The Porter is Secretly an SS-Level Hunter

Chapter 60: Mother

Chapter 60: Mother

No one noticed that the weapon in Neban's hand disappeared. Neban did, but he did not question it as he tried to move from the pressure he was under due to Mother. 

Siren turned pocket-size, sneakily crawling in Neban's hair as the pressure did not bother them. After being under it for so many years, it did not affect them anymore. 

Siren crawled to Neban's hair, wanting to see Mother with their own two eyes. Mother still leaves a lingering fear in them, even if she is the main person they want to kill. 

Siren still needed to look upon Mother. 

When they were high enough, taking Mother in, Siren saw that she changed her look. 

Her hair was blonde while cut to her neck. There was a cloth over her, covering Mother's eyes like she thought that the humans were too below her to look upon them. 

Mother painted her lips brown with a hint of red in them. When she walked forward, enjoying the humans on their feet, Mother had on a thin beige dress. 

The dress had slits on both sides, stopping at her hip. The opening on the front of her dress dropped to the top of her bellybutton. It showed off most of her chest. 

She moved her face towards Siren and Neban's direction like she senses her weapon. Siren moved back into the hair, trying to cover themselves some more. 

Even though they could not see Mother's eyes, they saw the creepy smile covering her face. 

"This is a beautiful welcoming," Mother started, slowly walking back and forward. Her dress was dragging on the ground while flowing at the same time. 

"Getting into your destined positions excited me so." Mother stated as she pushed out more pressure. 

Everyone started to sweat more as others began to pass out. Neban wished he could move because Wey, Isona, and even Owain passed out, slipping to the ground. 

He gritted his teeth as he tried to bring his hands towards them, flexing his fingers. Neban was breathing hard. 

"Destined f-for? We will never be d-destined for whatever you had planned!" Angel stuttered through the pain of the pressure as he yelled at the woman. 

Mother slowly laughed before she appeared in front of Angel like a flash of lightning. The surrounding people and Angel would have flinched at the sudden appearance, but it was hard to move. 

The woman bent down, gripping Angel's chin as she looked at his face. It was hard for Angel to figure out what she was going to do to him due to her blindfold. 

"You know," Mother pulled him closer, using her other hand to run it through Angel's hair, "the more defiant someone is, the more I want to eat them up." She ended the last words in a playful tone. 

Angel wanted to move away from the monster, feeling disgusted with the touch. But when he tried to strain himself and move, it only made his body feel heavy. 

He was practically panting at this point while more sweat fell down his face. 

Mother giggled, licking Angel's face like she was testing his sweat. There was a growl next to her as Luka spoke, "If y-you try anything to him, I-I will kill you." 

Mother did not turn towards Luka as she flicked her free hand. Luka's body convulsed before she hit the ground; the woman was not breathing. 

"L-Luka!" Angel and Tessa simultaneously yelled. 

Neban's hands could move after straining himself to the point of barely breathing. He moved them to touch Wey and Isona. His arms were not long enough to reach Owain. 

When he checked that they were okay while hearing Tessa and Angel scream Luka's name, Neban felt relieved. Then, he moved his head to look towards the front, but it was hard to see what was happening. 

But he could see that Mother was crouching in front of someone. Something must have happened to Luka if Angel and Tessa were calling her name. 

'Luka is dead.' Siren confirmed. 

'I wanted to kill her, but oh well.' Neban spoke as he tried to push himself to move his legs since his arms were free from the pressure. He ignored that it was getting harder for him to breathe. 

Neban knew he could hold his breath for eight minutes, so it would not be a problem for him if it temporarily stopped. 

Back to Angel, the man glared at the monster in front of him as his anger took over his fear. Angel used his Mage abilities to form highly toxic water in his mouth before opening his mouth and spitting the water in Mother's face. 

Mother let him go, backing up before standing as she wiped her face in disgust. The water caused the blindfold around her eyes to melt, making the pieces fall to the ground. 

Once the blindfold pieces hit the ground, Siren could see that Mother's eyes were white. 

Mother was blind. 

They silently gasped before it hit him why Mother was pushing for all of this. After being alive for six millennia, Mother's body is beginning to deteriorate. 

She must have gifted the humans with abilities because she knew they would evolve them. It made it perfect for her to turn them into food to eat and regain her prime. 

Siren begins to smirk, 'She is becoming weak.' 

Neban noticed that Siren spoke their thoughts out loud, so he heard them. He wanted to question what they were talking about, but he was too focused on moving. 

When he felt his legs moving from their kneeling position, Neban internally smirked. He slowly sat down on the ground rather than staying in his kneeled form. The surrounding others, who were still awake, looked at Neban with surprise when they noticed him moving. 

Neban took a small blade, emitting ice, out of his sub-space as he held onto it. Even though he was covered in sweat and his breathing was terrible, Neban was ready to attack the woman. 

Mother was glaring at Angel, "You stupid little human! You are going to be my first offering." She grabbed Angel's collar, lifting his body. 

Angel's smug smirk, from what he did, fell from his face as it turned fearful as Mother lifted his body in the air. He could finally move, but it did not matter because the woman had a tight grip on him. 

As she opened her mouth, getting ready to devour the human in her hand, a blade soared through the sky, coming towards her. 

Everyone felt the weapon before seeing it because the blade was emitting ice, causing them and the air to turn cold. The people did not care to pinpoint where the thing came from as they started to shiver. 

The cold was as bad as the pressure that was keeping them to their knees. 

When Mother sensed the blade coming towards her, she harshly threw Angel down. She quickly kicked his face, making him unconscious, before catching the weapon between her fingers. 

Her hand started to turn blue as the ice began to cover it. But she held onto the blade like the ice did not affect her one bit. 

Mother hummed, moving the blade back and forward in her fingers as her eyes swept the group of kneeling humans who were still awake. 

"Which one of you freed yourself?" 

No one spoke up as they stayed quiet. Neban was slowly picking himself up, getting in a crouching position as he pulled Siren down from his head. 'Are you ready to fight the woman who made you a prisoner?'

'I've been ready.' Siren replied. They were mostly ready to kill the woman when they noticed that Mother's body was not like it once was. 

When Mother noticed that no one answered her, her face grew with fury as she flicked the blade in a random direction. The weapon struck a random person in their forehead before life left them and ice began to take over their body. 

The ice that was initially covering Mother's hand disappeared in an instant when the blade was gone. 

Everyone started to tremble from fear as Mother's face brightened from their reactions. "I will kill every one of you, one by one, if the perpetrator does not reveal themselves." 

The silence still lingered as most people did not know where the weapon came from; only a few did since they were next to the perpetrator. 

Mother was getting ready to grab a human and eat them in front of the others when Neban stood up with Siren in his hand (they turned back into a sword). 

Most people tried to turn their heads to look at a standing Neban while Mother's eyes instantly flew to the weapon in his hand. 

A broad smile fell on her face, showing off all her teeth that surprisingly looked normal. "You are the human that has my weapon. I can see that you are stronger than the rest since you can handle Perditor with no problems, and escape my pressure." 

Then she looked him up and down like Neban was a meal that someone gave to a starving man. "Yes, you will be perfect." The woman silently whispered. 

Neban was getting ready to ask what she meant when the woman blew out a mist. 

The mist covered the entire area as Neban used [Warrior Shield] to create a barrier around himself. He wanted to put one on his group, but it was hard to see anyone due to the mist. 

Once the mist cleared, Neban looked around, noticing that Mother and he were the only two people left in the dungeon (if you did not count Siren). 

"Now, let's play." Mother spoke. 

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