The Porter is Secretly an SS-Level Hunter

Chapter 59: We All Fall Down

Chapter 59: We All Fall Down

The sand monster gave a wide swing, aiming for Shan's head. At the same time, Luka and Neban swung their weapons at the woman. 

Shan blocked the sand monster's hit, gripping their wrist as she kicked up her leg, pushing Luka's weapon away. And when she was going to use her other hand to stop Siren, Neban quickly changed direction. 

His real aim was her side as Neban left a semi-deep cut on it. 

Shan growled, flicking her free hand as she disappeared from them. But once she reappeared a few feet from them, the sand monster was already rushing towards her. There were even six arrows, laced with poison, soaring towards Shan. 

The woman dodged the arrows, quickly moving back and forward. But as she tried not to get by the arrows, the sand monster was already near throwing another broad punch. 

The hit connected as the thing pushed her back from the force. As she stumbled, trying to stop falling, Luka and Neban appeared next to her, going in for another attack. 

Shan leaned back, her hand touching the sand to keep her balance as she picked her long legs up, wrapping one of them around Luka's neck. 

Luka made a weird sound as she felt the leg pull her down before another added with it. Shan jumped, wrapping both her legs around Luka's throat before flipping her. 

Luka landed on her back, her hand dropping her weapon. Luckily enough, since the ground was sand, it did not hurt when she landed. 

Shan smirked at the human on the ground, as Neban did nothing but watch. He could see that the woman did not notice the arrows coming near her. 

When Shan felt something coming towards her, she tried to turn to look at it, but Luka grabbed her ankle, keeping her in place with her Warrior's strength. 

The woman's face scrunched up in anger as she kicked Luka's cheek. The blow caused blood to drip from Luka's lip as the kick busted it. But, the Warrior did not let go. 

Shan was going in for another kick when the arrows struck her in the back. She leaned forward from the small force as she felt like something was trying to burn her from the inside. 

The woman reached around her back, getting ready to take the arrows out, when Neban finally made his move. 

Sadly, he would have enjoyed it if Luka received another kick to her face, but he will take what he can get. 

He twirled Siren before swiftly cutting off Shan's right arm. Luka let go of the Shan as the woman moved back, causing blood to spread on both of them as she screamed. 

Her shoulder, missing an arm, was flailing around as blood sprayed out before slowing down. The woman looked crossed, wanting to aim for Neban. But, Neban was still transparent. 

So, Shan went for the next best thing. She pulled Luka off the ground, picking the human by her throat. "I am going to torture you slowly before killing you." 

"I would like to see you try when you are nothing but dead." Luka spat with an unmistakable smirk on her face. 

Neban used [Shadow Travel] appearing behind Shan, who did not notice his presence behind her. 

Shan opened her mouth, getting ready to bite Luka's nose off when a sword sunk through her stomach from the back; the weapon almost got Luka too. 

But, Luka pushed the woman back with her feet, causing Shan to drop her. 

Shan fell to her knees with Siren sticking through her body, sucking her blood. As she felt Mother's weapon draining her, she laughed instead of getting angry at her death. 

"Your days are numbered, humans. Mother is already here." Shan crazily laughed. 

Neban gritted his teeth at those words while Luka looked confused. 

"Who is Mother?" Luka asked. 

"A savior to us, and an executor to you." Shan's eyes closed as she took her last breath, dropping to the ground. 

Neban, Luka, and the others a few feet behind them, did not have the time for a break. Nor were they able to go back to the others as the puppet from before appeared. 

Neban quickly pulled out Siren as his body was stiff while a small blade slipped in Luka's hand. From behind them, Angel had his arrow drawn while Tessa prepared to make another summon. The Supporter was already upping their abilities. 

"Well done, humans. Playtime is over. The main attraction enjoyed the shows. Now, it is time to return." The puppet spoke before clapping her hands together, making the room dark while the dead bodies disappeared. 

Neban could guess that "the main attraction" was Mother as he looked around the darkness taking place (he turned back to his solidified form). 

'I can feel her.' Siren spoke, sounding disgusted with a tiny bit of fear mixed in. 

When the lights turned back on, everyone noticed that they were in the lobby again. Neban looked around, trying to check for Wey, Isona, and Owain. 

When he looked in a particular direction, he saw the people that they left in the barrier. The shield was gone as the Warrior who held it was sitting on the ground, breathing hard. 

Neban made his way over, not questioning that they were back in the lobby. He needed to be near Wey, Isona, and even Owain to make sure they were okay. 

Once he was in front of him, Isona grabbed his hand while Wey looked relieved. Even though they knew that Neban was strong, it did not stop them from worrying when the monster made him disappear. 

They could see blood on Neban, but they could tell it was not his after surveying him. "I am glad you are okay," Isona said. 

"We could not help but grow nervous when that woman disappeared with you." Wey finished as he grabbed Neban's other hand. It was a weird hold since his weapon was in that hand. 

The tension between them seemed to have disappeared when they started to worry over him. 

Owain hit his shoulder before letting his hand fall, "But, we knew that you would be able to defeat the woman." 

Neban hummed at them, getting ready to respond when the puppet appeared again, but this time with the other group. 

Neban could see that they were shivering, looking numb, as many people were missing from their group. 

Even though they ended in a hot room, Neban would rather battle there than fight in a cold environment. 

The room grew quiet as everyone started to move together as they stared at the puppet who walked towards the top of the left staircase. 

Angel moved to the top of the group, lowing his bow as he narrowed his eyes at the puppet, "Why did you bring us back here?" 

The puppet blankly looked at him before turning around, staring into a dark area, "Both groups have defeated the monsters, giving an offering to Her. Now, it is time for everyone to rejoice and for you humans to witness greatness." 

"Who is Her? Is it the Mother?" Luka asked, recounting what Shan had told them. 

The hunters and porters looked at Luka, whispering about what the woman said. Their thoughts were focusing on whom this "Mother" person was. 

The puppet hummed, swaying a bit before facing the group again. The thing's expression was creepy, like they were looking at a blank space. "Yes." 

Then the puppet pulled out a knife, causing everyone in the room to grow stiff while the tension was building. 

But she did not have the knife out to attack them; it was to strike herself. The puppet spoke before slitting her throat, "I welcome thy Mother." 

Black blood flowed from the wound as the puppet fell to her knees before her body disappeared. Once the drop of her blood hit the ground, the area started to shake. 

The people held onto each other, trying to keep themselves upright as a glowing circle appeared in front of them. 

At first, it was small, floating in the air as it did not move. Then after a minute of the earthquake with things dropping to the ground, the circle expanded. 

Everyone in the room watched as the circle grew and grew, they could not do anything as they were trying to keep their balance. 

'She is coming. She is coming. She is coming.' Siren repeated in Neban's mind as he kept a grip on his group. 

Siren sounded restless like they were close to losing their mind. Neban can feel how they wanted to turn back into the other form. 

Then, the shaking stopped once the circle was big enough for many people to go through. 

While everyone started to straighten themselves, they could hear the click of heels coming their way from the portal. 

Most of the people in the room were reaching for their weapons. Neban pulled out three short blades, handing them to his group to have something to protect themselves. 

His grip on Siren tightened as their repeated words were getting louder. 

A woman walked out of the portal, pushing out a pressure that caused everyone, even Neban, to end up on their knees. It was like they were bowing to her when that was not the case. 

The woman gave a predatory smile as she spoke, "Welcome, humans." 

Mother was finally here. 

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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