speed they could not catch, as he grabbed the Warrior (the one that Neban did not know). 

Tessa summoned ten sand golems while Angel pulled out his crossbow with his water swirling around him. There was a glow around Luka as she gripped her sword, getting ready to attack. And the supporter moved back, upping everyone's strength. 

Neban used [Shadow Travel] to appear behind Shan as they simultaneously attacked her. 

Shan dodged Angel's arrows as she kept a hold on the Warrior in her arms. She flicked her free wrist, causing little worms to come out that started to fight the sand golems that were coming for her. 

She disappeared as Luka and Neban simultaneously swung their swords at her, causing their weapons to hit against each other as they completely missed her. 

Shan was a few feet ahead of them as she laughed, "You humans are so cute with the way you try to hit me." Then she pulled the Warrior, in her arms, head back as she took a massive bite out of their neck. 

Blood flowed down her mouth as she pulled a chunk out, dropping the dead Warrior to the ground. Shan swallowed the piece, licking the blood off her fingers before looking back at them with glistening eyes. 

"Move," Angel told Neban and Luka as he couched to the ground, putting his water to the sand. 

The water turned the sand into quicksand as a trail made its way to the woman. The sand under her feet, mixed with the water, causing her to sink to the ground. 

"Luka and Neban, distract her with close-combat while Angel, stay back here and protect us. I am going to summon a big sand monster, but I need time and the Supporter girl to help me." Tessa ordered. 

They nodded, not saying anything as Luka and Neban were already running towards the woman. Angel was switching to his bow as kept watch for any attacks. 

As Shan let herself sink into the ground, Luka aimed for her head while Neban aimed for her side. The woman giggled as she saw them attacking, grabbing their weapons. 

She broke Luka's as she let go of Neban's like someone burned her. Shan glanced at Siren, finally taking the weapon in as she made a weird sound. "You are the human with Mother's weapon." 

Luka looked at him, confused about what the woman meant as Shan pulled herself out of the quicksand. She swiftly moved, kicking Luka in the stomach, causing the woman to fly back to the others. 

Neban did not feel bad for Luka because he always wanted to kill her. So, seeing her get kicked was amusing to him; although, he will not show it on his face. 

Shan turned towards him, getting ready to attack as Neban used Siren to block. She looked at the weapon before saying, "I always wanted to fight the weapon." 

'Get in line; everyone wants to fight me.' Siren spoke, rolling their eyes. 

Neban did not say anything to Siren as he used [Shadow Beam] on the woman, trying to put space between them. The beam hit Shan, not even putting a scratch on her. But she did move away, letting Neban move a few feet back. 

Shan was racing forward, bringing her hands down as she was going to use her nails to claw him. Due to the speed, she was going at, Neban knew that her attack would connect, so he used [Shadow Ghost] to make himself transparent. 

Her nails went through his body as she looked at him with glistening eyes, "How interesting." 

He slashed Siren downward, aiming for Shan's stomach. But she blocked the attack with one hand, causing a cut to appear on her palm while a weapon made of hardened sand appeared in the other one. 

She moved back, getting ready to attack Neban with her newly made weapon when Luka appeared behind her (she snuck her way back over) with a blade in her hand. 

She was going to stab the woman in the back when Shan turned around, catching the blade with the weapon. "What was that supposed to do?" Shan laughed. 

"Warn you." Luka spat out as a roar sounded behind her. 

Neban looked ahead and saw a vast sand monster running towards them (more specifically, Shan). 

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